Oakhurst Weekly

From the Principal
Hello Oak Families,
Time has surely flown by and we've arrived at Fall Break with cooler temperatures on the horizon. I want to say thank you to each family for sharing their love and support with our school community. It is lovely to see all of the volunteers who have contributed their time, talent, and/or treasure as we continue to make Oakhurst "The Best Little School in the World." When we come together things are always better!
The PTA has been hard at work planning and prepping for tonight's Fall Festival. We look forward to welcoming your families outside in the large green space at 5 pm today.
Enjoy your break next week. I can't wait to see all of the reading adventures you take your Flat Oakies on!
Jennifer Triplett
Decatur Reads Week: September 30th - October 8th
Join us in celebrating Decatur Reads Week when we return from Fall Break! Check out the CSD Decatur Reads Week flyer HERE and see below for Oakhurst events!
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
At Oakhurst, we are proud to celebrate numerous cultures as part of our daily practice throughout the year, and we are excited when we get an entire month to examine a particular culture more closely!
Please join us at our Hispanic heritage-themed community circle tomorrow (Friday, September 20) at 8:30 a.m. to celebrate a beautiful culture!
The New York Public Library offers amazing resources (even for non-New Yorkers!) year-round, and they've got a really special menu of Hispanic Heritage Month resources and events. Please visit the New York Public Library website for book lists and multilingual story times!
Important Information about Gifted Review - DEADLINE 10/2
Each fall semester the Gifted Review Team looks at existing student data to discuss students’ needs and determine if further evaluation for gifted identification is needed. If you are interested in having the team discuss your child’s needs, you may complete a Recommendation for Review Form (found at the website below) and turn it in to Amanda Lockwood at alockwood@csdecatur.net by Wednesday, October 2. No additional information is needed.
For more detailed information about the review process and to obtain a copy of the Recommendation for Review Form, please contact Ms. Lockwood or visit the following website: https://www.csdecatur.net/Page/581.
From PTA
Flu vaccines available during Fall Family Fest!
Community News
Lighten the Load for CSD Families
school breaks because he and his siblings counted on having two meals a day at school. Our Lighten the Load program has evolved since then, but we're still committed to helping remove obstacles - like food insecurity - for our kids.
The number of weekend food bags we provide has DOUBLED this year, and we need your help to ensure we're able to continue to meet this need. This is our community, and these are OUR kids. Please consider donating to DEF, or purchasing items from our Lighten the Load wish list today.
DEF Provides Suicide Intervention Training for Anyone Interested!
You probably know that September is Suicide Prevention Month -- but do you know that through Joe’s Fund, DEF’s behavioral health fund, we provide ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) workshops multiple times each year? These two-day workshops are open to ANY CSD staff member or Decatur community member. We held a refresher course just this week, and the next trainings will be: October 10-11, February 27-28, and March 13-14. Help us make Decatur a suicide-safe community - sign up using the QR code. Interested in supporting this important work? Donate here: https://decatureducationfoundation.org/donate/.