Plympton Family Update
October 4, 2024
From the Plympton Admin Team
Hello, Families!
Plympton was visited by Mass Safe Routes to School this week. Grade 4 had a presentation on bike riding safety. The presentation for our four 2nd grade classes included pedestrian safety, including safely crossing on a crosswalk! Ask them about “Look left, Look right, Look All Around. Make eye contact with the driver” before crossing in the crosswalk. We also look forward to learning about their recommendations for improving the safety of our entrance and dismissal procedures at Plympton!
We are looking forward to welcoming families to our Back to School Night on October 17, 2024 between 6 and 7:30pm. This night will function as an open house - this means you can drop in as your schedule allows. Students are welcome and encouraged to attend as tour guides to proudly show off the school! This evening is not a time for individual conferences, rather a time to meet the adults who spend the day with your student(s), learn about classroom routines, and see the school spaces. In addition the Waltham Public Library and the Boys Scouts will have tables with resources and information. For safety and security all children must stay with an adult while in the building.
There is lots of great information from the PTO below about our October events and some information about events happening in the Waltham community.
Have a great weekend!
Go Penguins!
Vamos Pinguinos!
Adrienne Norris and Amanda Brennan
Bookmark our homepage and also check out this resource!
Breakfast Menu week of 10.7.24 to 10.11.24
Monday: Fresh Baked Chocolate Chips Muffins
Tuesday: Sausage, Egg & Cheese Sandwich w/Tots
Wednesday: Powdered Donut Holes
Thursday:Sausage, Egg & Cheese Sandwich w/Tots
Friday: French Toast Sticks
From the Nurse
Families can order Covid tests kits that will be mailed to your home.
Visit: https://www.covidtests.gov/ or stop by the Health Office at Back to School Night. I will have free boxes to hand out then, too.
Schedule your yearly flu/Covid vaccine. Now is the perfect time to protect yourself and your family.
Osco Pharmacy will be offering two clinics next week.
Thursday Oct. 10 from 3pm - 6pm at 617 Lexington Street
Friday Oct 11 from 3pm - 6pm at Whittemore
Sign up here: https://www.starmarket.com/vaccinations/gc-home
Always call or email me with questions or concerns.
Stay safe,
Ms. Duquette, RN 781-314-5763
From the Librarian
From Friday September 15, to Sunday, October 15, 2023 our nation celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month. There are so many wonderful books that lift up the voices of Hispanic children, families, and communities. The Pura Belpre Award winning books are a great place to find wonderful books to read with the children in your life. Boston Public Library also has a wonderful list of books to read students will love. Questions? Feel free to reach out to Ms. Halley (elizabethhalley@walthampublicschools.org) anytime.
The Plympton 4th and 5th grades welcome Katie Zhao on Tuesday, October 8 at 9:50am. Students can order books! Teachers and Ms. Halley will have book order forms for students. Check can be made out to the PTO.
PTO News
Community Events
🍎 Back to School Night scheduled for October 17, 2024.
(6:00 to 7:30)
Trunk or Treat is October 18, 2024 (PTO event)
PTO Community Meeting - October 22, 2024 (6:30)
Restaurant Night Out - October 24, 2024 at Tempo to support the PTO
Plympton Elementary School
Email: Adriennenorris@walthampublicschools.org
Website: https://www.walthampublicschools.org/o/plympton
Location: 20 Farnsworth St, Waltham, MA, USA
Phone: (781) 314-5760
This link has lots of great information about our school!