Christie Elementary
August 23-30, 2024
🎯 Grade Level Curriculum Nights
August 28 (Wednesday)
1st grade: Library @ 5:30-6:00
5th grade: cafeteria @ 5:30-6:00
September 5 (Thursday)
PTA General Meeting: @ 5:30
2nd grade: library @ 5:30
3rd grade: library @ 6:00
4th grade: Cafeteria @ 6:00
Hey Christie Cubs!
AMPED Schedule (previously known as Specials) - Art, Music, Physical Education Department
2024-2025 Meal Prices
Lunch $2.85 (reduced = $0.40)
*A la carte snacks and beverages will be available for purchase during meal service.
· Households who wish to apply for free or reduced-priced meals will need to complete an online federal meal application for the current school year.
· Applications will be processed within 10 business days.
· Eligibility notification letters will be sent via email.
If you have not received the letter in your inbox, please check your junk and spam folders.
Please contact Meal Programs with any questions.
Communities In Schools
Campus Title I Information/Enlace a la información del Título I del campus
Parents can view copies of the school’s important documents, for example, CIP, report card, campus policy and campus compact in our school front office and on our school website.
Los padres pueden ver copias de los documentos importantes de la escuela, por ejemplo, CIP, boleta de calificaciones, polízas escolares y el convenio escolar en la oficina administrativa y en el sitio web de nuestra escuela.
Selecting the organization that you wish to support is as simple as updating the Kroger Community Rewards selection on your digital account.
1. Sign in to your digital account.
2. Search for your organization here.
3. Enter the name or NPO number of the organization you wish to support.
4. Select the appropriate organization from the list and click “Save”.
Your selected organization will also display in the Kroger Community Rewards section of your account. If you need to review or revisit your organization, you can always do so under your Account details.
Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you. Kroger donates annually to participating organizations based on your percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending associated with all participating Kroger Community Rewards organizations.
Christie Elementary
Website: www.pisd.edu/christie
Location: 3801 Rainier Road, Plano, TX, USA
Phone: 469-752-0800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christiepta
Twitter: @ChristiePlano