NMS Tiger Times
February 14, 2025
Tiger Times for February 14, 2025
Principal's Message
Dear NMS Families,
This week is a packed Tiger Times!
There were several student learning opportunities to highlight. The NMS was full of school spirit!
Thank you to the families who have inquired as to how Nichols celebrates National Black History Month. Across all of the curriculum, the Nichols incorporates culturally sensitive education into the classroom. Educators create a variety of opportunities for students to learn about their own culture, learn about other cultures, and appreciate the similarities and differences of cultures. Through the curriculum resources, different types of cultures are brought in through reading materials across the humanities curriculum. The educators differentiate the materials dependent upon the grade level and department.
Please see the Up Coming Events!
Sports sign-ups are posted. Please make sure you see the competitive and intramural activities open for students to join. The STEM Fair and Aspen Program of Studies for grade 8 have up coming dates.
Middleborough Mania is back! The gymnasium of the NMS will be turned into a live action wresting fundraiser. This event is a huge support for the PTA. Please order your tickets now!
In partnership,
Dr. Tucker
Student Presentations
Our multi-language learners have been working on their persuasive writing and presentations. The students asked Dr. Tucker and the other educational leaders across the district to consider ways in which they would like to improve the NMS. These presentations included vending machines in the cafeteria with health snacks, more time in school for learning and other activities, a world language program, and considerations for grading on performance versus letter grades. The students were bright, creative and articulate. Several students were asked for a follow up meeting to further explore the ideas presented.
Pawsitivity Awards
6th Grade
Jane Adler, being respectful & responsible in the classroom & auditorium. "Jane is always ready to lend a helping hand with setting up and putting away the band furniture on stage. Thank you!
Emma Senecal, being respectful & responsible in the classroom. "Always helps her friend with his work when she notices he is struggling"
7th Grade
Guinevere Bradshaw, being respectful & responsible in the guidance suite.
Delilah Bennett, being responsible, respectful, & prepared in the classroom. "She is always the first to follow directions."
8th Grade
J.J. Kelleher, being responsible & respectful in the classroom. "JJ did an amazing job of helping a classmate during Youth Works. He was very thoughtful with his explanations to his peer."
Joshua Peterson, being responsible & respectful in the lunchroom.
Mystery in Mathematics Field Trip
This year at the NMS, the student enrichments are led by the mathematics department. The 7th grade had part one of their in-school enrichment with the Amazing Mysteries of Mathematic- You Can't Have Fun Without Math presentation. Mr. Dennis led the students through problem-solving skills using story-telling, magic, and audience participation. Students learned about great mathematicians of the past, including Pythagoras, Galileo, Isaac Newton and Florence Nightingale through the land of numbers, shapes and oddities. The second half will occur later in the year with another math adventure, more details to come with games and prizes.
School Spirit
PBIS wall
Each month the NMS community is participates in an activity that reflects kindness, welcoming, love or belonging for our wall of positivity. This month students, staff, and guests write on a conversation heart something they love. When you come to the main office, please feel free to write a heart for the wall!
Orange vs White Basketball
Orange v White 2025 was a huge success!
The boys and girls basketball teams divided to create co-ed teams and then played against one another. We had NMS students and families cheering on the students. The NMS chorus sang the national anthem. Mr. Finch was the MC. Mr. Dionne and Mr. Donovan were the referees.
Congratulations to Jackson Benson, Gr. 6 for winning the student/teacher knockout game at halftime, and congratulations to Coach Shelters' White team on their victory!
This was such an exciting way to end the season!
NMS Girls Basketball
NMS Girls Basketball finished their season on a high note with the eighth grade game on Monday, February 10. We wish Brianna and Haliegh the best as they move on to high school and also congratulate Abby, Lily, and Amelia on their successful seasons playing high school JV!
Up Coming Events- Mark your calendars!
High-Point Photo-Voice After School Enrichment
8th Grade Program of Studies
Middleborough High School Course Selection will begin after break! All grade 8 students, regardless of their intent to attend MHS, will be selecting courses in the Aspen portal through March 4, 2025.
High School Counselors will be returning to NMS on the following dates to meet with students during advisories. At this time, counselors will be able to answer any questions about graduation requirements, course content, or special pathways such as PTLW or MiLab and show students how to choose in the portal. All other questions can be directed to the NMS counselors who are available via email at any time.
Thurs. Feb 27 (E Day Block 3 - 10:13 AM - 11:06 AM)
Mon. Mar 3 (A Day Block 1- 7:57 AM - 8:50 AM)
PLEASE NOTE! The Program of Studies linked in the workbook is last year's - students and families must use the linked document on the website:
NMS PTA Wrestling Fundraiser
NMS Sports, Clubs and Activities
Spring Sports
USER FEES DUE MONDAY, MARCH 3rd (Except NMS teams and MHS Baseball)
- Only students registered by the deadline and completed all requirements (physical/IMPACT Test/ User Fee) will be guaranteed eligibility on the first day if they have turned in all requirements.
- Families registering after the deadline will need to email Athletic Director Ryan Sylvia rsylvia@middleboro.k12.ma.us for a direct registration link and eligibility may be delayed.
Team Informational Meetings- Coaches will schedule team informational meetings between now and the parent meeting. Students should listen for announcements and look for postings in school on these meetings. Families may also reach out to the coach using the coaches directory in this newsletter.
Pre-Season Parent Meetings
All parents are expected to attend a pre-season meeting on Wednesday, March 12th, at 6:00PM in the MHS Wayne M. Caron Auditorium. From there we will breakout into individual team meetings. This is a great opportunity to meet the coach, ask general questions and also learn specifics about your student's team.
Monday, March 17th- All spring teams start practice. Practice/tryout schedules will be distributed by individual coaches.
User fees are due on Monday, March 3rd for all sports and levels with the exception of NMS teams and MHS baseball. Fees for those teams are due after cuts are made.
Remember, if you have hit the individual cap of $350 or family cap of $450 you do not need to pay the spring user fee.
It is important to register early so coaches can contact you with important team information. Only students registered for a team will receive contact from the coaches. Coaches will hold their own individual sign-up meetings. Click the button below to register.
We will be offering 16 different teams this spring! If you are new to the middle school or high school, go out for a team! Joining a team is one of the best ways to feel comfortable in a new school. You may also sign-up for MHS strength & Conditioning or NMS intramurals.
If you have sport specific or team related questions please reach out to the head coach using the coaches directory link at the bottom of this section.
Nichols Middle School Teams
- Baseball (grades 6,7 & 8)
- Softball (grades 6,7 & 8)
- Intramurals (grades 6, 7 & 8 only)
- Boys MHS Tennis (grade 8 only pending MIAA approval)
- Boys MHS Lacrosse (grade 8 pending MIAA approval)
- Girls MHS Track & Field (grade 8 pending MIAA approval)
- Boys MHS Track & Field (grade 8 pending MIAA approval)
- MHS Softball (grade 8 pending MIAA approval)
NMS Spring Intramurals
NMS Spring Intramurals Start Soon
in the gym, maybe outside if field is available
March 31, April 7, 14, 28, May 5, 12
April 2, 9, 16, 30, May 7, 14
Families must register online at the below link.
The cost is $25 and NO physical is needed for intramurals.
Late buses are available.
If you have questions, please contact cwhite@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Art Club: February 11th and February 25th, March 11th and March 25th
Builder's Club: February 11th, February 18th, February 25th (Every Tuesday)
Chess Club: February 12th, March 12th, March 26th, April 16th, May 14th, and June 4th
GSA: February 10th, February 24th, March 10th, March 24th, April 14th, May 5th, May 19th and June 2nd (Every Other Monday)
Student Council: March 5th, April 2nd (First Wednesday of Every Month)
Faculty Newsletters
Calendar Events
From the District
One Middleborough: Learning Together
One Middleborough Learning Together is LIVE! We posted a great session with the Director of Student Services, Kevin Avitabile. He takes us on a journey through the incredible resources and support the Student Services Department offers for you and your child. Please visit www.middleboro.k12.ma.us/onemiddleborough
We will continue to roll out more great resources for our families as the year goes on. Please check back and follow us on Facebook & Instagram to be the first to know when we post a new episode.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration will open on February 1, 2025, for students that turn 5 on or before September 1, 2025. Please use this link Kindergarten Registration or go to www.middleboro.k12.ma.us/registration to complete an online application for your student and review the list of required documents. For any questions please email Katie Goodine at registrar@middleboro.k12.ma.us
In the Community
Middleborough Public Library
The library is offering two upcoming teen programs for February vacation week. We're hosting a Body Balms Workshop on Tuesday, Feb. 18 and a Teen Baking Class on Thursday, Feb. 20, both for ages 11-17
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) is pleased to announce that our free Parenting Solutions Library is now available in Spanish. MPY is offering this valuable resource in partnership with Peace at Home Parenting Solutions, a non-profit organization located in Mansfield, Connecticut. Through this partnership, MPY is providing proven resources to help students’ families thrive.
Peace At Home Parenting Solutions specializes in empowering parents with evidence-based strategies to foster nurturing connections that safeguard their children's mental well-being. The Parenting Solutions Library is easily accessed using the link on MPY’s home page. No log in or passcode is needed.
MHC Youth Community Center
The church is looking to host some community after school events for free for our students. All workers/volunteers will be CORI'd and SORI'd through the church.
PTA Contacts
NMS Parent- Teacher Association (PTA)
The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) supports important programming for our students and staff through fundraising. The PTA assists with funding school-wide enrichments, grade level activities, teacher appreciation events, and family nights.
The PTA meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 PM at the NMS Media Center (with the exception of Nov 12).
Below are easy ways to help contribute to the NMS PTA
1. Box Tops for Education- Download the app, connect your Walmart account and scan receipts from other retailers! https://www.boxtops4education.com/s/get-the-app
2. Baystate Textile Bin -Accepts all clean clothing, footwear, stuffed animals and linens. Please place all items in a bag. https://www.baystatetextiles.com/
If you have questions or would like to join the NMS PTA, please email NMSPTABoard@gmail.com. The membership dues are $5 per school year.
NMS Important Information
NMS Front Office
Phone Number: 508-946-2020
Fax Number: 508-946-2019
Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM Monday-Friday
NMS Administration
Parents and Guardians- We want to make sure you know how to reach us. We are here to collaborate with you to support our students. Do not hesitate to reach out!
Heather N. Tucker, Ed.D., Principal: htucker@middleboro.k12.ma.us
David Gonzales, Ed.D., Assistant Principal grades 6 and 7: dgonzales@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Stephen Prew, M.Ed., Assistant Principal grade 7 and 8: sprew@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Kathleen Cornell, M.Ed., Special Education Coordinator: kcornell@middleboro.k12.ma.us
NMS Counseling Staff
Our NMS Counseling Staff are here to support our students. Please feel free to reach out to them for any student need big or small. The counseling staff are a wealth of knowledge that can support families to access resources, do a quick check-in or more on-going support for students as needed. Please see the Need Some Help resource attached the School Link email.
Frank Malinoski: fmalinoski@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Megan Moriarty: mmoriarty@ middleboro.k12.ma.us
Madison Tyler: mtyler@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Anna Wright: awright@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Jillian Thatcher: jmorganelli@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Communication Guide
Please use this link to see the Communication Guide outlines what families can expect for communications about events and important information from the schools.
Inclement Weather Procedure
As we head into the colder months of the school year, we wanted to share with you some information about inclement weather and how we will approach the decision making process of school delays and/or closure. One of the most difficult challenges we have is deciding whether or not to cancel or delay school due to inclement weather. Like weather forecasting, the school-closing decision process is not a perfect science. However, we believe it is important for students and families to understand how it works as Middleborough has its own unique set of factors that are taken into consideration when determining delays and/or cancellations.
We recognize that the decision to cancel school for the day is impactful on all families. Student and staff safety will always be my top priority as I navigate these decisions. We hope you find this information helpful in your planning for the coming winter months and helps everyone understand the process used to make the best possible decision for our students and staff.
NMS Transportation
Please use this link to see the NMS Transportation Guide which outlines traffic patterns, and late bus access.
Late Bus:
There are four late buses. In the cafeteria, where students gather prior to boarding, there are four books with addresses. Each book tells the students which bus they board based on their address. The bus passes given to the driver has your student's address. This allows the driver to make sure students are able to make it home appropriately.
Transportation Contact Information
Late Busses are available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Five Star Bus Company
(Regular Bus and Late Bus)
Contact: Terry Carvalho
Phone: (508) 657-2205
Email: tcarvalho@ridesta.com
Mini-Bus/Van Transportation
Department Head: Joan Hall
Title: Specialized Transportation Supervisor
Location: Memorial Early Childhood Center - 3rd Floor
Address: 219 North Main Street, Middleborough, MA 02346
Phone: 508-946-2000 x2121
Email: jhall@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Location: Memorial Early Childhood Center - 3rd Floor
Address: 219 North Main Street, Middleborough, MA 02346
Phone: 508-946-2000 x2120
Inclement Weather
Please use this link to access the inclement weather smore.
John T. Nichols Jr. Middle School
Nichols Middle School services 6th, 7th and 8th graders and the total enrollment is about 705 students.
Website: https://www.middleboro.k12.ma.us/NMS
Location: 112 Tiger Drive, Middleborough, MA, USA
Phone: 508-946-2020
Twitter: @JTNicholsMS