Fork Shoals eNews
A rich heritage of cultivating world-class learners!
Volume 13, Issue 31 March 9, 2025
Hurricane Helene Make-Up Days
Greenville County Schools will make up three days missed from Hurricane Helene using self-paced, asynchronous (no live instruction) eLearning on the following days: Friday, March 14; Friday, April 18; and Saturday, May 10. Students and teachers will not need to be online for these makeup days; teachers will provide students with assignments that can be completed within five school days upon return to school. Details about how self-paced, asynchronous eLearning will be conducted, the complete plan for making up days, and other FAQs can be found on the Greenville County Schools website.
Fork Shoals teachers will be sending work home for this first make-up day (March 14th) in Wednesday folders this week (March 12th). Students may complete the work at any time they can and turned in by March 28th for students to receive attendance credit for the first make-up day.
Since the work does not have to be completed until March 28th, questions about the work can be answered before or after spring break.
Thank you for your support!
Yearbook Sales
All yearbook orders will be online this year. Yearbooks will be in ALL COLOR and cost $20.00 if you PRE-ORDER. Orders will be open February 19th through March 31st. Only a limited number of extras will be available in the spring, so be sure to pre-order. Click HERE or on the photo to order.
District & State Reflections Winners Announced
Congratulations to the following students who received recognition at the district and state levels for their Reflections entries:
Primary Visual Arts: Aubrey Barnes Award of Merit
Intermediate Photography: Walker Johnson Award of Merit
Intermediate Film Production: Dylan Maddox Award of Merit
Intermediate Photography: Walker Johnson Award of Excellence
Intermediate Literature: Catherine Sircy Award of Excellence
Intermediate Film Production: Dylan Maddox Award of Merit
Counselor Newsletter
The monthly newsletter from our counselors can be accessed from the school website.
March 10
SIC Meeting 7:15 AM
March 13
Spirit Day
End of 3rd Quarter
March 14
Teacher Workday-No School
March 17-21
Spring Break
March 27
Report Cards
March 28
Spirit Day
March 29
Butterfly Garden Clean Up Day
Contact Info
Email: kreid@greenville.k12.sc.us
Website: www.greenville.k12.sc.us/forksh
Location: 916 McKelvey Road, Pelzer, SC 29669
Phone: 864-355-5000
Facebook: www.facebook.com/forkshoalsschool
Twitter: @FSSPrincipal