March Parent Letter
March 2025

March is Here!!
As we enter the month of March parents be reminded that we are completing quarter 3 and quarter 4 will start in no time. Keep in communication with your students teacher to ensure students are progressing academically. We are embarking on our Spring assessment and field trip season. Keep in mind that field trips have the same criteria's as clubs attendance, academics and behavior.
I would like to thank all of the Pleasantview parents that helped their students during the "Black History Wax Museum," the Motown Review, Spelling Bee, Science Fair and all of the February activities we had at Pleasantview. It's always a pleasure to join in with the family school partnership for the success of the students.
Parents please take the time to monitor your students cell phones, tablets and game system usage. Many of the issues the students are having at school are do to things happening on these devices and on social media. Only the adults at home can monitor and control the dynamic of these devices. Once an issue comes to school and impedes the learning process then and only then will students be disciplined in accordance to the student code of conduct.
Attendance Matters and we are seeing to many students missing a lot of days from school. Our truancy officer will be on campus to discuss students with excessive absence and tardiness for the school year. Parents everyday your student is absent they fall behind 2 to 3 days in their academics. Students cannot just be in school on field trip days and other fun days throughout the school day. This isn't fair to the students that come daily and earn these rewards and special moments. Please make sure you are contacting the office when your student will be absent and providing excuses for the days they are out. Unfortunately students with excessive absences will not be able to attend in certain activities.
Parents, there is no physical aggression, profanity, racial terms or bullying allowed at Pleasantview students will be disciplined accordingly. Please have these talks about proper behavior during school hours. Also, take the time to search your students backpacks and purses. There are to many items that can lead to suspension entering the building.
Principal Trice
5th Grade Families
Please be reminded that any 5th grade student with an excessive amount of suspensions and discipline issues for the remainder of the school year will not be allowed to participate in the "Moving-Up Ceremony." I have been saying this all year as well as it was discussed at the 5th grade Parent Meeting. Parents of those students will receive a letter in May letting you know your students status. I ask that you speak with your students about hands-on behavior of any kind, bullying, racial intimidation, disrespectful behavior and profanity. Letters of violations will go out April 2, 2025.
Thanks in advance for your support in this matter.
Multiplication Facts
Daily practice increases students math skills.
Parents as you know the bus is an extension of the school. When incidents are reported to the school from the transportation company, parents and neighbors we will investigate it properly and students will be disciplined accordingly. After so many discipline concerns your student may be removed off of transportation for a few days or permanently. Please talk to your students about staying seating, keeping their hands to themselves, and not using profanity on the bus. If you have transportation concerns call the transportation company first and they will inform us if they need to. When you have concerns about issues happening on the school bus, your first step is to contact the transportation company and make them aware. Afterwards, you can call my office and leave a message.
🍕 March Breakfast and Lunch Menu 🥪🍌🍓
Dads Of Great Students
Dads if you signed up to volunteer at Pleasantview, please stop bye the office and complete the clearance form. This is a process that must happen for all to volunteer and work in the building with the students. Remember we just need one hour a month from our dad volunteers.
Thanks to our DAD representative that helped out during the "Snow Coming" Dance.
📆 Our Schedule This Month
March 3rd
- March is Reading Month activities
March 4th
- March is Reading Month Activities
March 5th
- March is Reading Month
- Guest Reader @ 1:00 p.m.
- 3rd Grade Classes to the gym
- 5th Grade lunch in class
March 6th
- Ann Arbor Hands On Museum onsite Field Trips
- All Sessions Held in STEM Room Tripi will travel to STEM Classes
- 8:30 Schimers (if it's not your prep time you will need to stay with your class)
- 9:30 Boggia (if it's not your prep time you will need to stay with your class)
- 10:30 D. Clark (if it's not your prep time you will need to stay with your class)
- 1:00 M. Clark (if it's not your prep time you will need to stay with your class)
- Campout Read-out 12:30-2:30 p.m. (Students must have permission slip to participate)
- Lunch in Classrooms
March 7th
- PBIS Rewards
March 10th
- 4th Grade Classes Ann Arbor Hands on Museum
March 11th
- 4th Grade Field Trip (Behavior must be appropriate for approval)
- Guest Reader (Chanel 95.5) at 1:00 p.m. 3rd Grade classes in gym
- 5th Grade lunch in classroom
- Detroit Science Fair participants travel Downtown Detroit
March 12th
- Late Start
- March is Reading Month Activities
March 13th
- 5th Grade Field Trip
- Kindergarten Round-up @ELC Night Session
March 14th
- Kindergarten Round-up @ELC Morning Sessions
- Picture Day
- Guest Reader
- 4th Grade
March 19th
- Attendance Awards Continental Breakfast
- Invitations sent home with recipients
- 8:30 a.m.
March 20th
- STEM, MATH and M-STEP Family Night
- Must have complete a registration form
- 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. (with dinner)
March 21th
- 1/2 Day for Students (End of 3rd Quarter)
- Records Day
March 24th thru March 28th
- Spring Break
March 31th
- Professional Development
April 1st
- School Resumes
****************************Up Coming Events********************************
Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum site visits March thru April
MSU Toll Farm Field Trips 3rd Grade
Orchestra Field
Arrival and Dismissal
As you all know I am an advocate for student safety. Having a few of my students struck by vehicles had led to us creating a more safe way for students to arrive and depart Pleasantview daily. This is our second year instituting a pick-up and drop-off procedure that works and has kept all students and staff safe. Thanks to the parents who have been following the guidelines provided to ensure all students arrive and leave Pleasantview safely.
- All students must be picked up by 3:05 p.m.
- There is no parking up against the building during arrival or dismissal as this is the bus lane.
- If your vehicle is damaged by a bus due to not following the guidelines we are not responsible for the damages.
- At no time should the driveway be blocked, it is not safe for you our your student to do a quick drop-off or pick-up there.
- There is absolutely no parking across Toepfer you will be ticketed and we will not allow students to run across the street.
- Eastpointe Police will be notified of repeat offenders.
- You will also receive a ticket for parking in the driveways across from the school and running students across the street.
- Do not stop the traffic in the middle of Toepfer to drop-off or pick your student up that is very dangerous.
- Do not yell for your student to run to you if you double park or park across the street we will not release the student(s) to you.
- School opens daily at 7:40 a.m. allowing extra time for an early and easy drop-off and at 8:40 a.m. on Wednesday.
I do not wish to block the driveway off completely and only allowing the buses to come through, so parents "PLEASE" follow the rules to make it smooth for everyone.
Attendance Matters
Title I Right To Know
Pleasantview Elementary is a school-wide Title I school. This means we receive money from the Federal Government for academic support for our students. The purpose of the Title I program is to increase student achievement by providing additional and timely instruction to help students achieve success in the regular education program. Note that Title I services are provided “in addition” to the regular instruction our students receive in the classroom. These include:
●Out of classroom support or “pull out”
●Title I family activities
●Title I extended year, summer
●Summer slide library program
●Para pro support
●March is Reading Month program student incentives
- Learning Excursions
- Academic Support
- SEL supports through "Leader In Me"
Students ill should stay home. Keep in mind this is still cold, flu and covid season and it is our job to keep all students safe. Students with a fever must stay home 24-hours until fever breaks with no symptoms.
Motown Review
Snow Coming
Smore ❤️ Reading 📖
March is National Women's History Month
March is Ramadan