Spiritridge Principals Update
December 6, 2024
It has been a strange few weeks with the "Bomb Cyclone" causing power outages for many of us and no school for three days. Then another short week with Thanksgiving Break that I hope served as an opportunity to be grateful for all that we do have in our lives and the people who we care about as well. I am hoping everyone navigated the power outages, fallen trees, and other issues from the wind storm. It was good to have a full week of school and the students were back to their routines pretty quickly.
Book Drive
Spiritridge is a thoughtful place and we will continue to ensure everyone feels connected and part of the community. One way our students are being thoughtful is by having a Book Drive. Our Student Leadership Team is looking to collect 1,300 books for families and children for families and children in need. Please consider donating some for this worthy cause. The Book Drive ends December 13.
We are grateful to serve this community and partner with you in your child's learning, development, and growth. Thank you for all you do to support our school and make it a place where all student feel welcomed, included, and seen.
In Partnership,
May and Scott
12/13 (Friday): December Family Fun Night: Snowball Fight 6:30-7:30. Sensory Friendly 6:00-6:30
12/20 (Friday): Spirit Day: Pajama Day!
12/21 - 1/5: Winter Break (NO SCHOOL)
1/20 (Monday) - Martin Luther King Jr. Day (NO SCHOOL)
Bellevue Downtown Ice Rink Fundraiser
Visit the region's largest covered open-air ice (REAL frozen water) this holiday season!
Families can make it a night of holiday fun with a visit to Snowflake Lane at The Bellevue Collection and stroll through Garden d’Lights at the Bellevue Botanical Garden.
Where: Bellevue Ice Rink (100 100th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98004)
When: Friday, November 15 thru Sunday, January 12
Buy tickets online or in-person but you must mention SPIRITRIDGE upon check-in at the ice rink to bring money back into our PTSA!
Family Fun Night: Snowball Fight!
When: Friday, December 13th from 6:30 - 7:30 PM
** Sensory Friendly 6:00 - 6:30 PM
Where: Spiritridge MPR
Join us for a fun family winter event where students can participate in a (pretend) snowball fight and enjoy festive treats together!
Sign-up to volunteer or donate items for the event HERE!
Order Your Spiritridge Yearbook!
This is the FIRST chance you've had to purchase yearbooks for this year so please be sure to do it now! Pre-order your Spiritridge Yearbook HERE!
Cost: $23/each
Search for "Spiritridge" or enter school ID #723977.
Submit your photos to yearbook@spiritridge.org to be featured in the yearbook!
New Sensory Friendly Performances – Bellevue Youth Theater
Bellevue Youth Theater is piloting a new program to make theatre more accessible for all: Sensory Friendly Performances. These are performances specifically designed for audiences who are on the spectrum or have other sensory-processing sensitivities.
Sensory friendly performances will have increased lighting, lower sound volumes, a designated quiet zone, sensory guides and complimentary fidgets, items in the lobby that can be touched and explored prior to the show, an actor introduction of the show, and the permitted use of digital devises. Fewer seats will be sold for these shows to make for a more comfortable viewing experience. Our goal is to welcome many into the theatre who may not have been comfortable before. Learn more by calling 425-452-7155
Upcoming sensory friendly performances will include
· Twas the Night Before Christmas (December 14, 2:00 p.m.)
Open Houses and Open Transfer, Choice Schools and Language Programs Application Period
The Open Transfer, Choice Schools and Language Programs application period for the 2025-2026 school year opens on Monday, December 9, 2024. Students and families are invited to learn more about Bellevue School District schools and programs during upcoming open houses and information events.
· Each school will host an open house during the Open Transfer and Choice School/Program application period.
· Upcoming Open House Dates for the next two weeks:
o December 10, 2024 – Lake Hills Open House, 8:15 – 9:15 a.m.
o December 10, 2024 – Cherry Crest Elementary Open House, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
o December 11, 2024 – Tyee Middle School Open House, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
o December 11, 2024 – Big Picture High School Open House, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
o December 12, 2024 – Big Picture Middle School Open House, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
o December 16, 2024 – Jing Mei Elementary Open House, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
o December 17, 2024 – Stevenson Elementary Open House, 8:15 - 9:15 a.m.
For all open house and information session dates, times and locations please view the Open Houses webpage.
Wrap It Up!
On Saturday, December 7, Big Picture Prom Committee will be offering Gift Wrapping Services in the library at our “Wrap it Up!” Event. Students will be wrapping, tying bows, and beautifully packaging your items for prices ranging from $3-$10 per item, based on size. All funds will go towards finding our Big Picture Prom.
Donations of Gift wrap, bags, and ribbons gratefully accepted.
When: Saturday, December 7 10:00-2:00
Where: Bellevue Big Picture Library
What: BP students will expertly wrap your holiday gifts for you!
Suggested Donations: $3-$10 per gift, based on size
Attendance Tips
For kids (and adults!), returning to school or a regular schedule is hard following a break. Yet, there are some things that parents can do to help ease their child's transition. Before the first morning back (Monday January 6th), start planning for any triggers that might lead to a difficult return. Tips for sleep, travel, and emotional support are provided below.
SLEEP TIP: Sleep schedules often shift toward staying up and waking up later over breaks, which leads to problems getting to sleep at a reasonable time after break. Whenever possible, encourage your student to keep a consistent routine of going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. If this isn't realistic, do your best to slowly move up bed and wake times until your child is sleeping and waking at the desired times for school.
TRAVEL TIP: If your family has been away, plan to have at least one day at home for your student(s) to relax and recoup before their first day back at school.
EMOTIONAL SUPPORT TIP: It is common for kids to feel anxiety about returning to school. Parents can help their student work through these feelings by 1) Actively listening and validating the child's feelings of unease, 2) Reminding the child that it is completely normal to feel uncomfortable during times of transition, and 3) Reinforcing that as their parent, you have full confidence in their ability to handle the transition back to school."
December 13 Vaccine Clinic at Sammamish High School
We are excited to an upcoming Vaccine Clinics in partnership with Albertson’s to help keep our community healthy and safe! This event is open to all BSD students, staff, families and community members and will offer:
· Flu Vaccine
· COVID-19 Vaccine
· Tdap Vaccine (protection against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis or whooping cough).
Event Details
Date: Friday, December 13, 2024
Time: 4:00-9:00 p.m.
Location: Sammamish High School, Commons Area
Address: 100 140th Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA 98005
Other Things to Know
Please register in advance so Albertsons can anticipate how many vaccines to provide. Walk-in appointments will be available for flu and COVID-19, but registration is required for DTap and Tdap vaccines.
Most insurances are accepted. Participants must bring their insurance card to the event.
Getting vaccinated is a key step in protecting your family and our school community. Here’s why these vaccines are so important:
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
Did you know that Washington state has seen a significant rise in whooping cough cases this year, with over 1,533 reported statewide as of November 27, 2024? Babies and young children are especially at risk, and the best way to protect them is by staying up to date with the Tdap vaccine. Whooping cough can cause severe coughing fits and even life-threatening breathing issues, especially in infants.
The DTaP and Tdap vaccines protect against three diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. The “P” in DTAP and Tdap stands for pertussis. These vaccines help your body build defenses to fight off whooping cough and prevent its spread to others.
Students attending Bellevue School District should have received a total of 5 doses of DTaP by the age of 4 or before starting kindergarten. Students should receive a Tdap booster before the start of 7th grade.
If you are not sure if your child is up to date on their required school vaccines, please contact your child’s medical provider or log into MyIR Mobile.
Flu and COVID-19
Flu and COVID-19 are more than just colds - they can cause serious illness, especially in children, older adults, and those with health conditions. The flu vaccine can reduce severe illness by 40-60%, while COVID-19 vaccines continue to lower the risk of serious symptoms.
Let’s work together to keep everyone healthy this winter.
The Equity, Family and Community Engagement team is committed to equity driven family and community engagement and support. True engagement is a collective partnership and an essential component to the academic success and well-being of each and every student. Learn more HERE and how to contact our team.
Judy Hunsberger is our Spiritridge Family Services Specialist. She brings years of experience and expertise in supporting families and their needs in the Bellevue community. You can reach her at her BSD email: HUNSBERGERJU@bsd405.org
Family Connection Centers:
The Bellevue School District is committed to affirming and supporting all families and students. Our Family Connections Centers (FCCs) are open to all BSD students and families. Staffed by Family Engagement Specialists, their mission is to connect families with district and community support services, provide them with educational opportunities to better navigate the school system and help them become engaged in the education of their children.
Now Available! 2023-24: Family Connections Annual Resource Application!
If your student qualifies for free and reduced lunch and/or if your family is facing financial hardship, there are several community programs that may be able to help. If you are interested, please complete the online form for each BSD student so that your family can be added to the appropriate community program list.
Note: Being on a program list does not guarantee participation as these programs are funded and managed by our community partners (Bellevue LifeSpring, Backpack Meals, Jubilee REACH, Assistance League of the Eastside, Eastside Baby Corner, Congregation for Kids and more!).
Click Here for the Resource Application
Family Connections Centers serve thousands of Bellevue families each year. While our locations are school based, all BSD families are welcome to walk into any center throughout the district for support. We believe that the support and resources provided by our centers and specialists can benefit all BSD students and their families. We invite you to stop by a center near you. Family Connections Centers are open during school hours when schools are is session.
If you are in need of support, please contact the Family Engagement Specialist assigned to your child’s school (PDF).
Postponed: Test of BSD’s Emergency Communication System
This test has been postponed, due to the emergency communications for the recent power outages and school closures. However, families are encouraged to check their phone and text message histories and email inboxes to determine if they received the districtwide closure message shared with families November 20-24, 2024.
If you did not receive the emergency messages to your primary email and phone number on file in ParentVUE and the “Contact Allowed” box is checked, please contact parenthelp@bsd405.org. Your email or phone number may be blocking BSD messages, or other technical issues could be occurring (including challenges due to widespread network outages caused by the storm).
If you did receive the emergency messages but would like to update your contact information, please complete online student data verification to update your record. If you need support accessing data verification, please reach out to your school’s office manager (elementary) or registrar (middle and high).
Receive additional tips for receiving district messages, including how to sign up for text message alerts.
Wednesday = 9:05 - 1:20
School Breakfast 8:45-9:05
School Lunches 11:00-1:00
- 2nd Grade: 11:05-11:30
- 4th Grade: 11:10-11:35
- Kindergarten 11:35-12:10
- 3rd Grade 11:55-12:20
- 1st Grade 12:25-12:50
- 5th Grade 12:35-1:00
Elementary (Preschool, Grade K-5)
- · Breakfast – $2.25 - Breakfast will be served 8:45-9:00 in Spiritridge cafeteria
- · Lunch – $4.00
How to Pay for Meals
Nutrition Services uses PayPAMS for online payments for school meals. Go to https://paypams.com/ for more information. PayPAMS will charge a $2.95 fee per family, rather than per student for online credit card payments. PayPAMS can be used to set up low balance reminders, automatic deposits, to transfer funds between students and view account activity. PayPAMS additionally offers an ACH Direct Withdrawal payment option. This option enables families to make payments directly from their bank account. The direct withdrawal option has a $1.95 transaction fee.
· For credit card and ACH Direct Withdrawal payments, there is a $250.00 transaction maximum.
· Families/students may also pay for meals by check or cash at their child’s school. Checks should be made payable to Bellevue School District.
If a student does not have sufficient funds to pay for a school meal, it is the policy of the Bellevue School District to allow the student to charge their meal. Snack bar or a la carte items (including milk only) may not be charged. Parents/guardians are responsible for negative balances on a student’s account. Parents may set limits. Contact Nutrition Services for more information.
Free and Reduced Price Meals
Your child(ren) may qualify for free or reduced-price meals as well as other benefits including a waiver for some school fees. Qualification is based on household size and income. You must reapply every year!
Please visit the Free/Reduced Price Meal page on BSD Nutrition Services for more information and to apply.
PTSA - Spiritridge
We encourage all our families to join the Spiritridge PTSA to support our community of learners. There are a variety of ways to be involved, volunteer and participate in school activities, events, leadership, and classrooms. Family involvement is an essential part of our school community and ensure we are providing the best learning experience for all our students.
Learn more and Sign up here: Spiritridge PTSA
Please review the attached Spiritridge Handbook 2024-2025.
Also, The 2024-2025 Official Notices are now available on the district website, in English, Spanish and Simplified Chinese. Families are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the district's
2024-25 Official Notices, which include:
· Student Education Records (FERPA & Directory Information)
· Notice of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment
· Notice of Students and Staff Rights and Responsibilities
· Non-Discrimination
· Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
· Notice of Child Find
· Notice of Complaint Resolution
· Notice of Pesticide, Asbestos and Lead
· Weapons
· Truancy
· Career and Technical Education
· Office of the Education Ombuds services
Please read the attached Attendance Acknowledgement document. We will be sending home signature acknowledgements the first week of school as well. Thank you.
Review the 2024-2025 Official Notices
The 2024-2025 Official Notices are now available on the district website, in English, Spanish and Simplified Chinese.
Families are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the district's 2024-25 Official Notices, which include:
· Student Education Records (FERPA & Directory Information)
· Notice of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment
· Notice of Students and Staff Rights and Responsibilities
· Non-Discrimination
· Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
· Notice of Child Find
· Notice of Complaint Resolution
· Notice of Pesticide, Asbestos and Lead
· Weapons
· Truancy
· Career and Technical Education
· Office of the Education Ombuds services