Columbus Connections
Columbus Connections
December 1, 2023
Welcome to our weekly newsletter for Columbus Elementary families! Every Friday we will share good news, important information, and of course our STAR STUDENTS with you.
Week in Review
It has been another busy week at Columbus as we closed out the first trimester today. All grade levels will be shifting to their second STEAM rotation of the school year starting on Monday. Our third graders had an amazing trip to the NY Botanical Gardens. The children learned about math and science as well as having the chance to view the many wonderful holiday themed displays. We also recognized our Ben’s Bells recipients for the month of November. These students and staff members showed us how acts of kindness make a difference in the lives of others. Please see the pictures in the around Columbus section.
Important Dates
Tuesday, December 12th
Instructional Bond Vote @ WHS
Thursday, December 14th
5th Grade Winter Concert@ WHS
Lulgjuraj/Valvano/Carmody/Fornara at 6:30
Malone/Rutledge/Turco at 7:30
Friday, December 15th
Holiday Sweater Day
Friday, December 22nd
Early Dismissal -11:55 pm
Star Students
⭐ Week of November 21st & 27th⭐
Massimo Pannone - Chose to play quietly with a friend who was injured during recess.
Leo Zaccagnino - Helped the recess monitor by making sure the playground was clear before going back into the school.
Gabriella Bolin - She made a card for a classmate that got hurt and asked everyone to sign.
Grayson Burczyk - Is always a role model while riding the bus.
Ryan Liller - Taught a classmate how to do something when he was having difficulty.
Sofia Orlando - Recognized that her friend’s hands were cold at recess and gave her a pair of gloves to use.
Gianmatteo Cheron - When everyone was lining up, he stayed behind to clean the table in the cafeteria.
Frank Taylor
Michael Paterno
Matthew Zeola - Reported a bathroom issue to an adult.
Christopher Gerring - Helped to clean a mess he didn’t make in art class.
Click the Photo above for more Information -Vote is December 12th
Ben's Bells -November
Around Columbus
3rd Grade Trip to NY Botanical Gardens
3rd Grade Trip to NY Botanical Gardens
3rd Grade Trip to NY Botanical Gardens
3rd Grade Trip to NY Botanical Gardens
3rd Grade Trip to NY Botanical Gardens
3rd Grade Trip to NY Botanical Gardens
District Information Links
Gum Chewing
Students should not be be chewing gum in school or sharing gum with classmates.
Student Attendance
If your child is going to be absent, please use School Dismissal Manager to report their absence. As always if you have any health-related questions you can call the Nurse's Office, at 769-8537.
Visiting the Building
Please be prepared to show your photo ID whenever you visit the building. You will not be able to enter without it. Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation.
Cell Phones and Wearable Smart Devices
Please be advised Columbus students should not have personal communication devices with them during the school day. If they choose to bring a device to school, it should remain in their backpack. They are responsible for the device. If a child is wearing a GPS tracking device for safety purposes, we ask that it be placed on the teacher's desk during instructional time. They will be allowed to wear it during lunch and recess.
Such devices include, but are not limited to:
Cell phones
Wearable devices/smart wearables/tablets that are capable of recording/viewing audio, photographic, or video content
Wearable devices/smartwatches/tablets that are capable of sending/receiving text, audio, or video messages
580 Columbus Avenue
(914) 769-8538
Daily School Hours 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.