Pioneer Post
February 26, 2024
Principal's Message
Pioneer Community,
As I look back over the month I can’t help but share what a wonderful month we had in February as we all shared in the excitement of our PTO’s Glow Dance Party! Thank you to all of the families who came out to celebrate and dance the night away! A HUGE shout out to our PTO and to all of you who volunteered their time to make the night one our Pioneers will never forget. Check out some of the pictures below.
There are many exciting things happening at Barnett during the marvelous month of March starting with next week's kick off of Read Across America. Please encourage your child(ren) to read, read, read! And as the Dr. Seuss saying goes, “You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child.” We will be celebrating Dr. Seuss week with daily activities and spirit days so be sure to check out our spirit day schedule below.
I am always amazed at the support our community provides our students and our school! Our PTO Boosterthon fundraiser was once again a success. Your generous donations and involvement help our PTO to supplement their budget in their support of BES with such things as digital subscriptions, teacher wishlists, affordable field trips, interactive assemblies, much needed upgrades to our MPR stage and so much more! Thanks again for your willingness to give to and support this fundraising effort. We appreciate your continued support and involvement in your child’s education!
Here are a few school updates and reminders:
Boosterthon Color Fun Run Event HAS CHANGED to Thursday, March 7th, due to inclement weather last week that caused us to postpone our original February 22 date. Please see below for more details.
Spring pictures will be on Thursday, February 29th.
Please plan to join us for our Open House on Thursday, March 21st, from 6-7 p.m.
Please carefully review this month's Post for many reminders, important dates and updates. We thank you for entrusting your children to us and for the sacrifices you make each day to ensure your child(ren)’s success at BES!
I look forward to celebrating literacy and the joy of Dr. Seuss next week!
Mrs. Blackburn
Upcoming Events
- 2/28: Kindergarten Seasons Performance
- 2/29: Spring Pictures
- 3/4 - 3/8: Dr. Seuss Week
- 3/6: Doh Creamery Fundraiser
- 3/7: Color Fun Run
- 3/8: Last Day to Order Yearbooks
- 3/10: Daily Savings Time Begins
- 3/11: PTO Board Meeting
- 3/14: Pi Day!
- 3/16: Crafted Scone Fundraiser
- 3/17: St. Patrick's Day
- 3/18 - 3/22: Neurodiversity Week
- 3/18: Family Math Night (Invitation by RSVP Only)
- 3/21: Open House
- 3/25 - 4/5: Spring Break - No School
Spring Portrait Day - February 29
Dr. Seuss Spirit Week 3/4 - 3/8
Doh Creamery Fundraiser 3/6
Color Fun Run 3/7
Yearbooks on Sale - Ends 3/8
PTO Meeting 3/11
Crafted Scone Fundraiser 3/16
Open House 3/21
Spring Break 3/25 - 4/5
Pioneers at Sea Cruise 7/1 - 7/5
NEW Spirit Wear!
Spirit Wear can be purchased directly from this link, by scanning the QR code, or clicking on the spirit wear flyer. All orders are delivered directly to your home.
Show your Pioneer Spirit! We have t-shirts and sweatshirts for kids and adults, all showcasing the BES logo!
Spirit Wear is a great way to show your school pride, so make sure to get your spirit wear today. Don't forget to wear your spirit wear on Fridays!
Community Advisory Committee
TVUSD Annual Update is Open!
Back Gate Passes
Back Gate Passes
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Ysabel Barnett Elementary School
Website: tvusd.k12.ca.us/bes
Location: 39925 Harveston Drive, Temecula, CA, USA
Phone: 951-296-5579
Twitter: @ybesprincipal