Stratford High Times
April 2022
From the Principal's Desk
Kia ora koutou whānau,
Term One has presented some challenges for us all and I thank you for your support in ensuring your child has been at school when they have been able to. With the shift to Orange in the COVID Protection Framework, it signals that our hard work as a community over the past couple of months has paid off and we can now enjoy a little more freedom in our lives.
Being a teenager in this climate has been difficult. For some students the increased use of phones/social media has been one way of supporting themselves through the various lockdowns and this everchanging landscape we currently live in. Managing a teenager's online behaviour (and therefore their online footprint) can be challenging, and by engaging in conversation with them and being aware of their online use, is a great way to support them with this. Considering the three “Ws” provides some positive guidance on how we can do this.
The three “Ws”
Encourage teenagers to spot check and ask themselves the three “Ws” before posting.
Who is your audience (and would you be okay if grandma saw this too?)
What is the message you are trying to send with this post, and is it in line with your core values?
Why are you posting (bored/angry/sad/happy/other?)
And....If this message/image/posting was publicly attributed to you, how would you feel?
We have made the decision to shorten our lunch time, and therefore our day, during Terms 2 and 3. The cooler weather and shortened days have contributed to our thinking about this, and we hope it will give students, and staff, greater opportunities to connect with families before it gets dark. We will now finish school at 3.05pm. The times for the days are outlined below.
Have a wonderful Easter and I hope that you can get some time with whānau over the holiday period. We look forward to seeing you all again In Term 2.
Stay safe.
Nga mihi
Cameron Stone
Front of School Upgrade
We are excited about how the front of the school is taking shape. The recent heavy rains showed that the redesign has made the drainage from this area better. Students are enjoying using this space and there will be bike racks installed later this year.
Kamar Access
We have been having a number of calls regarding access to KAMAR. Below is a step by step instruction to access the KAMAR website:
- go to SHS (Stratford High School) website
- click on KAMAR blue button at bottom of front page
- this will take you to website - stratfordhigh.school.kiwi
- logon at top right hand corner using your Kamar login
- click on Details - this is a drop-down box which has various options (including financials)
You can go directly to the website without going through SHS website.
By using the website portal you will have access to financials, reports, subject selection, and other important information. The app will only give basic contact information.
Term 1 Reports
You can now see Term 1's results or progress indicators for the majority of subjects on the Kamar portal. To access this either go onto the Kamar app or visit the website www.stratfordhigh.school.kiwi and enter your log in details. If you need any assistance please contact reception on 06-765 6039.
School Break Hours
The school office will be closed until Wednesday 27th April, 2022. Staff may have arranged to meet students at school for rehearsals or practice so you need to contact the staff member concerned.
School returns on Monday 2 May, with timetable day 1.
Change to school day for term 2, 2022
We will be changing the timing of the end of school during term two as a trial to fit in with the early close for the primary schools. This means that the buses will be leaving Stratford High earlier each day.
Regular timetable
Period 1: 8.45 - 9.45 am
Period 2: 9.45 - 10.45 am
Form time, lunches are provided: 10.45 - 11.00 am
Interval: 11.00 - 11.30 am
Period 3: 11.30 - 12.30 pm
Period 4: 12.30 - 1.30 pm
Lunch: 1.30 - 2.05 pm
Period 5: 2.05 - 3.05 pm
Wednesday only
Period 1: 9.00 – 10.00 am
Period 2: 10.00 – 11.00 am
Form time, lunches are provided: 11.00 to 11.15am
Interval: 11.15 to 11.45 am
Period 3: Utility period, every Wednesday 11.45 am to 12.30 pm
Period 4: 12.30 - 1.30 pm
Lunch: 1.30 - 2.05 pm
Period 5: 2.05 - 3.05 pm
Community Consultation Analysed.
Many thanks to all the parents, caregivers and whānau who participated in our recent community consultation. We asked you what learning looked like and what values/skills are important to you and the results are summarised below. We hope you will continue to participate in future discussion groups which will help inform our decision making here at school. If you think we have missed anything from the results below, please get in touch to let us know at: mail@stratfordhigh.school.nz
What does learning look like?
- Knowing your learners
- Being able to share learner agency with Rangatahi cognitive/social level
- Not one size fits all – extension, support for different stages
- Focus on a subject but still have choice (controlled structure)
- Engaged in learning as it interests students
- Natural curiosity is fostered
- Students being challenged in their learning
- Chalk and talk has to go
- Students respected and valued rather than being shamed or humiliated for wrong answers.
What values and skills are important to you and your whanau?
- Skills developed outside the classroom e.g. groups such as a chess club etc.
- Students have a sense of identity
- Students have a sense of belonging
- Essential skills – literacy/numeracy.
- Resilience, lifelong learning, confidence to achieve
- Students should be proud of their school
- Social skills will lead to problem solving.
- Building safe relationships
- Developing empathy
- Emotional and logical responses to problem solving
- Critical thinking, connecting information, understanding how it can be connected wrongly and identifying this.
- Know how to ask questions to get more understanding.
- Seek out information to grow.
- Self-management
- Agency
- Resourcefulness
Ngāruahine Te Rautaki Matauraura – Education strategy
Rangatahi Māori of Te Kura tua rua ō Whakaahurangi were one of the invited rōpū by Ngāruahine to engage in korero to contribute to the development of Te Rautaki Matauraura. We were privileged to have Katrina Taylor, Ngaputiputi Akapita as facilitators along with Mātua Rangihuna Waller who provided engaging task for rangatahi. It was full of fun, learning, sharing of ideas, experiences, and vision for the future. We are thankful for the tautoko from Mātua Clive who supported the paepae along with Alex. Cam stone did amazingly with his use of Te Reo Māori. All our rangatahi who attended represented the kura with pride and there was a profound sense of kotahitanga. We hope this event is the first of many as we build our relationship with Ngāruahine one iwi of Taranaki.
“Kia mau te wehi”Moana Jr Production
Remember this is an event for all students to participate in.
Relay 4 Life - SHS Relay Your Way
Reports from Aiden and Elysse: When relay your way was announced, I found it super accepting. It was good to come together as a community to fundraise and unite against cancer. Our laps had much moral importance for me and I know it had the same for others as it was an anchor to the remembrance of those who have passed before us. It was a great occasion for our school.
Doing "Relay for Life" meant that I was doing something for people in need and remembering those who fought long and hard. Even though walking all those laps was hard for us, we did it so we could put ourselves into the shoes of those who went through the hardships of cancer. Most of us who did "Relay for Life" have loved ones who have cancer, have gone through it, or have lost their lives because of it. "Relay for Life" is an organisation who has and is helping every one of those people who most need it. The money we raised as a school and community is definitely another step towards treatment for those and being cancer-free sooner.
Holiday Orienteering Event
Taranaki Orienteering have two upcoming events that students and families can sign up for.
The first one is in Stratford on the 25 April from 1030 - 1130, starting outside Stratford Primary School. The second is later that day in Hawera from 1230 - 1.30, starting outside Hawera Primary School.
The best part is it is free for anyone under 18. All you have to do is register online at https://www.orienteeringtaranaki.org.nz/home/ This is so the team knows how many maps and what gear will be required.
There are two courses. The short is perfect for kids, or someone who has never raced before. The Long is designed for the slightly more experienced, and adults who want to come along. There will even be national champions competing at the event.
Have you moved recently? Have you changed your phone number or email address recently? Please contact the school office and update your details.
It is very important we have the correct information for your child in case there is an emergency and we need to contact you immediately. If any contact details change throughout the year please let the school office know.
New Parents Information
Please click on the link below to go the start of school information for 2022.
Within this link you will find information titled "Jan-New Parents Information" which will give you an outline of key organisational information at Stratford High School.
2022 School Policy Reviews
This year the policies for review are our Health and Safety Management policies. See below for instructions to provide feedback on this policy.
- Visit the website Stratford HS Policies and Procedures (schooldocs.co.nz)
- Enter the username (stratfordhigh) and password (swansearoad4332)
- Click on the tab for current review and it should show you the latest policies for review.
- Read the policy.
- Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
- Select the reviewer type "Parent".
- Enter your name (optional).
- Submit your ratings and comments.
- If you don't have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.
COVID Safety Action Plan and Important Reminders
Please find below the link to the 2022 COVID Safety Action Plan which is on the school website.
These must be worn indoors by all students and staff (except those with an official exemption). You are expected to have your own mask and wear it properly (up over your nose).
- Mask wearing has been mandated by the government. It is not optional.
- Make sure you have spare masks with you at school each day.
- Masks are NOT to be shared. They are to be washed regularly.
This is to be observed where practicable. We know that in some learning contexts this is not ideal. Please respect this and if a teacher reminds you about this, please comply willingly and graciously.
Stratford High School
Email: mail@stratfordhigh.school.nz
Website: www.stratfordhigh.school.nz
Location: Stratford High School Swansea Road, Stratford, New Zealand
Phone: 06-7656039
Facebook: facebook.com/SHSTaranaki