November 2022
JSU College of Education & Professional Studies Newsletter
Graduate Studies Newsletter Highlights Dean White and Dr. Alhammouri
November’s Graduate Studies Newsletter included two of our very own
Dr. Ahmad Alhammouri in the Graduate Faculty Spotlight!
Dr. Kimberly Gaiters-White in the Dean’s Corner!
on being recognized for the wonderful things you do for CEPS and our students! #jsuteacher
Faculty Research Symposium
Drs. Warfield, Best, White and Gill presented at the Faculty Research Symposium. Their research presentation was on the Torchbearer Leadership conceptual model, an option for urban and rural school leadership to improve struggling and challenging schools.
Thank you all for your leadership!
JSU well represented at local Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference
Dr. Astin Sarrell and Mrs. Leann Barker represented JSU at the ACTM Math Conference in Oxford, Alabama, with a session on connecting literacy and mathematics!
Thank you ladies for representing JSU’s CEPS!
Dr. Ahmad Alhammouri and his pre-service math teachers represented JSU at the ACTM -Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference!
Great job, Dr. A and company!
Dr. Gill and Instructional leadership candidate, Amber Trantham presented to a full room in Oxford, AL at the ACTM Conference. Their session was titled, “ Dismantling the barriers to safe learning spaces”. This topic was based on the research Amber started in Dr. Gill’s diversity course.
Great job! #JSUteacher
Superintendent's Consortium
Fall 2022 CEPS Superintendent’s Consortium
It was a busy morning of discussions, planning, and strengthening our partnerships.
A big thank you to our regional superintendents that were able to make it today. We appreciate all of you!
Alabama Literacy Association Fall Conference
Early Childhood/Elementary Education professors and teacher candidates presented “Math By the Book,” a session on math trade books, at the 54th Annual Alabama Literacy Association Fall Conference in Birmingham. Mrs. Aimee Weathers, Dr. Astin Sarrell, Morgan Hayes, Jessica Glass, Rachel Layfield, Emily Owens, and Megan Wilkins did a great job engaging participants with their interactive presentation on the importance of integrating math and literacy.
Dr. Christie Calhoun helped organize this event.
My Name is Michael Canady, and I am a special education major graduating in December. I am an alumni of Dadeville High School class of 2018. I currently intern at Jacksonville High School, and I am so grateful for this school system and all it has to offer.
Upon starting my degree at JSU, I had little to no idea on really what I wanted to do. I had an idea, but I wasn't quite sure. From the moment I stepped on campus, I was mentored and guided by the staff, and I finally found my calling. I am forever grateful for the guidance I received.
Throughout my time here at JSU, I have gone through many changes in life. JSU is the place where I found myself. Being around likeminded individuals who have the same/similar interest really allowed me become a better version of myself. I have learned that it is okay to be different and it's okay to ask for guidance.
In October 2022, my father passed away. I was devastated. I was in the middle of internship, and I suddenly became lost. I felt as though I was alone with no where to go. The CEPS department really was a rock for me during this time. They were so understanding and gave me the grace that I needed. Mrs. Valerie Wheat has been my mentor throughout the entire program, but she was really there for me during my time of loss and for that I say thank you.
Although my time at JSU is coming to an end, I will keep it forever close to my heart. While one may say this is the end, I say this is only the beginning. To my family, thank you for supporting me and being great mentors. Thank you for believing in me even through my mistakes.
Mr. Canady is ready for action!
Go Gamecocks!
National Blue Ribbon School celebration
Dean White and Mrs. Aimee Weathers attended the National Blue Ribbon School celebration today at Piedmont Elementary School in Piedmont, Alabama. Jacksonville State University was recognized for its community partnership, which included the placement of practicum students, interns, and Early Childhood Block's Cocky Reads and Cocky Counts community service projects. Also in attendance was the former Dean of Education, Dr. Cynthia Harper.
It was a great day!
Cookie Decorating with Kitty Stone Elementary
Family & Consumer Sciences Community Connections Event- Cookie Decorating with Kitty Stone Kindergarteners!
A group of students, staff, and faculty volunteered their time to help kindergarten students decorate a Thanksgiving cookie! Dr. Best leads this community partnership event as part of the culinary/hospitality program. Thank you for allowing us to be there today! We had so much fun!
*Permission to use children photos granted.
SAEA- Student Alabama Education Association held interest meeting. Dr. Kyoko Johns serves as advisor.
Dr. Johns and Dean White are pictured with students from the meeting.
Wellness Wednesday
Internship Pinning Reception
Congratulations to Ms. Amber Works!
Congratulations to Ms. D'Anna Coker!
Textiles class spends time with Child Care Development center
Children at our Child Development Center enjoyed time with Ms. Erica Hardy's FCS 232 Textiles class. FCS-Merchandising and FCS-Education majors spent a class period there with the 2-4 year old students.
*permission to use children photos granted
International Students visit Counselor Education class
Students from the International House visited our Counselor Education program class- ECG 523: Social and Cultural Diversity Issues in Counseling on November 15. The students shared valuable information about aspects of their culture including family, gender roles, spirituality, mental health, relationships, and their opinions about American culture in the south. Attending were:
David Mejia - Honduras
Christian Strachan - The Bahamas
Merdan Garlyyev - Turkmenistan
Kristijan Kapisoda - MontenegroFriendsgiving at Child Development Center
*permission to use children photos granted
Inservice Day at Piedmont Elementary
Mrs. Martha Dingler is the Administrative Associate to the CEPS Dean. Mrs. Dingler began working at JSU in November of 2002. She began in the Office of IEP before moving to the CEPS in August of 2003.
Mrs. Dingler was born and raised in Anniston, AL. She received her Associate Degree in Applied Sciences as a paralegal.
Mrs. Dingler states, "I love my job. It is the same and different every day. I enjoy helping my coworkers, faculty, and students. Truth be told they help me too. I feel like I learn something new every day."
Mrs. Dingler has been married almost 25 years to Jeff Dingler. They have two sons. Sam is 20 years old and a senior at JSU. Jack is 15 years old and a freshman at Jacksonville High School. Their family also includes, Jesse, a two year old Husky/German Shepherd mix. "Best dog ever!"
Mrs. Dingler loves to cook and decorate their home. She also enjoys sports and the beach.
College of Education & Professional Studies
Email: bohannon@jsu.edu
Website: https://jsu.edu/education/index.html
Location: 95 Trustee Street, Jacksonville, AL, USA
Phone: 256-782-8200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JSUEducation
Twitter: @JSU_SoE