Hinesburg Community School - September 20, 2024
Tuesday, September 24: School Picture Day #1
Wednesday, September 25: School Picture Day #2
Wednesday, September 25: Early Release Day (1:40)
Wednesday, October 2: Early Release Day (1:40)
Wednesday. October 2: K/4 EA Open House (5:00 - 6:00)
Wednesday, October 9: Early Release Day (1:40)
Thursday, October 10: In-Service, NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Friday, October 11: Break, NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Wednesday, October 16: Early Release Day (1:40)
Wednesday, October 23: Early Release Day (1:40)
Wednesday, October 30: Early Release Day (1:40)
Approximately two weeks after portrait day your child will bring home a personally customized order form envelope. There will be five to six different poses of your child printed on your envelope for you to choose from. Prints or packages can be purchased of multiple poses, there’s no need to pick just one!
Order envelopes are the most economical way to purchase portraits, and these orders will be delivered back to the school for distribution to families. We also offer an online ordering option. You can log into the gallery using your child's ID number, which can be found on their order form.
Please note, when ordering online you are ordering as an individual and no longer receiving the benefits of discounted volume ordering through the school. Prices online are therefore higher than the prices on the envelope. We discount our online prices by 25% for the first two weeks to help offset this price difference. After this time the online prices will automatically increase. Online orders are mailed directly to your home and additional products are available.
If you are interested in a coupon please notify Libby or Deb in the front Office at 802-482-2106. You will then pick your picture that you are interested in and send the form to the office.
A make-up day will be offered in early November for any student who missed the first session or who would like their portraits retaken at no extra charge.
We look forward to photographing your student!
cs@amvphotography.com 802-877-6999
Students in the 5/6 were given an introduction to our year long connection with students from Uganda. Mary Muroski, former 5th grade teacher at HCS, leads a foundation that is helping empower women and children in Uganda. Through our connection, students will have the opportunity to have a pen pal from Uganda and speak with the students over several Google Meets.
2024-2025 PiE GRANTS
It's that time again...
The 2024-25 PiE Grant application and guidelines are available now and we can't wait to see what special projects and ideas you all have in the works! This year, PiE is able to allocate $5,000 to our grant program again, which we are thrilled to do. PiE Grants will be accepted until October 12th. Staff, teachers and families are eligible to submit an application.
Maybe you're hoping to expand your outdoor classroom offering, or incorporate more hands-on tools to supplement your curriculum, or provide an enrichment experience outside the classroom? We hope you'll think about above and beyond items that can enhance the learning environment, your teaching experience and the daily educational experience for HCS students of all ages. No idea is too far outside the box!
7:30 - 7:45
Starting at 7:30, caregivers may drop students off at the side door After 7:45, please have your student walk to the front door from the side partking lot. Student drop offs are permitted no earlier than 7:30 as there is no adult supervision until this time
7:45 AM
Bus Drop Off
Third grade electricians learn how circuits work in STEM class
Please do not park park in the bus lane anytime between 7:30 - 8:00 and again from 2:20 - 3:00. We have had quite a few parents pull up and block school buses as well as children as they are trying to safely exit their bus.
Any HCS student who participates in after school clubs, activities or athletics is able to take the late bus home any day of the week, except Wednesday.
We announce the late bus twice over the intercom at 4:15 and 4:20 and the bus leaves no later than 4:30. Depending on the day, the number of late buses and the number of riders, the late bus could deliver students to their destination anytime between 4:30 and 6:00. Unfortunaltey there is no way to tell how long the ride will be or what the route will be for the day until we see how many students show up at 4:15. Staff are not in the office after 4:30 and will not be able to contact the late bus driver after this time. You do not need to let the office know if your child will ride the late bus - they can show up at 4:15. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Outright Vermont Fire Truck Pull Fundraiser
Call for support! The CVSD GSA (gender sexuality alliance) advisors have created a CVSD team for the annual Outright Vermont Fire Truck Pull on Church St. in Burlington on Saturday, Sept. 28th! There is a celebration starting at 11:00 am, and the Pull begins at 12:00 pm! Here are three ways to support.
Support by Donating! We are hoping to raise $3000 as a district to help support LGBTQ+ youth in Vermont. With 10 days to go we have raised $1,335, which is just shy of 50% of our goal. Click here to donate to the CVSD Team.
Support by Pulling! The truck is easier to pull when we have more people! Join us on your own or with families and friends to visibly show your support for our LGBTQ+ students. Click here to join the CVSD Team. Or email gkrembs@cvsdvt.org to tell Greer you're going to pull!
Support by Spreading the Word! Share this information with others and recruit them to donate or help pull with CVSD to show our students we see and support them for exactly who they are.
Would you like to volunteer at HCS or go on a fieldtrip?
Would you like to attend a HCS fieldtrip with your child or volunteer to read in their classroom? If so, now is an excellent time to fill out your paperwork for clearance though the District. Once your paperwork is received, please allow 10 business days for approval. Once approved, the clearance is valid for 1 year.
Volunteering & Chaperoning Procedures
Consent Form To Fill Out for Registry - please include a photo ID as well
Want to learn more about nature? Eager to share the joy of discovery with your children and their classmates? Become a Four Winds classroom volunteer at Hinesburg Community School!
Adult volunteers (HCS parents, grandparents, or community members) meet for two hours/month during the school year for a workshop taught by a naturalist from the Four Winds Nature Institute staff. Each month they'll learn about a fascinating natural science topic with activities designed to teach children in grades K-6 about this topic. Then, later in the month, volunteers (working in partners) will bring these lessons to the classes and take the children outdoors, leading them through the activities.
**The first volunteer training workshop is next Friday, September 20th, 8:00-10:00am! We currently need a few more volunteers for our K-2 classrooms!**
For more information, contact Sara Lovitz, Volunteer Program Coordinator at 802 289 9440 or email at saralovitz@gmail.com
**Please click the flyer below to enlarge**
Join Us in the NexTrex Recycling Challenge!
Dear Families and Community Members,
We are excited to announce that our school is participating in the NexTrex Recycling Challenge! This program is a wonderful opportunity for us to teach our students about the importance of recycling and environmental stewardship.
Our goal is to collect 1,000 pounds of clean plastic materials, which will then be recycled by Trex Company. If we reach our goal, Trex will reward our efforts by sending us a beautiful, durable bench made from recycled materials—a perfect addition to our school!
Here's how you can help:
- Collect eligible plastics: Please bring in clean, dry plastic bags, wraps, and films. This includes items like grocery bags, bread bags, case overwrap, dry cleaning bags, and more. See the 'flyer' for specifics!
- Spread the word: Share this challenge with friends, family, and neighbors. The more plastic we collect, the closer we get to reaching our goal!
- Drop-off locations: Bring plastics into the cafeteria bin or up to the 7/8 wing in Mr. Psaros' and Ms. Krembs's rooms.
Let's work together to reach our 1,000-pound goal and earn that recycled bench for our school! Your support is most appreciated in making this challenge a success. Thank you for your commitment to our school and the environment. We look forward to seeing what we can achieve together!
Mr. Psaros and Ms. Krembs
Connecting Youth CVSD is seeking interested adult community members to join our amazing team of volunteer youth mentors. Not only will your mentoring relationship provide support, encouragement, trust, and guidance for a young person in your community, you’ll find substantial reward in being a person who is making a difference in someone’s life. Learn more here!
Why Mentor?
Build empathy and understanding for today’s young people
Contribute to the connectedness of your community
Experience joyful purpose from impacting a young person’s life
Be a trusted adult who cares and shows up
Explore new activities, experiences, and passions!
The Commitment
One hour a week during the school year
We work around your schedule
Continuous training and support provided
Middle school mentors connect over fun activities like cooking, crafts and games, while high school mentors help guide students through goal-setting, resilience building, and career exploration. If you’re fun, caring, and trustworthy, your simple presence can make a difference.
Learn More Today and contact your CVSD Mentor Coordinator: Livy Bulger, lbulger@cvsdvt.org, 802-482-6248
About Us
Suzan Locke, HCS Co-Principal, Grades K-4
482-6299, slocke@cvsdvt.org
Tim Trevithick, HCS Co-Principal, Grades 5-8
482-6298, ttrevithick@cvsdvt.org
Alicia Kurth, HCS Special Education Administrator
482-6285, akurth@cvsdvt.org
Email: hcsinformation@cvsdvt.org
Website: https://www.cvsdvt.org/hinesburg
Location: Hinesburg Community School, 10888, Route 116, Hinesburg, Vermont, USA
Phone: 802-482-2106
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hinesburg-Community-School-125786304154731/
The Viking Newsletter is published weekly, when school is in session. It is available on our web site and is also delivered via email. If needed, a hard copy can be provided for your child to bring home. The Viking includes upcoming events, after school opportunities, notes of interest for parents and the community and updates from our school administration.