St Peter's Primary School
Friday 24th November 2023
Giving God, we receive so much from you, and therefore have much to give.
Help us to share in the blessings of giving as well as the happiness of receiving,
that your love may be more widely, shared through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Message from the Principal
TRANSITION DAY & CLASS LISTS - In the final week of term, classes will be confirmed, and all students will be involved on our Transition Day on Thursday 7 December. Many factors are considered when balancing classes, including academics, gender, social dynamics, and emotional needs. In addition, children with any specific needs are also accommodated.
Class lists are prepared with input from teachers, students, and parents. Students always have the opportunity to list five friends. This is a complex educational process, and we use Classroom Solver, an online program, to assist in the process. I am confident that the teachers put a great deal of thought into the class lists as we have dedicated meeting times to discuss and use our online program. Together, let's encourage our children to embrace change, make new friends, and thrive in their educational journey.
YEAR 6 CAMP - Camp is one of the main highlights of Year Six, and this year it did not disappoint! Our students loved their four days away from school, enjoying building rafts, paddling, the flying fox and coastal bike rides. The campers loved the challenges, competing against the staff in soccer, socialising with their peers and enjoying outdoor activities (with plenty of flies).
A special thank you to the St Peter’s camping staff team. Every year the staff not only help make camp happen, but they bring their own special gifts, sense of humour and talents to add a flavour to camp that is truly unique. I really appreciate the time, energy and passion of all staff that attended.
YEAR 4-6 MUSIC SHOWCASE - On Wednesday 29 November, our Year 4-6 students will share their special musical talents with the parents in our Library space. These students will perform their Catholic Performing Arts festival entries. Thank you to Mrs Marina Powell for organising this event and for support all students in Performing Arts!
CAR PARK RAFFLE - This is the final week for families to purchase a raffle ticket/s for one car park space available in the staff carpark outside the Administration block in 2024. On the evening of our End of Year Concert, four raffle tickets will be randomly selected, and each ticket winner will be entitled to the reserved car park bay for an entire school term. All money raised from the carpark raffle will go towards new playground equipment once our Early Childhood build is completed.
KINDY – YEAR 6 END OF YEAR CONCERT - Our Kindy - Year 6 End of Year Concert will be held next Thursday 30 November 2023. The concert will commence at 6:00pm and will be held at
Catherine Reserve (Rosebery St & Catherine St, Bedford). This will be a special event for the whole family to enjoy!
5pm - Family BYO picnic dinner
5.45pm - Students called over the microphone (one year level at a time) to come forward to their allocated spot
6pm - Concert begins
7pm - Concert concludes
7.05pm - Leadership to dismiss one cohort at a time to their parents
Students will need to remain sitting with their class for the duration of the concert, to ensure the safety of everyone.
This is an Alcohol-Free event and families are invited to BYO one family picnic rug and/or picnic chairs. Please also note, that dogs are NOT permitted at the event. As it is a public venue, picnic rugs and chairs can be placed in the marked designated seating area only from 4pm onwards. Audience seating will be split into two sections, with picnic rugs being assigned the area in front of those on picnic chairs.
Please take all your rubbish home with you, or use the bins provided. Toilets have been hired for the evening and will be located at the back of the event. Below is a map of the venue including details for parking, seating and toilets.
This family-orientated event will be a special occasion, providing great entertainment and a festive atmosphere to celebrate the end of a successful school year. Please be mindful and considerate of our neighbours when arriving and leaving the event.
We are looking forward to seeing you all there!
Have a lovely weekend!
Courtney Caputi
Building Biz - Term 4 - Week 7
Now that the concrete slab has been poured for our Kindy and Pre Primary classrooms, we await the arrival of steel to move to the next stage of our build.
Please find below the proposed landscaping for the future play areas once our Early Childhood building is completed. When the current temporary fence line is removed, there is the provision of two smaller soccer pitches on the lower oval as well as additional play space on the Sailsbury Street side of the school for junior classes.
Office News
Music News
Science News
Canteen News
Netball News
Calling all NETBALL players and parents!
The Netball Committee is now accepting ‘Expressions of Interest’ for players wishing to continue to play and first time players of netball for the St Peter’s Netball Club in 2024!
Official registration with the Noranda Netball Association will open in early February on PlayHQ and fees are not due until this time.
Please note, children are required to be registered according to their year of birth (age) not their school year level in 2024. Players must be turning 7 to play.
For those wishing to secure a place for 2024, please send the following information to
Name of player:
Age player is turning in 2024:
Name of parent:
Contact email:
Contact phone number:
If you (parent/guardian) would like to Coach or be a Team Manager in 2024:
We look forward to an exciting 2024 netball season with you and your family. Please join our Facebook group “St Peter’s Netball” to keep up to date with registration, fundraising and season details.
Alana and Jannine.
Uniform Shop News
P&F News
To purchase your Entertainment Book please click
Community News
CITY OF BAYSWATER - invites you to attend two Purple Bench unveilings to honour the victims of domestic and family violence. Together we can encourage respectful relationships and provide a physical place for reflection. Join us on Monday 27 November at 11am at Birkett Reserve or at 1pm at Lower Hillcrest Reserve. To RSVP, please email
CHISHOLM CATHOLIC COLLEGE - presents Carols by Candlelight on Friday 8 December from 5pm. Carols will start at 6.30pm. Gold coin donation with all proceeds going to Vinnies
HURRICANES NETBALL CLUB - is looking for new players. Registration opens soon. Contact - for more information.
MATHSONLINE - is here to help your child succeed and builds Maths confidence. For a free trial, visit
AUSTRALIAN SPORTS CAMPS - will be offering a 3 day school holiday Sports Camp in the summer holidays. For more information, please call 1300 914 368.
Contact Us
Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
Follow us on:
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Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900