JAMS Weekly Update
October 7, 2024
Dear JAMS Families/Estimadas Familias de JAMS
As we enter the next grading period, the initial excitement of the new school year has settled, and students have now adjusted to their routines at JAMS. This is also the time of year when students may begin to test boundaries. We need your continued partnership to ensure our students stay on track and make the most of their learning experience.
Here’s how you can help:
Cell Phone Policy: Please remind your child about our cell phone policy. Phones are away for the day. They are to be turned off and in their backpacks at all times. Students are not allowed to use their phones during nutrition and lunch. Please help us by not calling or messaging your child throughout the day. (see below)
Attendance and Punctuality: It’s crucial for students to arrive at school on time and be in their classes when the bell rings. Regular attendance and punctuality are key to academic success. Student/Parent Handbook pg. 10-11
- School Attire: We ask for your support in ensuring that students follow our school’s attire guidelines. Appropriate dress promotes safety and helps create a focused, respectful learning environment. When students adhere to the attire policy, they are better prepared to learn and participate safely in all activities. Student/Parent Handbook pg. 20
Chromebooks: Students need to bring their Chromebooks to school every day, fully charged and ready for use in class. This is essential for their ability to participate in learning activities.
By working together, we can help reinforce these important expectations and keep JAMS a positive, safe, and productive place for learning and growth. Thank you for your support!
This Thursday is the JAMS PTSA meeting at 6:30 pm in the Performing Arts Studio. We will be discussing Parent Eyes. Join us!
We have to reschedule the Hearing and Vision tests for grade 8. We will let you know once we have dates. This Friday is Club Photo day. Your child will have more information.
Have a great week!
Martha Chacón
Así es como puede ayudar:
- Política de teléfonos celulares: Recuérdele a su hijo/a nuestra política de telefonía celular. Los teléfonos están fuera por el día. Deben estar apagados y en sus mochilas en todo momento. A los estudiantes no se les permite usar sus teléfonos durante la nutrición y el almuerzo. Por favor ayúdenos no llamando ni enviando mensajes a su hijo/a durante el día.. (vea mas abajo)
- Asistencia y Puntualidad: Es crucial que los estudiantes lleguen a la escuela a tiempo y estén en sus clases cuando suene el timbre. La asistencia regular y la puntualidad son claves para el éxito académico. Manual para padres y estudiantes página 10-11
- Vestimenta escolar: solicitamos su apoyo para garantizar que los estudiantes sigan las pautas de vestimenta de nuestra escuela. La vestimenta adecuada promueve la seguridad y ayuda a crear un ambiente de aprendizaje centrado y respetuoso. Cuando los estudiantes se visten adecuadamente están mejor preparados para aprender y participar de manera segura en todas las actividades. Manual para padres y estudiantes página 20
- Chromebooks: los estudiantes deben traer sus Chromebooks a la escuela todos los días, completamente cargados y listos para usar en clase. Esto es esencial para su capacidad de participar en actividades de aprendizaje.
Tenemos que reprogramar las pruebas de audición y visión para el grado 8. Le informaremos una vez que tengamos fechas. Este viernes es el día fotos de los clubs. Su hijo/a tendrá más información.
¡Que tengan una buena semana!
Martha Chacon
This Friday, we celebrate Bike It, Walk It, Bus It at JAMS! I encourage students and families to leave the car at home and enjoy the benefits of a healthier, greener commute.
As students bike to school, their safety is our top priority. Please remind your child to always wear a helmet, follow street rules, stay aware of their surroundings, and listen to crossing guards at all times. It's crucial that they signal properly and stay alert for cars, pedestrians, and other cyclists.
We also ask that parents avoid blocking school entrances, refrain from using the school parking lot for drop-offs, and abide by traffic rules to ensure a smooth and safe commute for all.
Thank you for helping keep our students safe!
Mientras los estudiantes van en bicicleta a la escuela, la seguridad es nuestra principal prioridad. Recuerde a su hijo/a que siempre use un casco, siga las reglas de la calle, esté atento a su entorno y escuche a los guardias de cruce en todo momento. Es fundamental que señalicen adecuadamente y se mantengan alerta ante la presencia de automóviles, peatones y otros ciclistas.
También pedimos que los padres eviten bloquear las entradas de la escuela, se abstengan de usar el estacionamiento de la escuela para dejar a sus hijos y respeten las reglas de tránsito para garantizar un viaje fluido y seguro para todos.
¡Gracias por ayudar a mantener seguros a nuestros estudiantes!
Another Shoe Drive for Prince Africa Track Foundation!
Our incredible students are once again stepping up to make a difference! Calling all used athletic shoes! The annual shoe drive is kicking off Tuesday, October 8 to benefit the Prince Africa Track Foundation. Last year, thanks to your amazing generosity, we collected over 200 pairs of shoes for children in Zambia, Africa!
This year, our dedicated Youth Ambassadors—Louisa Gubbins, Blake Kipperman, Safiya Hart, Mary Gubbins, and Leila Nord—are leading the charge. They’re working with the foundation’s leader, Prince Mumba, who will personally deliver the donated shoes to youth athletes in Zambia this December.
🥿👟 How can you help? 👟🥿
Starting Tuesday, October 8, there will be a bin at the front of the school for shoe donations. The collection will run for one month, so please bring your gently used athletic shoes to contribute to this wonderful cause!
We truly appreciate your support and can’t wait to update you on how many pairs of shoes our amazing JAMS students have donated!
Let's keep this momentum going—your generosity makes a world of difference! 🌍👟💙
Donación de zapatos atléticos
Este año, nuestras dedicadas Embajadoras Juveniles - Louisa Gubbins, Blake Kipperman, Safiya Hart, Mary Gubbins y Leila Nord - están liderando la carga. Están trabajando con el líder de la fundación, el Príncipe Mumba, quien entregará personalmente los zapatos donados a los atletas jóvenes en Zambia este diciembre.
👟 ¿Cómo puede ayudar? 👟
A partir del martes 8 de octubre, habrá un barril al frente de la escuela para donaciones de zapatos. La colección durará un mes, así que traiga sus zapatos deportivos en buen estado para contribuir a esta maravillosa causa.
¡Realmente apreciamos su apoyo y estamos ansiosos por informarles sobre cuántos pares de zapatos han donado nuestros increíbles estudiantes de JAMS!
Mantengamos este impulso: ¡su generosidad hace una gran diferencia! 🌍👟💙
Science Magnet Meeting
Wednesday, October 9th /Miércoles 9 de octubre
Please join us for the Santa Monica Science Magnet Association meeting this Wednesday, October 9th at 6:30-8:00pm in the Performing Arts Center Studio. We will be discussing plans for family trips and '24-'25 school year activities. If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you can join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83984856157?pwd=nH2su9h5KwBhW9nIvvezO2OFxBHpo4.1
Meeting ID: 839 8485 6157; Passcode: SMSM
We hope to see you there!
Meeting ID: 839 8485 6157; Passcode: SMSM
¡Esperamos verlos allí!
Here's a quick update on JAMS sports results as of 10/4
Here's a quick update on JAMS sports results as of 10/4:
7th/8th Grade Flag Football (D1): BYE WEEK (1-1)
6th Grade Flag Football (D2): Undefeated with a 3-0 record!
Girls Flag Football (6th-8th D1): Won by forfeit, now 2-1!
Girls Volleyball (7th/8th D1): Won their first game of the season, now 1-1.
6th Grade Volleyball (D2): Lost a closely contested match, now 1-1.
Cross Country (XC): Second of five meets is on Tuesday, 10/8, at Edward's Vincent Park (Inglewood). Families and athletes are asked to arrive by 4 pm, with races starting at 4:30 pm and staggered by grade from 6th to 8th.
Let’s celebrate these great efforts and keep supporting our student athletes! Go JAMS!
For upcoming games and schedules, visit https://www.smmusd.org/Page/7205
Boys & Girls Club AM Club/Club de la mañana de Boys and Girls Club
The Boys & Girls Club AM Club is now open! Hours are Mon-Thurs from 7:30-8:55 am and Fridays from 7:30-9:25 am. Since we offer AM classes starting at 8:00 am, we kindly ask that any students arriving early be dropped off at the Boys & Girls Club rather than hanging out on campus. We made sure to offer this morning club time for your convenience. If you are on the membership waiting list for the afternoon, reach out to the Boys & Girls Club and let them know you need morning club. For more information and to register, please visit this link.. This is a great opportunity for students!
Samohi Orchestras
Experience the amazing Samohi Orchestras at this year’s fall concert, Disney in Concert Around the World, on Friday, October 25 at 7:00pm in Barnum Hall. Enjoy an evening of popular movie themes such as Lion King, Mulan, Nightmare Before Christmas, and Aladdin. Bring the whole family to hear these iconic melodies as movie clips are projected above stage! Concessions open at 5:30 with tacos and baked goods for sale. Dress as your favorite Disney character and join in the costume contest prior to the show. This event sells out, so purchase your tickets now at www.samohiorchestras.org, $10 for students/$20 for adults.
Experimente las increíbles Orquestas Samohi en el concierto de otoño de este año, Disney in Concert Around the World, el viernes 25 de octubre a las 7:00 p. m. en Barnum Hall. Disfrute de una velada con temas de películas populares como El Rey León, Mulan, Pesadilla antes de Navidad y Aladdin. ¡Traiga a toda la familia para escuchar estas melodías icónicas mientras se proyectan clips de películas sobre el escenario! Las concesiones abren a las 5:30 con tacos y productos horneados a la venta. Vístete como tu personaje favorito de Disney y únete al concurso de disfraces antes del espectáculo. Este evento se agota, así que compre sus boletos ahora en www.samohiorchestras.org, $10 para estudiantes/$20 para adultos.
Cell Phone Policy: "Away for the Day"
At John Adams Middle School, we have an "Away for the Day" policy regarding cell phones. All students are required to turn off their phones and keep them in their backpacks throughout the school day. This helps minimize distractions and keeps students focused on learning.
If you need to get in touch with your child during school hours, please call the main office, and we will relay the message to them. Similarly, if your child isn't feeling well, they should go directly to the nurse's office. The nurse will assess the situation and, if needed, will contact you directly.
Thank you for supporting our efforts to provide your child with a cellphone-free school experience!
¡Gracias por apoyar nuestros esfuerzos para ofrecerle a su hijo/a una experiencia escolar libre de teléfonos celulares!
Weekly Schedule
John Adams Middle School
kind · connected · compassionate
Website: https://www.smmusd.org/jams
Location: 2425 16th Street, Santa Monica, CA, USA
Phone: 310-452-2326
Twitter: @jamsdragonsSM