Parent Pocket - November 8

GLH Johnson Elementary School
Park Avenue Elementary School
Park Avenue parents came out to cheer on their students first quarter achievements! Way to go scholars!
GLH Johnson Elementary School
Proud GLH Johnson Elementary Reading Bowl Club members are pictured with Mrs. Cynthia Jeffress, Media Specialist. Thank you scholars for your efforts to support the district's focus on literacy. Go Gators!!
RISE Academy
A student listens to RISE principal Ms. Lawrence as she explains static electricity using a demonstration at R.I.S.E's Fall Festival on Oct. 31st.
Galileo Magnet High School
Danilu Acevedo-Gracia, junior at Galileo received recognition from the National College Board for Outstanding Academic Achievement. Congratulations Dani! Keep up the excellent work!
Activ8 STEM Academy
Mrs. Boaz led students in coding Spheros. These tiny robots are controlled through a coding programs on iPads. Tiny robots are a great challenge and huge fun for students!
Tell us about your science experience!
DPS has a vision of providing active, engaging science instruction for ALL students. For this reason, we want to hear from you! Parents, tell us all about your science experiences with this survey.
Holiday Card Contest is back for 2024!
We will be accepting submissions for our holiday card contest starting November 1! Submissions can be given to homeroom teachers or emailed to ldavis2@mail.dps.k12.va.us. First place will receive $200, and we will use their design for the DPS holiday card. Second place will receive $100. ALL students K-12 are invited to participate!
Please note: to be considered, cards must have covers that can be digitized through scanning. Elements such as 3D items and glitter cannot be digitized or recreated.
Upcoming Events & Dates to Remember
November 8 - GW Varsity Football home game vs. Tunstall at 7 p.m.
November 10 - Veterans Day Parade (down Main Street) at 2:30 p.m.
November 11 - Veterans Day holiday for all
November 12 - GW Scholastic Bowl home amtch vs. Magna Vista at 5 p.m.
November 13 & 14 - OT Bonner Drama Club presents Order Up! at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Tickets $10.
November 14 - School Board Meeting at 5:30 p.m.
November 18 - GW JV and Varsity scrimmage vs Chatham Hall at Bonner, starting at 5:30 p.m.
*Check out school websites for school-based events!
Upcoming Sports Tryouts
Woodberry Hills Elementary partners with Averett University
In a community effort to support DPS literacy efforts, Averett University students partnered with Woodberry Hills Elementary School to read to scholars!
Family Engagement Survey for Families
As a learning partner in Danville Public Schools, we would like to know how welcomed and invited you feel; not only in our school buildings, but the learning process of your child(ren). Please take a moment to scan the QR code below and complete our survey!
Link: https://forms.gle/ofZF1aEJv9Xo18Bh7
November is National Native American Heritage Month!
Bookshare is an ebook library that makes reading easier. People with reading barriers like dyslexia, blindness, and physical disabilities can read in ways that work for them with a huge collection of titles in audio, audio + highlighted text, braille, and other formats. Bookshare is FREE for all qualified U.S. students and schools, and less than $1 per week for all other members. Learn more at www.bookshare.org.