Merrymount Elementary School
January 2025 Newsletter
Important Dates
- Wednesday, January 1 No School ~ New Year's Day
- Monday, January 6 Merrymount Extended Day Begins
- Wednesday, January 8 QPS School Committee 6:30PM
- Monday, January 13 Merrymount PTO 6:00PM Merrymount Media Center/QPS Citywide PTO Meeting 7PM
- Monday, January 20 No School ~ Martin Luther King Jr Birthday Observed
- Tuesday, January 21 (*was previously scheduled for January 14th) QPS Parent Academy: Supporting Literacy Development Gr 3-8/RMK Food Drive Begins
- Wednesday, January 22 Lunar New Year Celebration at MMT/QPS School Committee 6:30PM
- Wednesday, January 29 Kindergarten Lunar New Year Parade at MMT
January Days of Recognition
- Wednesday, January 1 New Year's Day ~ No School
- Wednesday, January 1 Kwanzaa Ends
- Thursday, January 2 Hanukkah Ends
- Monday, January 6 Three Kings Day
- Monday, January 20 Martin Luther King Jr Birthday Observed ~ No School
- Wednesday, January 29 Lunar New Year
QPS 24-25 Calendar www.quincypublicschools.com
Important Safety and Traffic Reminders
- To help with the flow of traffic during drop off, please help by pulling over to to the curb to drop your student off on on Agawam Road. For the safety of your student, please do not stop in the middle of the street and block the flow of traffic.
- During pick up, please be mindful when parking on side streets near the school, especially on the corners of Virginia and Agawam Road as well as Virginia Road and Shore Avenue. The buses need clearance to turn and exit the neighborhood safely. Please avoid parking opposite from other cars on our side streets. It restricts passage for emergency vehicles.
- Please use cross walks to keep yourself and your student safe as you cross the street.
- Please obey all traffic and parking regulations.
- Please be patient and courteous of all other pedestrians, cars and our crossing guard.
- Students in Grades 4&5 that have parental permission to walk home should go directly home and check in with family member for safety.
Merrymount International Night ~ March 6, 2025
QPS 2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration
Children who will be 5 years of age on or before August 31, 2025 are eligible to attend Kindergarten beginning in September 2025. Quincy Public Schools offers free full-day Kindergarten for all students.
Monday, January 20 Martin Luther King Jr Birthday Observed ~ No School
What's Happening at Merrymount!
Lunar New Year Celebration 2025!
Wah Lum Kung Fu & Thai Chi Academy performed for Merrymount Students on Wednesday, January 22nd to celebrate Lunar New Year ~ it was fabulous! Thank you to our PTO for making this happen.
RMK with Grade 5
Extended Day with Mrs. Brown
Extended Day with Mrs. Brown
Extended Day with Mrs. Brown
Extended Day with Mrs. Brown
Extended Day with Mr. Rogan
Extended Day with Mr. Rogan
Extended Day with Mr. Rogan
Extended Day with Ms. Ward
Extended Day with Ms. Ward
Extended Day with Mrs. Joyce and Mrs. Richardson
Extended Day with Mrs. Joyce and Mrs. Richardson
Extended Day with Mrs. Joyce and Mrs. Richardson
Winter Concert 2024
December PBIS recipients ~ Celebrating Gratitude!
PTO Meeting ~ January 13th
Raising Multicultural Kids at Merrymount
Raising Multicultural Kids will be working with several grade levels throughout the month of January. The book, Jose Feeds the World will be used for book discussions with 3rd and 4th grades, A Kids Book About Racism with 5th grade and Mixed Me with 1st grade.
Grades 3 and 4 will be sponsoring a food drive to a local food bank ~ see more information below.
QPS Benchmark Testing
Quincy Public Schools students will complete the following benchmark assessments during the indicated windows:
- mCLASS Amplify Literacy Screener: K-3 January 2-31
- MAP Growth Reading & Mathematics: Grades 2-5 January 2-31
- MAP Growth Science: Grades 4-5 January 2-31
This data is collected to monitor student growth throughout the school year. Please note, according to the Massachusetts Department of Education, if screenings determine that a student is significantly below relevant benchmarks for age-typical development in specific literacy skills, the school will inform the student's parent or guardian of the screening results and will determine which actions within the general education program will meet the student's needs. Winter benchmark assessments will be sent home to families to share student progress for Fall to Winter.
Federal and state laws require that English learner (EL) students be assessed annually to measure their proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking English, as well as the progress they are making in learning English. In fulfillment of these laws, EL students are required to participate in ACCESS for ELLs tests. ACCESS for ELLs tests are administered annually in January-February. Beechwood Knoll student testing schedule is as following:
- Demo and practice tests are scheduled during students normally scheduled EL classes
- Testing for Grades 1-5 will be scheduled from TBA
- One-on-one Kindergarten tests will begin at the conclusion of Grades 1-5 through TBA
For more information, visit https://www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/access/default.html
Quincy Recreation Winter School Gym Program
QPS Winter Health and Safety
Merrymount PTO Information
PTO Meeting Schedule
Monday, September 23
Monday, January 13
Monday, June 2 (Year End Meeting)
Year Round Activities: Grade Parent; Outdoor Classroom clean-up
September: Back to school ice cream truck and Kindergarten Night
October: Trunk or Treat
November: Fun Run
December: Holiday gifts for staff
January: Bingo Night
February: Trivia Night
March: Read Across America
April: Stock the Faculty Room
May: Cleaner Greener
June: Red Sox Game
… and many more!
- PTO Website link
- PTO Facebook Page: Merrymount School PTO
- PTO Email: merrymountpto@gmail.com
- School Council Email: merrymountschoolcouncil@gmail.com
- Citywide PTO link
Citywide PTO
Welcome to Quincy's Citywide PTO website!
We hope to be a resource for all families navigating the Quincy Public School System.
Volunteering at Merrymount
Reminder: All parents/guardians who wish to volunteer or chaperone at school activities that include the potential for unmonitored contact with a student other than their child are required to complete SAFIS, CORI, and SORI checks prior to volunteering in the Quincy Public Schools.
We sent notifications home to family members listed as the first contact in ASPEN the last week of October. Please update and return to school. If another family member in ASPEN needs to update a CORI (anyone who had one done prior to April of 2024) or if you have any questions about your status, please reach out to Ms. Scott.
Examples of activities that require SAFIS/CORI/SORI checks include but are not limited to: Volunteering at school book fairs
Chaperoning field trips
Volunteering at field day activities
Volunteering at school end-of-the-year activities
Chaperoning movie nights
Volunteers should assume any activity involving students will require a background check.
Communication via SchoolMessenger
Merrymount as well as QPS school officials use the SchoolMessenger system to deliver a single, clear message to parents or guardians by telephone, cell phone, email, or text message in any combination. SchoolMessenger can also be used to notify you of a school closing due to inclement weather and to communicate daily information, such as sports schedules, newsletters, attendance notifications, and other announcements.
The system is set up to automatically pull your contact information from what we have in our Student Information System (Aspen) and carry it over into SchoolMessenger. Please contact your school building office to update your contact information or confirm you are receiving SchoolMessenger communications.
If you have not been receiving district text messages, you may opt-in by texting "Y" or "Yes" to our school's short code number: 67587. This is a FREE service and you may opt-out at any time by replying to one of our messages with "Stop."
Helpful Links
School Lunch Menu
Aspen Help
Do you need additional help with your Aspen Account or your Aspen Password Reset?
Please contact your child's school directly to have Aspen Password Reset first.
If they can't assist you, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/2UsHEicRmhgpVany6
QPS I.T. will reach out to you once your request is complete.
You may also send an email to: aspensupport@quincypublicschools.com
Merrymount School General Information
Assistant Principal: John Rogan johnrogan@quincypublicschools.com
Secretary: Stacy Scott stacyscott@quincypublicschools.com
Guidance Counselors: Mairead Bastian maireadbastian@quincypublicschools.com and Marissa McGue marissamcgue@quincypublicschools.com
Nurse: Mollie Ehrlich 617-984-8925 mollieehrlich@quincypublicschools.com
School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 7:45 AM - 2:00 PM
Wednesday - Early Release 7:45 AM - 11:25 AM
4 Agawam Road
Quincy, MA 02169
Telephone: 617-984-8762
Fax: 617-984-8909