Panther Newsletter
January 2025
Welcome Back HHP Families!
We hope you had a restful an enjoyable winter break. As we begin this new semester, we're excited to continue working together to support our students' growth and learning. We look forward to a wonderful second half of the school year filled with new opportunities, challenges, and achievements. Let's make it a fantastic start to the year! Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in your child's education.
January 14th, students that earned a limo ride through the Big Kahuna fundraiser will attend the Big
Kahuna party.
January 15th, report cards will be released for viewing in the parent portal.
January is school board recognition month. Please join HHP in showing appreciation to FWISD school board.
Testing Schedule
This week kinder - fifth grade students will take a MAP growth test from NWEA. MAP Growth scores help teachers check student performance by measuring achievement and growth. Teachers use the results to tailor classroom lessons and set goals for students.
Pre-kindergarten students will be assessed (Jan. 13 - Jan. 24) through the Children's Learning Institute Engage program. Teachers will use the assessment data to measure their student's development in specific areas and readiness for kindergarten.
Basketball Schedule
2024-2025 Elementary Co-ed Basketball Schedule
Entrance fee as follows:
Adults - $2
Kids - $1
Season passes for adults will be available for $15 and kids for $5.
Both can be purchased at the entrance.
- *Location: All games will be played at Southwest High School* Address: 4100 Altamesa Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76133
Upcoming Events
Get in Shape With Dad
Objective: Promote physical activity, teamwork, and healthy habits while fostering a strong father-child relationship.
PTA General Meeting
Objective: Inform parents ways to be proactive and engaged in supporting their student's educational experience and the school community.
A and A/B Honor Roll Awards Ceremony
Students that made all A's or the A/B honor roll during the 3rd six weeks will be recognized and celebrated for achieving academic excellence.
School Holiday January 20, 2025
5th Grade End of Year Trip
This trip will mark the culmination of the 2024-2025 school year. We will celebrate the students' hard work and transition to middle school. Information was sent home with 5th graders last week.