TTE News

TTE News - September 19, 2024
Timber Trail Elementary Website
Timber Trail PTO Website
Upcoming Events
- 20th - No School; Staff Professional Development
- 4th - Timberwolf Trot (Annual Fundraiser - Goal will be a new Gym Floor!)
- 7-11th - Book Fair in the Library
- 14-18th - Fall Break - No School
- 24th - Picture Re-Take day
Thank you to Dinger from the Rockies who paid a special visit to Timber Trail on Monday to help us kick off the festivities surrounding the Timberwolf Trot! Timber even got to hang out with Dinger for a few minutes!
What a spirited week at Timber Trail this week! RCHS visited the school on Wednesday to include the feeder elementary students in their Pep Rally. The band and cheerleaders helped our students get excited about their upcoming Homecoming. We hope to see some Timberwolves at the parade tonight!
We are excited to share details about our upcoming Book Fair!
The Book Fair will be held in our Library beginning Monday, October 7th through Friday, October 11th during Conference Week. There will be a morning event for families before school on Wednesday, October 9th. There will also be an evening event on Thursday, October 10th from 4:00-7:00 pm. Hopefully, one of these events will work for you to attend with your child. More details will come as we get closer.
Students will have preview time during their regularly scheduled Library classes during the school day.
Here are ways you can prepare for the week of the Book Fair now:
Book Fair Page for parents:
TTE Book Fair - Parents/Teachers
There is a link down the page to set up e-wallets, sign up for Scholastic emails, etc.
Payment options will include credit cards or you can set up an e-wallet with Scholastic (directions included in the link above.) No cash will be accepted.
Please note that the e-wallet is a great way to pre-fund an account for your child, but there will not be any refunds. Any funds remaining after the Book Fair on the e-wallet account can be used for online shopping or held until the next Scholastic Book Fair.
If you are interested in volunteering in the Book Fair, please contact the volunteer coordinator Dawn Medina at twoshea815@gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing you at the Book Fair. View the flyer here.
How do I update my emergency contact information?
Log into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and click on the “person” icon in the top right-hand corner of the page. Navigate to “Contact Preferences” and review your contact information. If you see an incorrect phone number or email, please update it in Infinite Campus, or contact the registrar at your child’s school to request an update.
What phone number will my caller ID show when I get emergency calls?
NOTE: We have transitioned to a different system this year, so the phone number has changed!
When you receive emergency communication from the DCSD Finalsite system, the number displayed will be:
Emergency Notifications (critical communications)
855-269-0502 (you may wish to add this number to your contacts)
Have additional questions?
Should you have additional questions, please contact the IT Support Center (303-387-0001) to ensure you receive emergency notifications accurately and quickly.
Parents/Guardians: Read more about updating your contact preferences.
We are excited for our annual fundraiser on October 4th! PTO shared details of our upcoming Timberwolf Trot in their newsletter Wednesday, and flyers came home in Thursday folders yesterday. Please view the PTO Newsletter here for reference.
Thank you so much for your participation to help the Timberwolves get a much needed new gym floor!
Yearbooks are on sale now! Order by September 30th for a discount. Please view the flyer here with the QR Code for easy access to order. If asked for the School Code - this is the code: 1015591481201136
Battle of the Books - starting October 3rd for Grades 3-5!
What is it? A game show style battle between local elementary schools, hosted by Douglas County Library. The students work as a team to answer questions about the books they've read!
Where is it? Weekly book clubs/practices will be held after school at Timber Trail. Timber Trail will have two teams: a 5th grade team and a 3rd/4th grade team. The teams will meet separately but both meetings will occur on Thursdays from 3:30-4:30pm at Timber Trail. Meetings will start on Thursday, October 3rd. Battles are held in January and February at the Castle Rock Library. Dates and times TBD.
What's required? A list of 10 books has been published for each team by the library. The kids will be expected to read one book a week prior to their book club meeting and bring 10 questions about the book to try and stump their teammates! It sounds intense- but if your kiddo likes to read it is a great program.
How to sign up? Email bethmartin09@gmail.com with your child's name, teacher, best contact for parents (phone and email), and any food allergies.
We are still looking for a couple more volunteers to help with this year's team!
Fall Fun with The Patch!
We’re excited to announce a special partnership with The Patch to help kick off the fall season in style! The Patch has generously donated pumpkins for our upcoming autumn activities, and they’re also offering a special discount just for our school’s families to visit The Patch.
We have an opportunity to win fresh apple cider donuts for our entire school too! The school in our district with the most participation wins! So, make sure you use that code to get your tickets. The Patch offers a day of fall family fun! Hayrides, giant sides, apple cannons, farm animals, jumping pillows, a Luke Bryan corn maze, and Snoopy mini-corn maze just to name a few activities along with picking out the perfect pumpkin will have your family enjoying the fall season!
Visit their website at The Patch Our school’s code is : Timber Trail
Counselor's Corner
Hello TTE Families!
Please see the attached Counselor's Corner for more information about the school counseling lesson in 3rd through 5th grade. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to discuss your student with me, please feel free to reach out to me at 303.387.5700 or Jmerkley1@dcsdk12.org.
Mrs. Merkley
Bus Route Cancellations the week of:
September 23-27 - Route 231
September 30-October 4 - Route 232
Road to the Rockies Reading Program
Please plan to participate in our wonderful reading program, Road to the Rockies. Students can earn prizes each month, and be eligible for a grand prize at the end of the year.
The reading Log for this month is linked here.
Hello TTE Families,
My name is Matt LeClaire, and I'm the Before and After School Enrichment (B.A.S.E) Manager here at TTE. Please reach out if you have any questions. My email is mjleclaire@dcsdk12.org and our phone number is 303-387-5756. Visit our website here.
DCSD Community Event Opportunities
The DCSD Foundation shares fun and discounted opportunities for our school communities!
Attached is a flyer with the latest upcoming events. All tickets can be purchased directly from the Community Event page of their website. Check back for new opportunities to be added!