Longacre Weekly News
December 9, 2024
Dear Longacre Families,
As we wrap up the last two weeks of 2024 together I want to express gratitude for the overwhelming support our PTA offers to our students, staff and families. Last week's Family Game Night is a great example of our PTA's efforts to build a positive school community! Special thanks to Amanda Heinle for organizing the evening and to the Longacre staff members who facilitated the games. Families enjoyed playing educational games not found in local stores.
One of Longacre's many points of pride is our PTA enrichment programs such as First Lego League Junior Optimist Club and Math Pentathlon. All three enrichment programs meet after school are are facilitated by parent and teacher volunteers.
First Lego League introduces science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to children through fun, exciting hands-on learning. It is the beginning program for robotics which is offered in middle and high school. Junior Optimist Club encourages the development of youth and believes that the giving of one's self in service to others will advance the well-being of humankind, the community in which we live and the world. Students engage in and plan activities that spread kindness within our school. Math Pentathlon is a program of interactive problem-solving games. Students learn and practice a variety of math games and compete in Math Pentathlon tournaments against schools from across the state.
We know that the weeks leading up to winter break are busy for our families. As always, feel free to contact me or the main office at 248-489-3733 if you have any questions.
With Longacre Pride,
Rhonda Henry, Principal
Family Game Night!
December's Leader in Me/Positive Behavior Support Lessons
During the month of December, students will be working on the skill of responsible decision making and Habit #3: Put First Things First. Responsible Decision Making: The abilities to make caring and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions across diverse situations. Such as demonstrating curiosity and open-mindedness, identifying solutions for personal and social problems, anticipating and evaluating the consequences of one’s actions.
Leader in Me Home Connections
Leadership Roles at Home!
Upcoming Events
Week of December 16th- Holiday Spirit Week (scroll down for daily themes)
Thursday, December 19- Holiday Sing-Along in the gym at 8:45 a.m.
Friday, December 20- Popcorn Friday $1.00 and LOC Credit Union is open
December 23- January 3- Winter Break
Monday, January 6- School resumes
Tuesday, January 7- Mr. Peace Assembly in the media center
- 8:45 3-5th grade
- 9:45 K-2
Tuesday, January 7- Parent Lighthouse Team Planning meeting- 6:30 pm
Goodfellows Canned Food Drive Success!
Thank you for your outstanding generosity with our Canned Food Drive! Longacre donated 1,315 cans!
Winter Weather Reminder
With the colder weather here, please send your child(ren) to school dressed appropriately for outdoor recess with coats, hats, and gloves/mittens. Additionally, please remember to label your child’s clothing items so they can be easily identified if they become misplaced. Children will go out for recess as long as the wind chill temperature is above 0 degrees.
Winter Afterschool Spanish Classes
Please click on the sign-up link below if you are interested in your child attending afterschool Spanish classes this winter.
2025 MLK Day Art Contest
Do Good December- Action for Happiness
Links to Save
Follow us on Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/longacreleopards/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LongacreElem
Instagram: @longacreleopards
Website: https://www.farmington.k12.mi.us/lon