Parent Connection
February 2024 Issue
February Wellness Wednesday Lunch & Learn
Effects of Screen Time and Children's Mental Health
When: February 21, 2024, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Where: Online (Zoom)
Register: http://cookcenter.info/Feb21Harford
January Lunch & Learn Recording Available
Depression - You're Not Alone
Watch this session to learn about the many factors that contribute to depression and the essential tools for treating depression.
You can access the recording here: https://cookcenter.info/Jan17HarfordReplay.
Parent Academy Launches the HCPS Most Valuable Parent Award!
One parent/guardian will be awarded each month during the school year
Parent Academy is excited to announce a new recognition program that launched February 1, 2024: The Most Valuable Parent (MVP) Award. This award program will celebrate one HCPS parent/guardian a month during the school year for their efforts to go above and beyond in modeling one or more of the National PTA Standards.
Each school's PACE Liaison will be invited to submit a nomination at the beginning of each month during the nomination window. They will be considering the following National PTA Standards when making their nomination:
- Works to welcome all families.
- Helps with communication with other parents/caregivers.
- Supports all students’ success.
- Speaks up for every child, helping to remove barriers so that all families can engage.
- Works to support planning for the school events/activities.
- Collaborates with the community partners to support the school.
PACE Liaisons will consider all parents/guardians, including those who may not be able to attend and participate in all PTA and school functions but who is able to advocate for families and children in a powerful way.
When the nomination window for that month closes, the HCPS External Customer Service Subcommittee will review all submitted nominations and select that month’s winner. MVP award recipients will receive public recognition on the HCPS website and social media pages; a certificate presented by Dr. Bulson and the school administrator; and a small token gift from Parent Academy.
Parent Academy looks forward to recognizing and honoring our parents/guardians across the system who go above and beyond to engage and support their child’s school!
RealTalk - Getting Parents/Guardians Started with Canvas!
Spread the news – parents/caregivers now have access to Canvas! This gives you access to your student’s Canvas account in a read-only observer role. A Parent Access Orientation was created to help you navigate Canvas and show you how to connect with your student’s account. Additionally, a Parent Academy Real Talk video was taped to demonstrate the process (linked below).
Top Tip from Mary Beth
Mary Beth Stapleton founded the HCPS Parent Academy and has over 30 years experience working on behalf of children and families. Mary Beth and her family live in northern Harford County.
Ready, Set, Kindergarten – Here We Go Class of 2037!
Parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, and friends: many of us have young children in our families, communities, places of worship, and friend groups. We can share words of wisdom about how to best prepare our little ones to succeed in Kindergarten. Now is the time to start getting them ready!
Reach out to family members and friends and let them know that HCPS kindergarten registration will be available Friday, March 1, 2024! When you share this great news, also share ideas on how we can all help our little ones get ready for school:
- Help them learn to drink from a cup independently – let them open the juice box and eat with utensils.
- Make sure they can use the restroom and wash their hands by themselves.
- Practice the child’s parents’ names and home address.
- Have the child practice getting their jacket on and off without any help.
- Read, read, read!
- Sing the alphabet.
- Practice identifying numbers, shapes, and colors in books and in real life (the park, on walks, at the grocery store).
- Take a simple word (ball, bat) and produce words that rhyme.
- Practice cutting with scissors in a line.
- Help them to practice sharing and taking turns.
- Place a time limit on screens for the child – and for yourself! (TV, computers, iPad/Kindles).
- Provide opportunities for your child to play with other children.
More milestones can be found on this awesome CDC app: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones-app.html.
Make sure to have a consistent night time routine and bedtime, and check out the HCPS Littles University, hosted by Jillian Lader, Manager of Communications, to help with that bedtime story: https://www.hcps.org/parents/littlesuniversity/.
When our kids were young, my husband and I leaned on our day care providers, faith-based community, children’s grandparents, and the parents of our children’s friends to help our children get ready for success in school. As you help prepare your preschooler for kindergarten, try to find a “team” that can help you along the way, so that your child will develop the skills needed to have a successful start to Kindergarten.
Scholarships – Class of 2024
Harford County Education Foundation holds several scholarship awards for graduating seniors attending Harford County Public Schools, and many of them are due soon. Check this link out and help your senior apply: https://harfordeducation.org/college-career-readiness/scholarship-central/.
In addition, there is a page on hcps.org where students can see available scholarships and access links to apply. And, new on this page - subscribe to scholarship postings! Check it out!
Virtual Learning on Future Inclement Weather Days
On January 22, 2024, HCPS learned that the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) approved our 2023-2024 School Year Virtual Day Instruction Plan, which requested the use of three (3) asynchronous virtual instruction days in the event of inclement weather.
Following the approval of the virtual instruction plan, the next inclement weather day(s) will be utilized as asynchronous virtual learning day(s). When asynchronous virtual instruction is utilized, that information will be released with the inclement weather communications.
You may visit the inclement weather page on hcps.org for more information about virtual learning days, including FAQs, resources for Canvas, and more. This page will be updated regularly with additional information; please check it often during this season.
For easy reference for our entire community, when the school system is utilizing a virtual instruction day, the following graphic will be shared on social media.
Be in the Know Drug Awareness Seminar
February 8, 6:00 p.m., C. Milton Wright High School
Mark your calendar for this important drug awareness seminar presented by a former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent. Join us on Thursday, February 8, at 6:00 p.m. in the C. Milton Wright High School auditorium.
Learn more about drug dangers specific to our community and how to start the dialog with your child(ren) about the risks associated with certain choices.
You don't want to miss this.
HCPS Engage for Education Listening Session
February 13, 5:30-7:30 p.m., North Harford High School
The next "Engage for Education Listening Session" will be held at North Harford High School on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. This is an opportunity for staff and out community to meet face-to-face with Board Vice President Hahn and Board President Poynton and have their voices heard.
CTE Family Night
February 13, 6:00-8:00 p.m., Patterson Mill High School
The Career & Technology Education (CTE) Family Night event is for families with children in grades 4-6. This event is different from Magnet sessions, which target 8th graders. Additionally, this fair-style event is an opportunity to learn about ALL high school CTE programs, not just Magnets. Representation from every Magnet, Signature, and Comprehensive program, as well as each high school, will be onsite. Each "booth" will feature a teacher and students from the program with an interactive activity to engage visitors.
But wait, there's more...there will be door prizes! See you there!
Military Night 2024
February 15, 6:00-8:00 p.m., C. Milton Wright High School
HCPS high school students and their parents can meet representatives from several branches of the US Military and hear how serving our country can benefit them.
This is an opportunity to ask questions of representatives from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Air National Guard and Maryland National Guard!
Historically Black College and University College Fair
February 22, 6:00 p.m., Joppatowne High School
Joppatowne High School is excited to host its first annual Historically Black College and University College Fair on Thursday, February 22, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Several historically black colleges and universities will be represented along with members of the Pan Hellenic Council. All are invited to attend; those planning to participate are encouraged to RSVP through the QR code on the flier.
Save the Date!
Partners for Success
Click below to visit the Partners for Success page on hcps.org to learn more about this resource for parents and families.
C5ISR Center Community Outreach
STEM@Home Newsletter, Vol 4, Issue 4
The latest issue of STEM@Home, a monthly STEM newsletter for students in grades K-12 from the C5ISR Center Community Outreach Office, is linked here.
The STEM@Home Newsletter is intended to provide engaging information and educational activities that can be done with minimal materials and a whole lot of imagination.
STEM@Home is available on the C5ISR Center Homepage https://c5isr.ccdc.army.mil/, and readers are encouraged to follow them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/DEVCOM.C5ISR/ to share photos of their young engineers completing the STEM@Home activities using hashtag #C5ISRCenterSTEM.
Applications for C5ISR Center Math and Science Summer Camp are Now Available!
Applications are now being accepted for the C5ISR Center Math and Science Summer Camp 2024 season. The deadline to apply is Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at 11:55 p.m.
A full description and detailed instructions for the application process are available on their website: https://c5isrcenter.devcom.army.mil/camp/.
Applications will be processed on a strict first come–first served basis, with placement preference given to children of current military members who apply prior to the application deadline of February 27, 2024.
Click here for the camp flier.
Family Friendly School Award Program
Congratulations to the January Winner...
North Bend Elementary School!!
Your School Could be Next!
The nomination window for the February Family Friendly School Award is open until 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, February 8, 2024. Visit the Parent Academy page of hcps.org to submit your nomination.
If your school is nominated, our community can show how welcoming your school is and help you earn this honor by casting their vote February 12-16, 2024!
More information may be found on https://www.hcps.org/parents/parentacademy/familyfriendlyschools.aspx.
Harford County Public Library Events
Check out what's happening in January!
The Harford County Public Library offers so many educational, fun, and FREE events at each of its branches year-round. Be sure to visit the events page of their website to see what's happening in November!
Community Resources
- Harford County Public Library
- Harford County Parks and Recreation
- Boys and Girls Clubs of Harford & Cecil Counties
Additional resources may be found in the Harford County Community Services Resource Guide.
Stay Connected!
Also, bookmark the Parent Academy webpage on hcps.org where all workshops and Real Talks are archived, and where you can find information on other Parent Academy sponsored programs, like Family Friendly Schools.
Parent Connection Archive
HCPS Parent Academy
HCPS parents are students’ first and best teachers.
Email: ParentAcademy@hcps.org
Website: https://www.hcps.org/parents/ParentAcademy/Default.aspx
Location: 102 South Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, MD, USA
Phone: 410-588-5263
Facebook: facebook.com/HCPSParentAcademy