Parent and Family Engagement Center
December Newsletter
Welcome to Our Monthly PF & E Update
Happy Holidays CISD Families,
The first semester is almost complete. We are so thankful for all of you! We hope you had a great Thanksgiving and you are looking forward to your Christmas Break. Please take a minute to read our December newsletter. As the year continues and we are adding new programs and opportunities, we will need volunteers. If you would like to volunteer, please click on the link.
Advisory Committee Meeting
We had our Nov./Dec. Advisory Committee meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 10th at 6:00 in the CMS Library. We discussed the activities from this first semester and reviewed the survey results from the staff, parent and family surveys. If you missed the meeting and would like the minutes, please call Alison at 728-1007 or email @
**Our January Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 23rd @ 6:00 in the CMS Library.
Pancakes with Santa was a Success!
A HUGE thank you to everyone that attended our first Pancakes with Santa. It rained and was cold, but it was FUN! We can't wait to start planning for next year. We raised, $4,970.00 to feed kids!
We would not have made it without all of our volunteers. A sincere THANK YOU to everyone who helped.
We recently had the Kiwannians help pack our weekend food bags. We appreciate their help!
Blessings in a Bag
As of this past week, CISD has provided, 2, 943 meals to students. Due to generous donations, this has been no cost to CISD. We will continue seeking community funds to help pay for future orders. If you would like to help with this, please click on the QR code below.
TXU recently donated Christmas trees to families in Mitchell County. CISD provided the ornaments and families were invited to visit the beautiful Christmas decorations in the Admin office and enjoy cookies and hot chocolate.
Left to right:
Casey Arnold, Snyder Resources VP
Felsha' Biggers- CISD Family Engagement Specialists
Alison Alvarez, CISD Parent and Family Engagement Director
Kim Campbell, Mgr Vistra Corp TXU
Claudia Williams, Admin Assistant Snyder Williams
Jessica Robbins, Executive Director, Snyder Resources
Christmas Trees
Stronger Connections Grant
CISD has been awarded the Stronger Connections Grant. The purpose of the grant is to establish and improve school culture to produce strong relationships between staff and students, while addressing harmful, violent, and threatening behavior resulting in reductions in behavioral and disciplinary incidents, chronic absenteeism, incidents of bullying and harassment, and improved overall academic outcomes.
The center will be working off of referrals to help our students and families. Anyone can fill out the referral and all information is confidential.
Below is a link to the referral form.
Please click link below if you would like to donate!
Blessings in a Bag
Anyone interested in donating to this program, can click on the QR code below.
Contact Information:
A recent survey was sent out to students (3rd-12th) and parents. We recently received this info and will be disaggregating the data and sharing it out.
We appreciate your feedback!
Upcoming Events:
- Thursday, January 30th-3rd-5th Math/Reading Foundational Skills-More info to come.