Queen of Apostles School
Term 4 Week 6 - Thursday 16 November, 2023

Term 3, Week 1 - Thursday 18 July 2024
Dear Lord,
As we start a new term make us ready, attentive and available to hear you.
Thank You for the gift of being able to rise each day with the assurance that You walk through it with us.
Thank You for the gifts of creativity and uniqueness, and the energy to put them to good use.
May all that we are today, all that we try to do today, may all our encounters, reflections, even the frustrations and failings all be place in your hands.
May the work we do and the way we do it, bring new hope, new life, and courage to all we come in contact with this term. We thank you, Lord.
We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord,
Dates to Remember
Welcome Back
Welcome back to Term Three. All going to plan this term promises to be a fun and rewarding one. Our staff have worked hard over the holidays to ensure all was in readiness for the return to school on Monday. It was great to see the students at school with smiles on their faces and ready to go. Please take note of the calendar to make sure you don’t miss anything.
New Furniture
At the end of last term, the new furniture funded by the P&F for the Year 5 and 6 classrooms arrived. The students (and teachers) are absolutely loving their new furniture and has made a big difference in the class set up and learning spaces available. I thank Mrs Anderson, Miss Jenzen and Ms Maloney for their input into choosing the furniture and the P&F for funding it.
Religious Education Assessment
Over the next two weeks our Year Three and Five classes will be involved in the Religious Education Assessment (REA). This Assessment provides a point in time snapshot of student performance in Religious Education. Students’ knowledge and understanding of the content of the RE curriculum is assessed using a combination of multiple choice, and short and extended answer response items. The REA will be done online and will give us information to measure student learning of content in the Religious Education curriculum. The results of these assessments will also inform teaching and be made available to parents once released.
Sports Colours Day
Next Friday (26th July) we are encouraging all of our students and staff to dress up in the colours of their favourite team. This day coincides with the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games with the Fremantle v West Coast Derby being held on Saturday. So, no matter what team you follow we are asking everyone to wear the colours of their favourite team or athlete. We ask that each student brings a gold coin donation which will go to our hard-working P&F to raise funds for upcoming projects. I look forward to seeing everyone dressed in their favourite team colours next Friday!
Keeping Safe Online Talk - Paul Litherland - Save the Date
On Tuesday 13th August at 6.00pm in the library we have been lucky enough to secure the services of Paul Litherland to do a Keeping Safe Online presentation for all parents and guardians in our community.
Paul is an ex police officer and will give you tips and insights into how to keep your family safe when accessing the internet and using social networking sites. He is highly regarded and presents to around 280 schools each year.
Code of Conduct - Staff, Parents & Community Members Reminder
The Catholic Education Code of Conduct establishes minimum standards of conduct in all behaviour and decision-making to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all members within the CEWA community. The Code of Conduct also shows us how, as a community our behaviours are a collective work that each day builds social justice into the life of our schools. Pope Francis insists that “true social justice is impossible if the human person is not the centre of concern”.
The following 12 statements outline the expectations of all staff, parents and community members:
1. You act safely and competently.
2. You give priority to students’ safety and well-being in all your behaviour and decision making.
3. You act in accordance with the values of the Gospel as defined in the Code of Ethical Conduct.
4. You conduct yourself in accordance with laws, agreements, policies and standards relevant to your relationship with the school community.
5. You respect the dignity, culture, values and beliefs of each member of the school community.
6. You treat personal information about members of the school community as private and confidential.
7. You give impartial, honest and accurate information about the education, safety and well-being of students.
8. You support all members of the school community in making informed decisions about students.
9. You promote and preserve the trust and privilege inherent in your relationship with all members of the school community.
10. You maintain and build on the community’s trust and confidence in Catholic schools and the Church.
11. You act reflectively and ethically.
12. You allow students to have a voice in their education, safety and well-being.
Best Wishes
Mark Ryan
Dates for 2024
Congratulations to the following students, whose artwork has been selected and submitted for entry into the Angelico Art Exhibition.
Pre-Primary – Adityan Thileepan
Year 1 – Harrison Pang
Year 2 – Ave Quadizar
Year 3 – Nethuli Rupasinghe
Year 4 – Elise Chan
Year 5 - Olivia Kurniaga
Year 6 – Shanvi Kumar
Year 6 Group Submission
- Anna Boby
- Bonnie Cunningham
- Felicia Goh
- Kyra Hiew
- Shanvi Kumar
- Jamie Indrisie
- Sofia Martin
- Riyoni Wedamulla
- Mary-Jane Yip Chok Mui
The exhibition and artworks will be displayed at the Forest Chase Centre, Perth. Students and families are invited to attend an exhibition viewing session on Saturday 17 August at the Forrest Centre, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth from 1.30 - 3pm. We hope you can make this worthwhile exhibition displaying talented artist from various Catholic schools.
Sheryl Perry
Catholic Performing Arts Festival
Welcome back to Term 3! I hope you had a fantastic break.
Term 3 is a very busy time for the Music Department. The Catholic Performing Arts Festival commences this term, and I would like to wish our entries all the best as they participate in this wonderful festival.
I have included a schedule below outlining dates for students who have entered. Please remember, it is the parent’s responsibility to transport their child to their Instrumental or Vocal Performance.
Last term, a note was sent home with regards to your child’s transport to their performance. Parents are asked to sign the notes acknowledging that they will transport their child to and from the venue on the day. Please return signed notes to your child’s class teacher by Monday 22nd July. Could fees related to the festival please be finalised by next week at the school office.
Please also be aware that all parents and friends attending a performance must book a ticket through Try Booking. Tickets can be accessed through the website https://www.spiritofthearts.com.au/. Try Booking links are available under each section.
Kind regards
Sheryl Perry
Information regarding your child’s entry was sent home during the last week of school.
One Big Voice is just around the corner, and we are very excited to be a part of this amazing experience. Choir members have been encouraged to spend time rehearsing the songs at home and know how to login to the website. Could you please reinforce practice time at home.
Tickets to attend our evening session on 22nd August went on sale on the 16th of July at 2pm. Please refer to the below notes to access information on how to purchase tickets. A detailed step by step guide was also sent to parents via Seesaw.
Please note. When purchasing tickets, we are in the Beethoven Section and will be participating in the EVENING show. There is a floor plan and further information on the One Big Voice website showing where we are standing and an RAC Arena Seating Map. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketek using the below link.
Thank you.
Looking forward to this exciting event.
Sheryl Perry
Olympic Specials at the Canteen
The Olympics are here!
Exciting specials on at the canteen for the next 3 weeks.
All food prepared in the canteen.
-Sausage Roll $ 4.50
-Chicken Burrito Cups $5.50
(Layered meal with Corn, cucumber,
capsicum,tomato,lettuce,rice,Mexican chicken & beans)
-Energy Bars (with dried fruit) $2
The Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) is taking place this August, from Tuesday 6 to Thursday 8 and registrations are now open!
The AMC is Australia's most well-known and longest-running mathematics competition for students of all ages, offering a unique opportunity for participants to showcase their mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities.
Spanning topics from basic arithmetic to advanced algebra, geometry, statistics, and probability, the competition is crafted each year by leading educators and academics. With a range of 30 questions, including 25 multiple-choice and 5 integer-based questions, the AMC is an engaging way for students to test their problem-solving skills.
All students receive an award according to the criteria below.
Awarded to a student who has participated in the competition and received no higher award.
Awarded to a student who has received a pre-set score and received no higher award.
Students who achieve proficiency have demonstrated competency at mathematical problem solving to Australian standards.
Awarded to a student who is in the top 55% of their year and region (60% for Senior division) and has received no higher award.
Awarded to a student who is in the top 20% of their year and region (25% for Senior division) and has received no higher award.
High Distinction
Awarded to a student who is in the top 3% of their year and region (top 5% for Senior division) and has received no higher award.
Generally awarded to no more than 1 student for every 300 students within a region and year group. Prize winners are given a lapel pin and a voucher for our online shop. The value of the voucher may vary year by year.
The cost of sitting the competition is $8.50 per student. The competition is open to students in Years 3-6.
If you would like your child to sit the AMC, please send details and payment through to the office. We just require the child’s name, Year level and we will arrange their entry into the competition. If you have any questions, please email jennifer.anderson@cewa.edu.au
Welcome to our latest P&F Update
Second-Hand Uniform Sale
Term 3, Second hand uniform sale will be held on Friday 26th July, at 8.15am in front of the school library. All items are $5 each and payment is by EFTPOS only.
If you would like to donate any second-hand uniforms, can you please drop them off to Kathy at the front office.
Sports Colours Day
With the Olympics starting Friday 26th July and the Dockers vs Eagles derby is on Saturday 27th July, the P&F decided what better way to celebrate, than to host a Sports Colours Day.
To be involved, all you have to do is dress to impress in your favourite sports colours and bring in a gold coin donation. All donations will go towards Edu Markings for around the school.
Queenies P&F Footy Tipping Competition
Congratulations to all the below tippers of the week, for rounds 16 to 18, please see the front office to collect your Rustico voucher and certificate.
Round 16 – Bernard McCreesh
Round 17 – Brooke Eardley
Round 18 – Mark Ryan
First place on the overall leaderboard is Steven Heffernan
P&F Calendar
Below is the P&F calendar for the remainder of the year, please note that the Disco has been moved to the first Friday of Term 4.
Enrolment update for Seton Catholic College
Please note Year 7 placements for 2025 and 2026 are at capacity, and we have already begun processing Year 4 applications. If Seton is your school of choice, and you have not yet completed an enrolment application, please do so as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Please note Year 4 is the ideal year to submit an application, and our selection process is informed by the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia’s Enrolment Priorities.
To register your attendance at the tour please visit our website: seton.wa.edu.au/college-tours