All Souls Catholic School
Parent Bulletin: November 3 - 9, 2024
Number 12
School Theme:
We never really arrive.
we are always becoming and always on the journey.
SLE of the Month: Fully Integrated Individuals
- utilize their own unique gifts and talents and appreciate the unique gifts and talents of others
- exhibit a sense of self worth acquired through the learning and life experiences
- work independently and collaboratively
- possess skills in extra curricular areas and exhibit a positive attitude
Virtue of the Month - November - Conscience
- Conscience is an inner sense of what is right and wrong in one's conduct, impelling one toward right action and guiding choices based on personal and moral values. It's a moral compass that reflects our sense of duty, honesty, compassion, and justice.
- An action taken from conscience involves making a choice that aligns with one's ethical beliefs, even when it may be challenging or come at a personal cost. This can include standing up for someone being mistrated, admitting a mistake, or doing what is right or when other's aren't.
What it Looks Like
- When we act with conscience, our actions show honesty, empathy, and respect for others. for example, a student might apologize for hurting someone's feelings, return a lost item, or refrain from cheating even when there's pressure to succeed. Conscience-driven behavior is often quiet but firm, demonstrating integrity in situations big and small.
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Next Family Mass
- Sunday, November 3 @ 10:30 AM
- Hosted by Grade 3
November Lunch Menu
Clubs & Activities
First Trimester Ends
Friday, November 8, 2024
The first trimester ends on Friday, November 8th. Make sure that any assignments still being accepted by the your child(ren)'s teacher is turned in by this date. The teachers are under a set of strict deadlines so that all report cards and academic awards can be ready by the Academic Award's Ceremony.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation on this matter.
Important End of First Trimester Dates
Mark your Calendars
- Friday, November 8th
- First Trimester Ends
- Friday, November 22nd
- Report Cards Published
- Awards Ceremony in the Church after the 8:00 AM Mass
STAR Testing - EOT 1
November 4 - 15, 2024
Please be informed that our End of Term 1 STAR Testing window opens on Monday, November 4th and will close on Friday, November 15th. We strive to test everyone in the first week. We reserve the second week for all students who were absent on the day that a STAR Test may have been given.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Sincerely in Christ,
Joseph Ryan - Principal
From the Office
Open Enrollment for 2025-2026
We have begun our admissions process for the 2025-2026 School Year!
School Tours
- We will conduct school tours every Wednesday from now until June, 2025.
Shadow Days
- Prospective students may shadow on Fridays from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Testing Days
- Mondays & Fridays
- 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM
- 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Please pass this information onto any possible prospective families that you know.
Trunk or Treat
Great Fun Was Had by All!
Thank you Athletic Board for putting on a great event last Friday, October 25th. It was great to see the creativity of our families trunks! Everyone was smiling from ear to ear!
Emergency Drills
Some parents have inquired about the drills that we have scheduled this year. In our efforts to make sure that we are always prepared for any possible emergencies. we will have the following drills throughout the school year.
Fire Drills
- Once every month
Earthquake Drills
- 2 are scheduled for this school year
- During the months of October & February
Intruder / Barricade Drills
- 2 are scheduled for this school year
- During the months of September and May
All of our drills and emergency procedures are designed to align with the San Mateo County Big Five emergency protocols. For more information on "The Big Five" please see the link below.
Upcoming Fundraisers
Mark your calendars.....
- Saturday, November 9th - Casino Night - School Board - See flyer below
- Saturday, November 9th - Kids Club - 8th Grade
- This event runs in conjunction with Casino Night
- More information to come soon!
For Those Who Want to Know..
Hello All Souls Catholic School Community,
Below is a School Fundraising Calendar that we are keeping for the 2024-2025 School Year. If you have an idea for a fundraiser please transmit your ideas to one of the following persons that have been designated contact persons with the office in regards to fundraising.
- 8th Grade Room Parents
- 6th Grade Room Parents
- Mia Planas-David - School Board President
- April de la Rosa - Athletic Board Director
Casino Night - Saturday, November 9th
Parents / Guardians - Virtus & Live Scan
All Parents & Guardians
All parents and guardians that intend to be on campus (Yard Helper, Art-in-Action, etc.) in the presence of children and function as a chaperone on field trips, or functioin as a coach, commissioner, score keeper, etc. in the Athletics program must meet the following requirements.
- Complete the online course "Protecting God's Children 4.0"
- Complete and pass a live scan form (fingerprints)
Directions for Virtus and Live Scan
- First, create an an account using the "First-Time Registrant" button on the VIRTUS website.
- Complete the training module (currently Protecting God's Children 4.0). This needs to be renewed every 3 years in order to maintain compliance.
- Obtain a Live Scan Form either from schoolspeak or from the office.
- Go to a Live Scan vendor to be fingerprinted.
- Once the fingerprint from the state DOJ and the FBI have been entered into VIRTUS and the training module is complete, you are now eligible to minister with minors.
Please Note - Be patient. The return time for fingerprint results varies widely.
No Response to Virtus Reminder = Deactivated Account = Redo of Fingerprints
Dear All Souls Catholic School Families,
When it is time that you need to renew your Virtus account, you will receive a reminder. However, if you allow the deadline for the reminder to pass, your account will be automatically disabled by the Archdiocese of San Francisco. As a result, your fingerprints will be wiped from your Virtus account. That means, you will need to redo your LIveScan (fingerprints).
While we wait for your fingerprints to clear again, you will be unable to coach, volunteer at school, chaperone on field trips, etc. So, please pay attention to your Virtus reminders and respond promptly to all notifications.
The Week In Preview
Monday, November 4th
- Dismissal @ 2:00 PM
- STAR Testing
- Faculty Meeting
Tuesday, November 5th
- Dismissal @ 3:00 PM
- STAR Testing
Wednesday, November 6th
- Dismissal @ 3:00 PM
- STAR Testing
Thursday, November 7th
- Dismissal @ 3:00 PM
- STAR Testing
- 5:45 PM - 5D2 Volleyball Chapionship Game @ OLA
Friday, November 8th
- Dismissal @ 3:00 PM
- First Trimester Ends
- School Mass @ 8:00 AM
- 8th Grade Readers arrive by 7:50 AM
- All students meet their teachers in the Church
- STAR Testing
Mission Statement
All Souls Catholic School is a diverse community working together to teach and live the Gospel Message. We prepare our students, in a safe and supportive environment, to become active Christians, confident communicators, and fully integrated individuals. Our students develop the skills needed to move forward as life long learners and responsible global citizens.