CCPS Express
Monthly Newsletter
Superintendent's Message
What a wonderfully busy summer it has been. From summer academy, to the STEM Cruiser community stops, to the Caroline's Promise Supply Giveaway this past Saturday, June and July have flown by. Our building and central office teams have been busy planning logistics, schedules, bus routes, class rolls and more, and we are so excited to greet our Huskies, Grizzlies, Mustangs, Eagles, and Cavaliers on Monday, 8/12 (Transition Day for PK, K, 6th, and 9th) and all students on the 1st Day of School (Tuesday, 8/13).
We invite and encourage all families to pull out your calendars, add the Back to School Dates noted below, and find a way to get involved! Our students, staff, and schools need each and every one of you to help our scholars have a wonderful 24-25 school year!
Sarah Calveric, Ph. D.
Back to School Student Forms
LINQ, the online demographics and annual forms collection system goes live for the 2024-25 school year on Monday, August 5. LINQ provides a parent/guardian with the opportunity to electronically update demographic information such as address, phone number, and emergency contacts. Additionally, all parents must digitally sign school opening forms such as the code of conduct document, acceptable use of technology, web access, and student digital citizenship agreement with ease.
All 2024-2025 school opening forms should be completed in the online LINQ system no later than Monday, August 26. To access the system, simply navigate to our school division website Under the Parent Tab, select Back to School Forms (LINQ)
- Go to
- Click Sign Up Free.
- Create an account.
- Follow the prompts to enter all your information.
- Once your account is created, log in at
- Once you log in your student’s invoices should be there.
Using MYSCHOOLBUCKS to pay for club dues, field trips, etc…
- Log in to
- Choose School Store.
- Browse all items.
- Click on the you are looking for and follow the directions to pay.
First Day of School Signs
We want to see your scholars on their first day of school! Click on the links below to download and print a First Day of School sign. If you have a PreK, Kindergarten, 6th or 9th grade student, use the Transition Day sign since their first day is August 12. All other students can use the August 13 First Day of School sign. Post your pictures on our Facebook posts on 8/12 and 8/13.
School Bus Safety Reminders
It is hard to believe that we are quickly approaching the start of another school year. Below you will find some safety reminders pertaining to school bus safety. The safety of our students is our top priority. Keeping the below reminders in mind will ensure your safety as well as provide a positive experience while on the bus.
Never run to an approaching bus
Always cross in front of the bus, never behind the bus (if you have to cross the road)
No loud talking or using profane language
Remain seated at all times
No horse playing
May only use electronic devices with earplugs/headphones (music, games, etc)
No eating or drinking
No smoking or vaping
Additionally, all students should be at their assigned bus stop 5-10 minutes prior to the scheduled pick up time. Students will not be allowed to ride alternate buses or get off the bus at alternate bus stops without a bus pass. All bus passes will be issued by the school office only.
Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students 2024-2025
CCPS continues ot be eligible for the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) for school year 2024-25. What does this mean... all CCPS students can participate in the breakfast and lunch program at no charge (FREE). Because CEP is part of the federally funded National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program, CCPS no longer needs to verify household eligibility applications to receive free meals.
If you have questions or need help, please contact us at 804-633-6732, option 1.
Transition Day 2024
Just a reminder that Monday, August 12 is Transition Day. Driven by the 2024-25 Instructional Calendar committee, survey, and school board approval, August 12 is a school day for ONLY PreK, Kindergarten, 6th, and 9th grade students. Transition Day affords these students in transitional grades with an opportunity to be introduced to their new school environments with their grade-level peers. Additionally, a focus on procedures and safety and building positive relationships through fun and engaging activities will set the stage for a successful school year for our scholars in transition.
A Transition Day Brochure highlighting PK/K, 6th, and 9th grade Transition Day events will be passed out at K (8/1) and PK Orientation (8/8) events and at Open House on Thursday, 8/8.
CCPS New Cell Phone Policy
Just a reminder that CCPS has instituted a new cell phone policy limiting access to cell phones and other communication devices during the instructional day. Please review the following cell phone policy items with your student(s):
Cell phones, headphones, and other communication devices (smart watches, etc.) cannot be used during the instructional day.
Devices must be turned off and put away out of sight at all times during the instructional day, including classrooms, cafeterias, hallways, offices, locker rooms, restrooms, and during class activities outdoors.
For CHS, devices can be stored in a backpack, bag, or purse; teacher designated area within the instructional setting; lockers; or in a vehicle.
For CMS, devices will be placed at the beginning of the day in purchased cell phone lock boxes within classrooms. Students will retrieve their devices prior to dismissal.
Smartwatches must be placed on silent mode throughout the instructional day.
Devices can be used after school or on school transportation in conjunction with personal headphones/earbuds. Music, videos, or other content cannot be played for others to hear.
Devices used in support of a documented medical diagnosis or disability will be accommodated via a health, IEP, or 504, plan.
If a student violates this policy and is required to submit his/her phone to the main office, parents will be required to pick up the device at the school. It will not be returned to the student.
Also, with the issuance of Executive Order 33 by Governor Youngkin, which establishes a cell phone-free education to promote the health and safety of students, our division policy may need to be adjusted prior to January 1, 2025 to align with pending Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) guidelines. Any adjustments CCPS proposes to the School Board will be reviewed, approved, and communicated to students, staff, and families.
Please anticipate additional information regarding the cell phone free instructional day policy during Open House (Thursday, August 8), Transition Day (Monday, August 12 – PK, K, 6th, and 9th) and the first week of school. Thank you in advance for your support. We look forward to further enhancing student learning, social-emotional wellness, and overall school safety.
If you have questions, please reach out to your building principal or Mr. Wick.
Attendance Awareness
Chronic absenteeism, or missing 17 days during a school year (only 2 days per month), negatively impacts academic achievement.
Things you can do to help ensure your children have excellent attendance:
Schedule doctor and other appointments outside of school hours.
Have your students ride the bus to school.
Avoid scheduling vacations during the school year.
Contact your school to get support and resources. Each school has a social worker, school counselors, a Family Engagement Coordinator, school administrators, and access to the Attendance Officer, any of whom can assist you and your family with school attendance.
Attend Open House to introduce your children to their teachers before school starts.
Help your child maintain daily routines such as finishing homework & getting a good night’s sleep.
Help your children stay engaged by asking questions about what they are learning in school.
Encourage participation in after-school extracurricular activities.
Check your students’ attendance in PowerSchool to be sure absences are not adding up.
CCPS 2023-2024 Year In Review
The 2023-2024 school year was full of great achievements from both students and staff. Take a look at the Year In Review booklet!
Parent Guidance Corner
Parent Mental Health - Newsletter and Coaching
Discover the importance of self-care and how it can impact the well-being of families in our August Newsletter (English/Spanish). Learn why self-care is important and dive into tips on how to strategically start incorporating time for yourself. Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of those around you. If you have any questions, contact Coordinator of Student Support Services Rachel Wheeler at
Special Education Parent Involvement Survey for the 2023-2024 School Year
All parents of school-aged children and youth with disabilities who receive special education services in Virginia are requested to complete the VDOE annual Parent Involvement Survey.
This survey will remain open through December 13, 2024. Please complete one survey for each of your children who is currently receiving special education services during the 2023-2024 school year.
Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School
10th Grade Orientation will tapke place on Monday, August 12-Tuesday, August 13, 2024. 10th grade students will come to school on Monday, August 12th along with the 9th grade students for this opening day. They will attend the first two blocks at CBGS.
Commonwealth Governor’s School
9th-12th grade students are invited to the CGS Family Picnic on Fri., Aug. 2nd (4:30-7:00). 9th grade orientation occurred on 7/31.
Academy of Technology and Innovation
9th Grade Orientation will take place on Thursday, August 8, 2024 (11:00-4:30). Students will attend registration from 11-4:30. Parents will join for an information session from 4:30-6:00 pm.
Energy Performance Project Status Report
As the new school year approaches, phase I of the CCPS Energy Performance Contract is nearing completion. Summer work has been performed in six buildings beginning on May 28th and reaching substantial completion by August 2nd. Take a look at what has been accomplished in year 1 of this 2-year project:
- Building envelope upgrades completed at CHS, CMS, LCES, MES, and BGES. The upgrades focused on sealing around exterior doors and windows with gasketing and caulking to minimize air infiltration and access for insects. Well over 200 doors received weather stripping and over 3,000 linear feet of caulking was applied around windows.
- LED lighting upgrades began in early August and will continue through late summer at the elementary schools, the high school, Lotus Academy and the Administration Building. Lighting contractors are working after hours at our locations to not impact the instructional day. Lighting fixtures will be retrofitted with much more efficient LED lamps, over 5,700 in total. Not only do these improvements save a great deal of electricity, but they also provide a better level of lighting for the learning environment.
- CMS HVAC and automated temperature and building control upgrades were completed (phase 1) with over 200 terminal pieces of equipment replaced above ceilings/corridors and three air handling units. A new hot water system is also installed in the boiler room, which includes new pumps and variable frequency drives. The new automated temperature control system will give the maintenance team optimal control over system operations.
Phase 2 of this work will include replacement of all the remaining CMS air handling equipment, installation of two new chillers, and the addition of new pumps and variable frequency drives for a completely new chilled water system. Phase 2 will also include the addition of energy recovery ventilators at the high school to control humidity and improve comfort. This work will take place over winter break and summer 2025. Soon to follow this work will be the installation of rooftop solar arrays at some of the school buildings. This work is currently in the development phase.
Caroline Career Connections
The Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce's Workforce NOW Committee presented three (3) deserving students with scholarships last month. Each fall, the Chamber, in partnership with PD 16 school divisions and various business partenrs, hosts an annual Intern Expo. Students in attendance are given the opportunity to apply for various scholarships. This year, Caroline High School’s recent graduate, Kaitlyn Snell was once again awarded a $1,500 scholarship. Kaitlyn's involvement in many extracurricular activities including debate and forensics team, environmental club, National Honor Society, CCPS Advisory Committee for Exceptional Education, Volunteer for Paws for Purple Hearts, and an in-home Day Care Assistant make her a very worthy, multi-year recipeint.
As a student who became wheelchair bound at the age of 14, Kaitlyn found out firsthand the need for mental health professionals and accessible accommodations. As she navigated her new norm, she vowed to help others and created her plan to study healthcare and advocacy. One of her references stated, “Kaitlyn has worked through many health issues in her life. She is one of the bravest students I have ever taught in the way she deals with these issues and works to not let them interfere with her learning and success.”
Kaitlyn will use the scholarship funds towards her education at Christopher Newport University in the fall. Best wishes and congratulations!
Division Testing Update for 2024-2025
The division assessment page has been updated to include information related to the 24-25 school year. A general division testing calendar, assessment brochure, and listing of tests by grade level can be accessed on this page.
As we begin a new school year, it is important to note that state and federal testing is mandated by legislation. Students must be administered the state or federally-mandated tests applicable at each grade level. These tests include the VALLS or VKRP screeners in the primary grades, Growth, SOL, or VAAP assessments in grades 3-8, and VAAP or End of Course SOL tests for students enrolled in certain courses. In the Commonwealth, there is no opt out policy for mandated testing. As such, students who do not take applicable SOL tests will receive a score of 0 and have their tests coded as parent refusal. Please reach out to your child's school testing coordinator or the Coordinator of Assessment for more information about testing requirements.
School Board Highlights
Take a look at the July 2024 School Board Meeting highlights:
July 8, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting
- Achieve 2027 Spotlight: 2024 Career & Technical Education Camp
- Information from the School Division: Summer Academy Highlights, Assessment & Accreditation Update, Achieve 2027: Year in Review, Est. Cost Per Pupil, and Monthly Update on Revenues and Expenditures
- Action: Cell Phone Policy, ATI Lab School Agreement, 24-25 Tuition Rates Per Pupil, and VSBA Policy Update
The next School Board meeting is scheduled for August 12, 2024. The School Board would like to thank our citizens that attend, advocate, and speak during public comment. For more information on these topics, you can access the Boarddocs link or view the meeting at our CCPS YouTube Channel.
2024 Mtg. Dates: Aug. 12, Sept. 9, Oct. 21, Nov. 11, Dec. 9
Partners in Education Spotlight- Value City Furniture
Value City Furniture celebrated their 25th anniversary last month! CCPS was delighted to see current and former students working for such a great company! Additionally, Chef Jazz and CHS culinary students were also on hand to serve attendees a culinary feast! Beyond the 25th anniversary event, Value City Furniture recently donated $250 to support our New Teacher Orientation. Thank you!
We love our Partners in Education! If you are interested in being a Partner in Education, click HERE
Caroline County Public Schools is excited to start the year off with a brand new group of outstanding teachers who are ready to serve our students. The 2024/25 incoming new teacher class includes both brand novice and veteran teachers who are all eager to join the CCPS team.
Interested in becoming a full time teacher? Caroline County Public Schools offers several routes to teacher licensure for individuals holding a Bachelor's degree. Email Paige Tucker at for more information!
We are also looking to add additional building custodians, bus drivers, school security officers, and food nutrition workers. CCPS offers competitive pay and an exceptional benefits package. To see all of our opportunities and/or apply with us online, click here.
Community Resource Corner
Click on the flier below to join Jason Zoom or use the QR Code
Local Food Pantries
If you or someone you know is looking for local food pantries, you can use this Pantry Locater Map.
There is also an app:
Free Notary Service
Caroline County Libraries have a Notary at each of their locations in Bowling Green, Dawn, Ladysmith, and Port Royal. This is a free service and the Library simply asks that you call to ensure the Notary is available. Click HERE for branch information.
Important Dates
August 1: Bus Routes Released (CCPS Website and Facebook)
August 1: Elementary School Teacher Assignments Released (PowerSchool)
August 1: Elementary School Kindergarten Orientation
August 5: LINQ Opens for Completing School Forms
August 5: 6th-12th Grade Schedules Released (PowerSchool)
August 8: Preschool Orientations at each Elementary School
August 8: Open House at All Schools
August 12: Transition Day (Preschool, Kindergarten, rising 6th, and rising 9th graders)
August 13: First Day of School
August 30/ September 2: Labor Day Holiday Closure
Caroline County Public Schools
School Board: 16261 Richmond Tnpk., Bowling Green, VA, USA
Phone: (804)633-5088 Twitter: @carolineschools