Bear Bulletin
September 20, 2024
Lincoln Elementary Recognized at September Board Meeting
Lincoln Elementary was recognized with an incredible award from Solution Tree, honoring our campus as an International Model PLC at Work Campus! We are beyond proud to share that over the past three years, we’ve moved from a Texas Education Agency rating of C several years ago to our A-rating in 2022; have been named as one of the Top 10% of Texas Elementary Schools by U.S. News & World Report; and earned an A-rating, recognition as being in the top 7% of Best Public Elementary School Teachers in Texas, and recognition as one of the Best Public Elementary Schools in Texas from Niche.
These achievements are the result of the hard work and dedication of our amazing staff, who approach learning with a data-driven mindset to ensure high-quality education for every student, every day. Three years ago, we set our core beliefs, mission, and vision into motion, making professional commitments that hold us accountable to one another. This has truly transformed the way we work together as a team. What it all boils down to, however, is high-level of education for our students.
Our vision is simple yet powerful: a school where staff and community collaborate to ensure high levels of learning in a safe, supportive environment. We are in relentless pursuit of continuous learning for all, and this recognition affirms that we are living that vision.
We couldn’t be more proud of our incredible staff and the difference they are making for our students. Thank you for your ongoing support as we continue to strive for excellence!
Counselor Corner
We are excited to announce that Lincoln Elementary is participating in the Parenting Partners program. This program is a parent engagement initiative designed to build effective collaboration between schools and families. It focuses on equipping parents with skills to support their children's academic success and well-being. Through a series of workshops, the program covers key topics such as positive parenting strategies, communication, academic support, and building children's self-esteem. The goal is to empower parents to become strong advocates for their children's education and to foster a supportive home environment that enhances student learning and behavior.
Please reach out to Mrs. Peterson for more information or click on the image below to sign up for the program.
Attendance Matters
September is School Attendance Awareness Month, and we want to continue to highlight the significant impact of every day your child is present. Consistent attendance is crucial for a child's success in school. Missing school, even occasionally, can have significant negative impacts on their learning and development. Here are five reasons that even just a few absences can affect your child:
Gaps in Learning: Missing school leads to gaps in learning, making it harder for students to keep up with new material. Each lesson builds on the previous one, so frequent absences can result in a weaker understanding of key concepts and skills.
Lower Academic Performance: When students miss school, they miss out on valuable instruction time, class discussions, and hands-on activities. This can lead to lower test scores, falling behind in assignments, and a decrease in overall academic performance.
Difficulty in Catching Up: Catching up after an absence can be challenging for students, especially if they miss several days. It often means extra homework, make-up tests, and the stress of trying to understand material that was taught while they were away.
Weakened Social Connections: School is where children develop important social skills and build friendships. Regular absences can disrupt these connections, leading to feelings of isolation or difficulty integrating back into the social environment of the classroom.
Negative Impact on Long-Term Habits: Frequent absences can lead to a pattern of poor attendance, which may carry over into middle and high school. This habit can impact a student's ability to stay engaged and succeed academically in the long run.
Attendance plays a key role in your child's academic and social development. Let's work together to ensure they don't miss out on these vital learning experiences!
School Finance - Prop A
School funding is a complex topic that has many facets. Our MISD Board of Trustees has called for Proposition A, also known as a Voter-Approval Tax Rate Election (VATRE) for Nov. 5, 2024. State law requires that school districts seek voter approval to raise their tax rate above a prescribed amount. Proposition A will allow MISD voters to approve or disapprove the tax rate adopted by the Board of Trustees.
Montgomery ISD is hosting a Community Town Hall to discuss the facts regarding Prop A. Please mark your calendars for Monday, September 23 at 6pm and join district leadership for a presentation of facts and a time of Q&A.
Please use this link to RSVP and take the opportunity to share any questions you would like answered in the presentation. https://forms.gle/iKeeXSJvbe2yC3f6A
I highly encourage you to learn more about this proposition and how it could impact our district, our staff, and our students. MISD has included information about Prop A on the district website.
To register to vote or to find out your registration status, call the Montgomery County Elections Department at 936-539-7843, or visit their website at https://elections.mctx.org/BBM.asp. The last day to register to vote in the November election is Monday, October 7.
Early voting begins Oct. 21 and ends Nov. 1, and Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5.
Involvement Opportunities and Donation Requestions
One of our campus goals is to build more parent involvement on our campus. As parents, you know your child best. We want to partner with you to consistently make our school better. Below are several opportunities where you can be involved or provide feedback.
- WatchDOGS - Click this link for more information, the program presentation from the district, the background form, and the registration form.
- Parent Feedback Form - Any time you want to share your thoughts, you can email, call, or make an appointment to visit. Another way you can provide input is to simply complete our parent feedback form at any time. Your responses are anonymous unless you choose to include your name and/or contact information.
Seniors with Seniors
Montgomery ISD is inviting all senior citizens in our community to join us for breakfast with our Class of 2025 Graduating Seniors. Dr. Ruffin will share about the great things happening in our schools and our amazing students will provide entertainment and tours of campus, sharing a peek into their mornings in MISD.
Montgomery HS: October 7
Lake Creek HS: October 9
Breakfast will begin at 8:30am and will be served by MISD CTE Culinary Arts students, followed by a special message from Dr. Ruffin. The morning will be wrapped up with student-led tours. You can RSVP here to let us know you're coming: https://forms.office.com/r/pthkSsvAhW or call to RSVP: 936.276.2106
Please share this invite with your MISD grandparents and neighbors and help us kick-off this program, developing relationships between our graduating students and our seasoned community members.
Safety Reminder from Officer Jason
This Week at Lincoln
Each week, we want to provide you with an overview of our Lincoln statistics and where we are as a campus. We will share information about enrollment, student behaviors, and attendance. Additionally, as we have celebrations to share regarding our students' academic successes, we'll list them here too.
Current enrollment: 477
Our goal is to have 95% or better attendance each day. Good school attendance is a key indicator of future school success. Below is our average daily attendance for this month so far:
Week of 9/3: 95.3%
Week of 9/9: 95.7%
Week of 9/16: 96.3%
Classes with the Highest Attendance Rates Last Week:
- PERFECT ATTENDANCE: Mrs. Holladay, Mrs. Perry, & Mrs. Rubio
- 99.2% - Mrs. Gerbrecht
- 98.9% - Mrs. Moore
- 98.1% - Mrs. Jorgensen, Mrs. Springer, & Mrs. White
- 97.8% - Mrs. Knee/Mrs. Bussell
- 97.1% - Mrs. Spanjer
- 96.7% - Mrs. Forrer, Mrs. Torman, & Mrs. Treharne
- 96.5% - Mrs. Meadors, Mrs. Thorp
- 96.2% - Mrs. Herzog
- 96% - Mrs. Kirk
- 95.3% - Mrs. McClain & Mrs. Robison
***A special shout out to our ECSE classes with 100% perfect attendance this week!***
***All of our Pre-K, 2nd, & 3rd grade classes met our 95% or better goal!***
Student Celebrations:
Bell Ringers for the Week:
The following students met a goal this week and rang our bell -
- Mrs. Robison's Class!
Way to go! Congratulations for meeting your goal!
PTO News
LES 2024 Fall Festival Tickets
Join us for our first annual Lincoln Elementary School Fall Festival. This will be a fun night for families and staff at LES to play games, win prizes, eat some amazing food, and donate to our PTO through our Silent Auction. The event itself if free to attend, but you must have tickest to play the games. Each game is 1 ticket per person, per time. You can purchase 20 tickets for $10 if you purchase prior to the event. At the event, tickets will be 20 for $15.
We will have over 15 games for your family to choose from.
Purchase tickets here: https://les-2024-fall-festival-tickets.cheddarup.com/
Homecoming Mums & Garters (Benefitting MHS Floral Design Department & LES PTO)
It's homecoming time! MHS Floral Design is selling mums and garters for our students to wear to show their Bear pride for homecoming on 9/27. We will pass out the mums and garters at LES on 9/26 for them to wear on 9/27. If you order by 9/13, your mum/garter will be $10 each. If you order after 9/13, orders will by $12 each. This is raising money for the MHS Floral Design department, as well as our LES PTO.
Link to order- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfTXPV20i2EtkQ2fFplvvSU5yrs25CO66ZzsUnVrX55EC3O6g/viewform?usp=sf_link
Montgomery ISD Dyslexia Newsletter
Staff Shout Outs
All staff members and parents are encouraged to nominate MISD employees who are "Making An Impact." Submit your nominations here: https://forms.gle/F3eWSxo3GawGw1f98
You can also submit names straight to the district through the Quick Tip Tab. Visit our school webpage and click on the Quick Tip tab. Select "Lincoln Elementary" from the drop-down menu. Then select "Share a Positive Story/Teacher Shout Out" in the next drop-down. Finally, enter information about how the staff member made a difference for you or your child. There's even a place to include a picture if you have one. The information has the option to be entered anonymously if you like.
This Week at LES
September: Attendance Awareness Month
Monday 9/23- Community Town Hall at the district building on Eva St. 6:00 pm - Attend to learn more about Prop A and have your questions answered!
Tuesday, 9/24
- Campus Advisory Committee at 4:15 pm
- Rock Your School Day! Wear your best (school-appropriate) rock 'n roll outfit, and be ready for some fun, engaging activities throughout the day!
Upcoming Events
- Week of 9/30 - Book Fair Week
- Thursday, 10/3 - Fall Festival
- Friday, 10/4 - World Teacher's Day; Wave Club Starts
- October 8-10 - Bring Your Parent to PE (See Below Exact Day for Each Class)
- Friday 10/11-Monday, 10/14 - No School (Fall Break)
- Tuesday, 10/15 - District PD - No School for Students
- Wednesday, 10/16 - Anti-Bullying Day; Wear Orange
- Friday, 10/26 - Fall Pictures
- Week of Monday, 10/28 - Red Ribbon Week
All About Lunch
Lunch Schedules
Lunch visitors who are on a child's emergency contact list are welcome to eat with that child at one of our 3 reserved lunch visitor tables during the student's lunch period starting on September 3. Visitors will need to check in at the front office with their ID and get a visitor badge. Please do not invite other students to join you or provide food or snacks for other students. When lunch is over, all students will line up with their class. Visitors will return to the front office to turn in their visitor badge. Students should not bring other students with them to join their guests for lunch. Food should not be provided to other students than the child the guests are visiting.
Lunch Times:
ECSE 3s: 11:40-12:10
Pre-K & ECSE 4s: 10:55-11:25
Kindergarten: 11:10-11:40
1st Grade: 11:25-11:55
2nd Grade: 11:45-12:15
3rd Grade: 12:00-12:30
4th Grade: 12:20-12:50
5th Grade: 12:35-1:05
A friendly reminder, we do not have an open lunch policy so please do not order food for your child from outside vendors to be delivered to the school during the school day (i.e. Uber Eats, Grub Hub, Door Dash, or any kind of delivery service). This becomes a safety concern when staff need to leave the front office to deliver food to students or take their focus off of families who have business in the office. Food deliveries also increase the number of unfamiliar people entering the building. Additionally, our lunch times are very tight and do not allow for late deliveries. We cannot allow for learning to be disrupted by early or late food deliveries. Thank you for understanding our focus on safety and uninterrupted instructional time.
Important Note from the Cafeteria
Free and Reduced Meals
If your child(ren) received free or reduced-price meals last school year, please remember that you must submit a new application for the 2024-2025 school year if you have not already done so. Participation does not automatically carry over year to year.
If you do not apply, your child(ren) will lose their eligibility for free or reduced-price meals and will be charged for meals starting September 26, 2024.
Meal prices are:
· Breakfast K-12: $1.50,
· Lunch Grades K-5: $2.75, Grades 6-8: $3.25+
Families who qualify for free or reduced meals may also become eligible for other forms of assistance, such as reduced fees for extracurricular activities, afterschool programs, and internet access.
How to Apply: · Online: Complete your application at www.myschoolapps.com.
· Paper Application: Can be picked up from School Front office. Contact the Education Service Center (ESC) at 936-276-2600 to have a paper application mailed to you.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please call the ESC office at 936-276-2600. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
English: In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at: https://www.usda.gov/sites/default/files/documents/ad-3027.pdf, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by: 1. mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or 2. fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or 3. email: Program.Intake@usda.gov This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Birthday Recognition Fundraiser
Celebrate your child’s birthday and raise money for our LES activity fund. These funds are used to pay for field trips and special activities for our students and staff.
You can have your child’s first name and initial of last name (i.e. Kerri A.) displayed on our marquee and/or our internal hallway monitors for the week of his/her birthday for a small donation to our activity fund. If you choose to have their birthday recognition on the hallway monitors, you have the option to include a picture of your child for an additional $5 donation. If you child has a summer birthday, we can recognize their half-birthday.
Cash donations only, please. Use the form attached below to place your order. Forms will also be available in Tuesday folders.
School Hours, Attendance, and Tardies
- Doors open at 7:50
- Tardy bell rings, and class begins at 8:15. (This is the time students are expected to be in their seats in the classroom.)
- School day ends at 3:40
We are working hard to maximize each and every minute our students are here. Students who arrive after 8:15 are considered tardy and will need to be walked into the front door of the building and signed in by a parent or guardian. If your child needs to leave early, they may be checked out through the front office by a parent or guardian no later than 3:15 pm.
Attendance is of critical importance to your child's academic success. Parents should enter the absence information through Family Access in Skyward within 48 hours of the absence.
Changes in transportation need to be made prior to 2:00 in order to allow time for the messages to be communicated with the appropriate staff member. To request a change of transportation, either
- Send a note with your child,
- Email LincolnElementaryTransit@misd.org with the note and a copy of your driver's license, or
- Come to the school with a copy of your driver's license.
About Us
Lincoln Elementary is a Pre-K through 5th grade campus in Montgomery ISD that opened in the fall of 2018. We are dedicated to collaboration that focuses on ensuring high levels of learning for every student, every day, in a safe and supportive environment.
Email: kerri.ashlock@misd.org
Website: https://lincolnes.misd.org/
Location: 700 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Montgomery, TX, USA
Phone: (936) 276-4700
Facebook: facebook.com/MISDLincoln
Twitter: @lincoln_MISD