Weekly Newsletter
June 14th 2024

Important Dates!
- Thurs 20th June - Year 6 Cathedral Service
- Fri 21st June - 6MS at INTO University Transition Workshop
- Fri 21st June - Year 3 Big Gig
- Mon 8th July - End of Year Reports will be sent home
- Tues 9th July - Transition Day (your child will spend the day with their new class teacher)
- Thurs 11th July - Last swimming session for Year 5
- Thurs 18th July - Year 5 Centre for Life Trip (details to be sent out soon)
⭐Don't forget to check Class Dojo regularly for up-to-date news⭐
Important Message!
Please can parents and carers ensure they don't park in the yellow box outside of school. We use this space to access our minibus parking and there have been times recently when we haven't been able to access the door.
Whole School Attendance this week - 94.1%
We are aiming for at least 97% - let's work together to make this happen!!
RJB 94.4
RCW 92.4
1DB 90.6
1RJ 94.6
2LH 92.1
2AW 96.3
3LK 97
3NJ 94.8
4AK 94.4
4LL 96.4
5JW 94.6
5AH 92
6LD 89.4
6MS 97
Please remember that if your child is going to be absent from school you should call school before 8.30am to report this. If they are off for multiple days, you should call school each day that they are off. If your child is suffering from something such as a cough or cold we do recommend that you send them into school and see how they get on. It is amazing how many children perk up once they get into school and we can assure you that if it becomes evident that a child should not be in school we will make contact with yourself as parent/carer.
As a school, our attendance has greatly improved over the last year and this is all thanks to you and the effort you are making in getting your children into school every day.
Weekly Reflection
We have been reflecting on our word of the week 'kindness' this week during worship.
Being a good neighbour is really important. It is important to treat other people the way you would like to be treated yourself. If you want people to be kind to you, you have to be kind to them. If you want others to respect you, you have to respect them. If you want your neighbours to be good neighbours, you have to be a good neighbour too.
How can you be a good neighbour?