Pioneer Press
December 6th, 2024
Message from Principal Fernandes
Reminder: Pioneer is a No-Cell-Phone School:
At Pioneer Middle School, we remain committed to our "off and away all day" policy for cell phones and smartwatches. This means students are expected to keep their devices turned off and stored in their backpacks or lockers from 8:03 a.m. (when they enter the hallways for class) until 2:40 p.m. (when they leave for the day).
We understand that communication with home is important. If a student needs to contact you during the day, we ask that they visit the main office to make a call. If a student is unable to follow the cell phone policy, the phone will be turned into the office and returned at the end of the school day. A second instance will require a parent or guardian to pick up the phone.
Our goal is not punitive but educational—we aim to help students stay fully present in their learning and social interactions at school. Removing distractions supports their growth both academically and socially.
Cold Weather Reminder:
As temperatures continue to drop, please ensure your student is dressed appropriately for the season. We still go outside for recess during lunch, so having more than just a t-shirt is important to stay comfortable and warm. A jacket, sweatshirt, or layers can make a big difference during these chilly days.
It is highly recommended for students to wear reflective gear while walking home after clubs and sports, especially since the sun sets early during winter months.
We appreciate your partnership in reinforcing these policies and helping our students thrive at school. Thank you!
Mrs. Fernandes
Student Services News
Resource math 1st and 3rd-period classes continue to work on building their multiplication skills. 4th period has been exploring and deepening their skills in long division and 5th has been working on operations with integers. The 6th-period class has been working on understanding fractions.
5th-period Resource Science had a culmination activity. All students created a News Report about Earthquakes in their chosen country.
7th and 8th grade Resource classes just finished up a project-based learning assignment following the Presidential election. Students got the chance to be ‘President for a Week’. Where they deepened their understanding of the President's roles and responsibilities, wrote their own inaugural speech, created laws, and developed solutions to a variety of of our nation's problems.
Student working on multiplication skills
A student's drawing of the parts of the earth
Proud student!
The whole crew after learning about earthquakes
Student working on their volcano drawing
A student showing off his completed assignment
Proud student after completing assignment
President for a Week
More details from a student's President for a Week project
Gingerbread Jamboree - Decorating Party
Girls' Basketball:
Monday, Dec. 9th - JV/Varsity - HOME vs Hudtloff
Wednesday, Dec. 11th - JV/Varsity - AWAY vs Yelm
Co-Ed Wrestling:
Tuesday, Dec. 10th - HOME vs Hudtloff
Thursday, Dec. 12th - AWAY vs Yelm
Transportation schedules for athletes:
User fees are now due, see information below:
All due fees have been added to your Touchbase account. You can pay in-person or click on the link below to sign-in to your student's account: TouchBase
If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Plumb at 253-583-7204
Join the fun! See the schedule of clubs and groups below.
Junior Student to Student (JS2S) Room A115 with Ms. Taylor
Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) - Room C102 with Mrs. Iglesias
Christian Faith Group (CFG) - Room B103 with Mrs. Vaccaro
Art Club - Room C126 with Mrs. Palacios
Math Help - Room B101 with Mr. Martin
Homework Help in the Library with Mrs. Hilton
Builder's Club in the Library with Mrs. Holyfield
Pokemon Go Club with Mrs. Elshire
Game Club Room C202 with Mrs. Nixon
Math Help Room B101 with Mr. Martin
Homework Help in the Library with Mrs. Hilton
All students participating in clubs are required to pay an ASB fee of $15.00
You can purchase your student's ASB through Mrs. Ruby
ASB fees collected go to funding clubs and sports activities at Pioneer MS.
*Students participating in the Math Help, Homework Help, Christian Faith and Pokemon Go groups - are not required to pay the ASB $15.00*
For more information on the clubs we offer, use the link below:
Transportation is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays for students attending school clubs.
Use the link below for route information:
Coming Up!
**Winter Break**
Monday, December 23rd - Friday, January 3rd
School resumes on Monday, January 6th
Wednesday, December 11th - ACE DAY - student released at 1:40 pm
Tuesday, December 17th - Choir Concert @ Pioneer MS Gym
Wednesday, December 18th - ACE DAY - students released at 1:40 pm
Thursday, December 19th - Builder's Club, Gingerbread Jamboree - Pioneer MS cafeteria 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm
Friday, December 20th - Winter Assembly - 1: 40 pm - 2:40 pm in Pioneer MS Gym
Monday, January 6th - School resumes after Winter Break
Friday, January 24th - Half Day for students - students released at 11:40 am.
From the Main Office
Hours of Operation:
Offices opens to the public at 7:40 am
-students should NOT be dropped off before 7:40 am unless teacher directed (Chamber Choir, Jazz Band and ASB)
Office closes to the public at 3:30 pm
-students are not allowed in the building after 3:30 pm unless they are participate in sports or clubs.
Late to school:
Students start class at 8:10 a.m.
-If your student arrives at 8:10 a.m. or later, please have them stop at our check-in kiosk for a pass to class. Students must have their student Id to check in.
Excusing absences:
Option 1: Call 253-583-7200, choose the attendance option.
Please leave a message if we don't answer your call. The voicemail to the attendance line is checked several times a day.
Option 2: Email us at pioneermsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Option 3: Send us a ParentSquare message! You can send a PSQ direct message to Mrs. Ruby or Mrs. Dueñas to excuse your child's absence.
Transportation changes:
Please call the office no later than 2:00 pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday) and 1:00 pm on ACE days (Wednesdays) to request transportation changes.
*You can also request transportation changes by emailing us at pioneermsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Information you can find in Skyward Family Access:
Bus Route
Lunch account number
Lunch account balance
Locker combination
Other Student ID# (need this to check out books, tardy check-in, request appt. with a counselor, etc.)
Use this link to log in to the Skyward app:
Student Drop-Off and Pick- Up
If you opt to drop-off or pick-up your student(s) in the Pioneer MS parking lot, please pull into a parking space and have the student(s) exit there, doing this helps traffic flow smoothly and allows everyone to walk safely to school.
Please remember that the handicap parking spaces and surrounding areas are not to be used for student drop-off or pick-up.
Also, please observe the posted speed limits in the school zone.
Thank you for helping keep our school and students safe.
The bus zone is reserved for buses only.
Kindly note that parking in the bus loading zone is not permitted at any time.
When attending a sporting event, please use the parking lot closest to the black top or the lot in front of the building.
Please be aware that parking in the bus loading zone is not permitted and may result in enforcement actions in accordance with local regulations.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in keeping the bus zone clear.