Senior School Update

October 24, 2024
Upcoming Events
Monday, October 28: CPR Course for core group 9-1.
Thursday, October 31: Halloween Costume Day and Activities.
Monday, November 4 - Friday, November 8: Mid Term Break - No Classes K-Grade 11.
Wednesday, November 6: Classes resume for Grade 12 students.
Monday, November 11: Remembrance Day in Ottawa, details below.
Tuesday, November 12 - Wednesday, November 13: 24 Hours for the Unhoused, details below.
Thursday, November 14 - Photo re-takes, Gr. 11 Grad photos and Grad ring orders, details to come.
Academic & Career Guidance - University Fairs
Monday, October 28 from 12:50 p.m. - 1:40 p.m.: Atlantic University Fair in the Rossy Agora
Wednesday, October 30 from 8:15 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.: Portfolio Preview Session.
Need to Know
Re-enrollment Form for 2025-26
As November 1 is fast approaching, we would like to remind you to secure your son's enrollment for the 2025-2026 academic year. Please sign (electronically) and submit the online re-enrollment form by Friday, November 1. We initially emailed families on Tuesday, October 15, with a mySelwyn link to complete the form. If you haven’t done so already, we kindly ask that you submit the form as soon as possible to assist with our planning, as we currently have waitlists for most grades. You can find the form in mySelwyn by clicking on the "Form to Review" notice at the top of the page. Please note that only one parent is required to digitally sign the form. You can find it in mySelwyn by clicking on the "Form to Review" notice at the top of the page. If you require assistance logging into mySelwyn, please contact Ms. Kelli Poulin at poulink@selwyn.ca.
CPR Course for core group 9-1
Kindly see all of the details here.
Junior Debaters
On Friday, October 18, the Selwyn House Debate Juniors competed at Royal West Academy along with 12 other teams from around Montreal. Senior and Middle school students competed in this tournament. Congratulations to the team of Alex Tardiff and Finlay MacMartin for winning all of their rounds, and finishing Second Overall. Also, a big Thank You to the Senior School debaters who came to the tournament to judge and support the Juniors.
Star Wars Halloween - Pumpkin Carving Activity
Calling all pumpkin carvers, artists, and Star Wars lovers: join the Star Wars Halloween Pumpkin Carving Activity! Students are encouraged to carve a pumpkin with any idea or theme from Star Wars, and students will earn points for their house by contributing a pumpkin. Pumpkins should be brought to school on October 30 and will be displayed in Coristine Hall as we turn the dining hall into a far away galaxy for Halloween on October 31. Think about your ideas, and sign up to participate via this Google Form.
Halloween Costume Guidelines & Contest
All Senior students are invited to wear a costume on Tuesday, October 31st for Halloween. No masks or weapons should be worn or brought to school as part of your costume. Each student will earn a house point for dressing up, and they will earn an extra point for dressing up in a Star Wars inspired costume. If students are not in costume, they must wear their regular school uniform. Please see Ms. Littman for more details if needed.
Halloween festivities in Senior School!
Next week the House Heads have planned some fun Star Wars inspired Halloween activities for all Senior students.
On Monday, students can participate in Star Wars Trivia at lunch in Coristine by joining the kahoot. Chocolate will be awarded to those who make it on the podium!
On Tuesday during TAG, students will have the opportunity to go trick or treating and visit different departments around the school and complete challenges for treats.
On Wednesday during assembly, the house heads will compete in a pumpkin carving contest to see which house can design and carve out the best Star Wars themed pumpkin.
Finally on Thursday, students will have House meetings during flex time to select their student and staff representatives for the costume contest at lunch. Prizes will be awarded to those who win.
Remembrance Day in Ottawa
Selwyn students have once again been invited to commemorate Remembrance Day in Ottawa.
Students are asked to meet the coach bus at Loyola High School at 6:45 a.m. on Monday, November 11. Students will participate in a special educational program that will feature reflections on the anniversary dates of WW1, RCAF, WW2 (D-day) and the war in Afghanistan. Students will be given free admission to the Canadian War Museum, which will be staffed by veterans for the occasion. Students should arrive back at Loyola by about 6:30 p.m. Any interested student should contact Mr. Watson no later than Monday, October 28. We only have about 6 spots, so this is on a first-come, first-served basis.
24 Hours for the Unhoused
Last chance to register for 24 Hours for the Unhoused! From November 12 to November 13, students will participate in workshops by Resilience MTL, Bread and Beyond, and Dans la Rue, and spend the night at Selwyn House in the West Yard (supervised). Participants will reflect on their experiences and discuss insights about houselessness. We're collecting new socks and canned soup for Dans la Rue and Stepping Up—bins will be located outside each school assistant's office. We encourage the Selwyn House community to contribute! Interested? Please fill out this application form!
College and University Advising
November 1, Pre-U Early Application Deadline: Please click here to access the application.
October 28,12:50 p.m. - 1:40 p.m. Atlantic University Fair in the Rossy Agora. Drop in and meet with Acadia, Saint Mary's, Mount Allison, St. Francis Xavier, University of King's College, NSCAD, St. Thomas University, and Dalhousie University. It is a great time to learn about academic programs, athletic options, funding, and the incredible opportunities to study in safe, small campuses out east.
October 29, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.: CEGEP / Quebec University Fair @ LCC, in partnership with Selwyn House and Sacred Heart.
October 30, 8:15 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.: Portfolio Preview Session: Interested in pursuing a post-secondary program in architecture, fine arts (painting, sculpture, woodworking), media, graphic design, fashion, computer animation or other visual art options? Did you know you might need a portfolio of your original works as part of the admissions process? Join an Emily Carr University of Art + Design representative and learn more about creating your portfolio. Students must be approved to attend, with permission from their teacher to miss class. REGISTER HERE!
Upcoming Open House events / Portes ouvertes
Visit the institutions and get first-hand information on academic programs, language proficiency and admission requirements. Explore the campuses and discover student activities, athletic facilities, learning spaces, and research and work opportunities. Visit each college and university's website and register for the events. If you can't attend in person, check out their virtual events, campus tours, and student-for-a-day options.
- October 27, 1-4: Dawson College - programs in the Social Science & Business Technologies and Creative & Applied Arts Sectors.
- November 2, 12-4: Vanier College
- November 3, 1-4: Champlain St. Lambert
- 6 novembre, 16h à 20 h: Collège Brébeuf
- November 10, 12-4: Marianopolis College
- November 22, 10-3 Lasalle College
- Visit SRAM for a list of other open-house opportunities at CEGEPs throughout Quebec.
University / Université
- 26 octobre: UQAM
- October 26: Concordia University
- October 27: McGill University
- 27 octobre: HEC, Polytechnique Montréal, et Université de Montréal
- November 3: Bishop's University
Pedal with the PVA!
On Friday, November 1, join us for a fun city bike tour — everyone’s welcome! Please meet at Selwyn for 8:30 a.m. where we’ll ride to the Plateau for a snack stop before heading back, recharged and ready for the day. We expect to return by 11:30 a.m. No bike? No problem! Rent a Bixi and join the fun. Click here to Sign Up.
Update from Public Health
Information about whooping cough - Quebec public health officials have issued a warning regarding a significant rise in cases of whooping cough (pertussis) across the province.
Please read the letter from public health.
Informations sur la coqueluche - Les autorités de la santé publique du Québec ont émis un avertissement concernant une augmentation significative des cas de coqueluche (pertussis) à travers la province. Veuillez lire la lettre de la santé publique.