Weekly Trailblazer Update
Parent Newsletter for the week of January 27, 2025
Welcome to the Week of 1/27/2025
Dear Trailblazer Families,
Good morning! We hope you are having a wonderful weekend and looking forward to the weather being a little warmer this week! Last week we had our National History Day Fair where over 90 projects were on display. Our very own parents as well as students and teachers from local high schools helped judge the projects to determine who will go on to the next round for district competition. We had the "Guys Read" competition where 4 of our Trailblazers had to read 2 books and competed with knowledge at the district office against 10 other schools and came in 2nd place! Also, we had our 1st ever CFMS Ball Hockey team compete over the weekend and they came in 2nd place as well!! As you can see, it was an AWESOME week and we look forward to another one coming up!
This week is also Literacy Week and we are encouraging our students to participate with us. See below for the daily themes!
Events this week: :
Daily Schedule: B, A, B, A, B
1/27 - SWAT General Meeting 2:50
1/29 - 8th grade Sprit Day\
1/31 - Kennedy Space Center trip for 8th Grade Aerospace students
I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and we want to express our sincere thanks to you, Trailblazer parents. Thank you for your continued support, and as always reach out with any questions you might have.
Eric Krause, principal
Literacy Week Daily Theme's
8th Grade Panoramic Photo - Friday 1/24
We had our 8th grade panoramic photo last Friday. See below on how to order one for your student.. It will make a wonderful keepsake for your Trailblazer!
Fortify Florida
Fundamental Handbook Planner Information
Pinellas County Schools Code of Student Conduct 2024-2025
For more information on school district policies.
Congratulations to our Commitment to Character Winner
Congratulations to our December Commitment to Character recipient, Harper Thacker. The character trait for December was Charity. Harper was nominated by her teacher, Ms. Duncan and she was recognized by The Rotary Club of Clearwater.
Here is what Ms. Duncan shared: "Harper works in so many capacities to better her community. She volunteered so much after the hurricanes, works with her mom in rescuing and rehabilitating animals, and dedicates time to her extra curriculars and community organizations. Her charity goes beyond financial support but that of time and dedication."
Congrats Ms. Brittany Fuller, Top 10 finalist for PCS Teacher of the Year!!
All Students - Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) Testing
News You Can Use
- Our school day schedules are shifting. Here is the new A day and B day rotation:
- A Day - 7, 1, 2, 3
- B Day - 7, 4, 5, 6
- C Day - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- Please log into FOCUS and ensure your forms are filled out
IDs to Get on Campus - Just a reminder that any time you visit the school you must have your government-issued ID or your level 2 badge. Everyone must be entered into our system before going to your destination, even with a level 2 badge. It is a state law. Thanks for understanding.
Please work with your student to ensure they are on campus and in class on time. After all, Together is How We Grow!
Women In Engineering Breakfast
This week our Lady Trailblazers from our Engineering program had a breakfast and special guests for our first ever, Women In Engineering event. Our students had presentations from engineers in all phases of engineering and were able to ask questions and learn more about the field. Thank you to Mr. Priel for organizing this amazing event for our students.
Thank you to our Platinum Business Partners!!!
Shout Out to CFMS Staff Member
Shout-out or Kudos to a CFMS Staff Member!
Shout out to Mrs. Lakhani:
Thank you, Ms. Lakhani, for always giving us a good time in the class, the projects make it fun!
Shout out to Mrs. Barthel:
Mrs. Barthel- Best teacher ever, she really helped me understand everything and I loved how she made our learning experiences fun and informative.
CFMS ELP Schedule 2024 - 2025
School Lunch Information
PTA Newsletter
Breakfast is Free for ALL Students - 7:45 - 8:15
January Breakfast Menu
January Lunch Menu
The Trailblazer Way On Display! 🏇🏇🏇
CFMS Congratulations!!!
In Closing
That's it for now! Have a great rest of your weekend and a wonderful week!
Feel free to stop by or call anytime at 727-298-1609. Your input is truly valued and I appreciate your support!
Read a great book with your child and have a safe and GREAT Trailblazer Day!
Eric Krause, principal
Front Office Hours and Assistance
Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 3:30pm
Eric Krause - Principal
Mary Reynolds - Assistant Principal
Shannon Arnao- Secretary
Tara Casey - Bookkeeper
Kathleen Moore - Registration / Data Management Technician
Heather Story Vann - Family Liaison / Volunteer Coordinator
Tracy Bui - Front Office Clerk
Kelly Franck - Front Office Clerk
Clearwater Fundamental Middle School
Email: krausee@pcsb.org
Website: https://www.pcsb.org/clearwaterfund-ms
Location: 1660 Palmetto St., Clearwater, FL, 33755
Phone: 727-298-1609
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ClearwaterFundamentalMS
The Vision of Clearwater Fundamental is 100% Student Success
The Mission of the Clearwater Fundamental community is to promote the highest student achievement through cooperative efforts and a challenging curriculum for our students to be college and career ready.