Holy Rosary
Dear Jesus,
We ask for your blessing on our school community.
Encircle us with your love and care.
Let our love for others guide our thoughts and actions.
Help Holy Rosary to be a place of sound learning and new discoveries.
Grant that those who belong, those who teach and those who
learn, will, like St Dominic, find you to be the source of truth
to be shared with all those we meet.
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Good afternoon Parents, Students, Caregivers, and Staff,
I hope you have all enjoyed the extended Christmas holidays. I am looking forward to our school being filled with happy students on Wednesday and welcoming their return. Another exciting year begins, and it will be filled with joy and learning!
Once our children have settled around Week Three, we will be sending out a survey to understand what you love about Holy Rosary.
Have a fantastic weekend.
Michael O'Dwyer
Important Update Regarding School Lunches
Locavora School Lunches will now be called Lunchbox Hub.
All exisiting users can use the same email to log in but you will need to reset your password.
All funds will be transferred to the new system.
Please see the attached information on the new system and how to order lunch for your child on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Parent Volunteer Declaration
Every parent volunteering in a school in any capacity is required to complete this. Please click on the link below and complete the declaration form - it will take you 10 seconds, thank you.
Wednesday 5th February 2025
Term 1 commences
Important Dates
Term 1, 2025 - Wednesday 5 February - Friday 11 April
Canteen Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet
P&F Survey
Hi everyone,
If you could please take a moment to fill in the survey below we would greatly appreciate it!! It will make life so much easier for us to delegate roles and have an idea of what you’re able to assist with in 2025.
Kind Regards
Your P&F
P&F Facebook
If you’d like to be kept up to date on current and upcoming events and important information from the P&F please add us on Facebook.
Smartrider Cards
If you need to order a Smartrider Card for your child to travel on public transport, you can now order this online by clicking on the red button below. Please be careful when ordering as there are two Holy Rosary Schools. Our school is listed as per the below screenshot.
Sacramental Program 2025
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Parish Office - 9446 2055
Father Peter Hoang OP - 0412 445 199
- Five days a week during term time
- Vacation Care during school holidays
- Available for children attending Kindy through to Year Six.
Community News
Keyed Up Music
Carnival Swimming Squad
The Squad is aimed at students in year 4-6 who can already swim 50 meters. Children can choose to do one or both sessions per week.