Harvey Green News
August 2024
Harvey Green Elementary School
Ms. Trisha Johnson, Principal tjohnson@fusdk12.net
Mrs. Penny Martinez, Secretary pmartinez@fusdk12.net
Mrs. Veronica Luna, Office Assistant vluna@fusdk12.net
Website: https://fremontunified.org/green/
Location: 42875 Gatewood Street, Fremont, CA, USA
Phone: 510-656-6438
Harvey Green 2024-2025 Bell Schedule
Principal's Message
Harvey Green Families,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! I can't wait to welcome the students back to campus on Wednesday. I hope families had a wonderful summer. It was great to see the TK and Kindergarten students during their playdate last week.
Please join me in welcoming back Mrs. Silva and Ms. Su to our teaching staff. We are beyond excited to have them back at Harvey Green.
School will begin daily for TK and Kindergarten at 8:20am and 1st-5th grade at 8:30am. It is important that students attend school daily and on time. We will be offering free breakfast beginning at 8am in our MUR. Students will be supervised and all TK/K students will be walked to their classroom by staff. Please be sure to review the school calendar for dismissal times, as they have changed from last school year.
There are many events already happening this month. On Friday, August 16th at 8:40am, I will be hosting a coffee talk in our MUR. This is a time to get to know one another, network, learn about school procedures and answer any questions you may have. I hope you can stop by. We will also have our first fundraiser this Friday at Menchie's. Please be sure to present this flyer at the register. I hope many families can attend, as this is a great way to meet new friends and to visit with other families. Lastly, Back to School Night is on Tuesday, August 27th from 5-6pm.
Communication is critical to success. Harvey Green takes advantage of multiple ways to keep our families informed. There will be a monthly newsletter that will be sent to you through email and posted on the website. We will also send emails with important updates, PTA announcements, and upcoming events. As we begin the new school year please make sure to read through this newsletter and all other documents that are sent home. Many questions that you may have throughout the year can be found in the newsletters. The website is also a great source for information.
I am looking forward to a great year! As always, if there is anything your family needs assistance with, please reach out to me at tjohnson@fusdk12.net.
Ms. Johnson
Important Dates
14~ First Day of School- Minimum Day
15~ Minimum Day
16~ 8:40am Coffee w/ the Principal- MUR
16~ Minimum Day & Menchie's Fundraiser (flyer)
22~ Book Fair Opens
27~ 5pm Back to School Night
28~ Book Fair Closes
30~ PBIS Assembly
2~ No School
3~ 7pm PTA Meeting
13~ Picture Day
Voluntary Supply Lists
Back to School Night
Please join us on Tuesday, August 27th for Back to School Night. This is a great opportunity to meet your student’s teacher, get information about what they will be learning throughout the year, class expectations, etc. Since this is an informational night, we recommend finding alternate arrangements for childcare.
PTA- Welcome Back Breakfast and Snacks Bash
As we embark on a new school year, the PTA invites you to show our teachers and staff how much we appreciate them. Join us in providing snacks and a nourishing start to their day with events on Thursday (8/22) and Friday (8/23). Sign up sheet HERE.
- Snack Drop-off: Thursday, 8/22, any time between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM at the school office. Please bring individually wrapped snacks to ensure safety and convenience.
- Breakfast Drop-off: Friday, 8/23, from 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM at the school office.
Your contributions of snacks and breakfast items will help energize their day! Thank you for your generosity and support!
Free Breakfast and Lunch Daily
ALL Green students will have access to free meals here at school. Students will be asked every morning if they are going to get a school lunch so we can order the correct amount
of food. Please communicate with your child if you would like them to get a school meal and if they are choosing the meat or vegetarian option.
Breakfast will be served daily in the MUR for any interested students at 8:00am. Parents/guardians are not allowed in the MUR. Students will be supervised while they eat and will be either released to recess when finished or if they are TK/K they will be walked to class.
For menus and more information please use this link.
Counselor Corner
Welcome back to the 2024-25 school year and for our new students/families, welcome to our wonderful Green community! I am your school counselor, Danna Ng, and I am so excited to begin another school year. Every year, I look forward to the start and definitely have first day jitters. If you or your child(ren) feel the same, you're not alone and those feelings are common. It may take a little while to get adjusted back to the school routine and that's okay! My job at school is to support all students. Here's a little more about me! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach me at dng@fusdk12.net or (510) 656-6438 ext. 41325.
Cheers to a great school year together,
Mrs. Ng
Medication at School
If your child needs medication at school please use this link to get all necessary form. Health Forms
These forms will need to be completed and signed by the doctor. Do not send your child to school with medication in their backpack, this is unsafe for them and all other students.
After School Extended Care
We will be continuing our partnership with Right at School. If you need more information, you can stop by room 16 beginning on Wednesday at 7am. You also can visit their website at: https://www.rightatschool.com/districts/fremont-ca/ or email them at: green@rightatschool.com
Student Absences
If your child is ill or will not be attending school, please contact the school’s absence line (before 9am) at (510) 656-6538, then press 7.
Please leave the student’s name, class number and reason for absence. For reasons of student safety, we need to know where students are, so we can determine in a timely fashion who is not at school without their parents’ knowledge. If these absences are not cleared by a parent/guardian, they will be considered unexcused. Excessive absences and/or tardies, excused or unexcused, may result in a truancy warning.
Per Board Policy any parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the District shall notify the District prior to or within five (5) days of any change in circumstance and/or a move which would affect their student’s residency (AR 5111.1).
Please complete and email the Change of Address Form with 2 proofs of new address residency to your current school.
PTA Corner
Join Our PTA Family
Welcome back to school! As we kick off the new school year, we wanted to remind you to renew your PTA membership. Your continued support is crucial in making all the amazing events and programs possible for our kids. Renewing is quick and easy – just click this link to join and you’re good to go! Thanks for being such an awesome part of our Harvey Green community. We’re looking forward to another fantastic year together!
PTA meeting on 9/3
We are excited to kick off the new school year with our first PTA meeting! Join us on Tuesday, September 3rd, for a virtual gathering over Zoom. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow parents, learn about upcoming events, and discuss ways we can support our students and school community.
Date: Tuesday, September 3rd
Time: 7:00 PM
Platform: Zoom link
Whether you're a returning member or new to the PTA, we welcome your participation and ideas. Your involvement makes a difference in our students' experiences and school environment.
Please mark your calendar and stay tuned for the Zoom link. We look forward to seeing you there and working together for a fantastic school year!
Get Your Harvey Green Spirit Wear!
Gear up with Harvey Green spirit wear! You can grab our green T-shirt for $15 (available in Youth sizes XS - L and Adult sizes S - 3XL) or a cozy gray hoodie for $30 (Youth sizes S - L and Adult sizes S - XL).
Stop by the PTA table near the kindergarten pick-up area on Wednesday, August 21st, from 11:40 AM - 12:10 PM , 1:10 PM - 1:40 PM, or on Back To School Night. You can pay with cash or check, or use a credit card online at https://2024-5-spiritwear.cheddarup.com (fees apply). Spirit wear is also available in the school office. Don’t miss out!