Newsletter - week 6, Term 2
Term 2 Week 6 - 10 June 2022
Tena Koutou, Talofa, Namaste, Hello and Greetings
I write this weeks newsletter from windy Wellington. I am very privileged to attend an NZ Principals Meeting today on behalf of the Gore and Districts Principals to hear about the latest updates in education.
Production practice is well underway. We are about 4 weeks away from showcasing the East Gore talent on stage at the St James theatre. The senior students with speaking parts are working hard learning lines, learning about stage presence and holding a tune during songs. We definitely have a talented bunch of students who will lead the show with all the other students also taking to the stage to sing and dance. Tickets for the show will go on sale in the coming weeks, where we have two evening shows. Watch this space and keep your calendars free on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th July.
In just over a week, we are sending approximately 8 Year 6 students to the GRIP Leadership course. Treana is excited to take these students to this day where they will develop their leadership skills. Treana has sent some notes home with students about this day.
I would like to take the time to thank all our families for keeping students home (or picking them up quickly) as we seem to have a gastro bug go through the school. It seems to come on fairly quickly and is quite nasty. We appreciate you keeping your child home for the 48 hours after their last symptom as this can slow the spread. Surely we will have a term without too many bugs soon...
Kia pai tō rā whakatā (have a great weekend).
Wendy Kitto
Room Kauri Report
ever!” On Thursday the children enjoyed looking at photos of the fun run and writing about the fun run. Thanks Mrs Morton for organising such a fun afternoon.
Cross Country 2022
The colour run was very popular with many students running the track 4 times!
We had 4 students qualify for Eastern which was held on Tuesday at Waimumu in perfect conditions.
Well done to the following who represented East Gore School at Eastern.
Xavier lamb 14th place
Luke Willetts 21st place
Mercediez Soper unplaced
Kiana Seales qualified but unable to compete due to illness
Well done to you all.
Support Staff Day
Nev our caretaker has been welcomed back this term and he was missed greatly by everyone, especially his crew of early morning helpers. He is always cheerful and we always feel good when we are in his presence. We are so glad to have him back with us.
Sinead is our cleaner extraordinaire, she works so hard and I know for a fact the teachers enjoy having a chat with her in the afternoons.
This week we have fare welled Rosie who has been relief teacher aiding in Room Rimu. We have really valued her time here and she will be missed especially by the group of children who liked to play with her at lunch times.
Last but not least Debbie our amazing office manager, who does it all. She works with kids, organises the teachers and keeps control of the many many tasks in the office needed to run a school.
Finally we would like to say thanks again to you all, a school can not run without you and we are so grateful for everything you do!
Principals Cup June 10th - Harlee Rose Moffatt
Citizenship Cup June 10th- Nikau Newton
Award winners
East Gore School Production - 6/7 July to be held at the St James Theatre Gore. Mark it on your calendar.
Scholastic Books orders due 16th June. Orders can be done online scholastic.co.nz/LOOP
Board of Trustees Corner
This year see's the Tri Annual BOT elections. If you would like to know more about what is involved in being on the board please contact the office to organise a visit to our next.
Ken Willetts - BOT Chairperson
Term 2: May 2nd - July 8thTerm 3: July 25th - September 30th
Term 4: October 17th - December 15th
Public Holidays:
Queens birthday June 6th
Matariki June 24th
Breakfast Club will open in the hall at 8.35am and finish at 8.50am - weetbix followed by toast will be on offer.
We are unable to heat up lunches for students at lunch times. Staff use this time getting ready for the afternoon programmes and having their own break. We appreciate your support by not sending pies/noodles etc to school. School lunches are provided to every student in the school.
Headlice cases have popped up across the school this week. If you could all check your child/rens hair and treat if necessary. We appreciate you help with the control of this.
If your any student is unwell we will ring home to ask them to be picked up.
Ministry of Health guidelines say that students must stay away from school 48 hours after the last vomit or diarrhoea episode.
Upcoming events
24th June - Matariki - Public holiday school closed
6th & 7th July - School Production
8th July - Last Day term 2
25th July - Term 3 commences
Contact Us
Email: office@eastgore.school.nz
Website: https://www.eastgore.school.nz
Location: East Gore School 3 Wentworth St, East Gore, Gore 9710, New Zealand
Phone: +64 03-208 5331
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eastgoreschoolgore