Rogers Middle School
December, 2024
From the Principal
Dear Students and Families,
As we move through the school year, I want to take a moment to recognize and celebrate the hard work and dedication of our students. It has been wonderful to see their engagement in the classroom and their determination to grow and succeed. Thank you for the continued encouragement you provide at home—it makes all the difference.
The holiday season is a special time to pause and reflect on what matters most: our friends, family, and the community that surrounds us. I feel truly grateful to be part of the Rockland community and for the incredible support it provides to our students and school. Together, we are building a strong foundation for learning, growth, and success. Thank you!
On behalf of our entire team, I want to wish you a healthy, happy, and safe holiday season.
Richard A. MacAllister
Rogers Middle School
Upcoming Events
- December 2: Curriculum Leadership Team Mtg 2:50pm
- December 3: Student Support Team Mtg 9:00am
- December 4: School Council Mtg 3:00pm
- December 5: Early Release 11:25am
- December 5: Teacher Professional Development - Para ALICE Training
- December 6: Crisis Team Mtg 8:30am
- December 6: Name the Stage Drawing - Drawing by Kinlay!!!
- December 6: Rockland Teen Center - 3v3 Basketball, Murder Mystery Night
- December 10: Term 2 Progress Reports
- December 11: PAC Mtg 5:30pm
- December 11: Chorus Holiday Concert 7:00pm
- December 12: Band Holiday Concert 7:00pm
- December 12: Student Support Team Mtg 9:00am
- December 13: Rockland Teen Center - Kickball, Snowflake Making, Holiday Party
- December 16 - 20: Spirit Week!
- December 16: NJHS Ceremony 3:00-3:30pm
- December 19: Principal's Cabinet Mtg 8:15am
- December 20: Student Support Team Mtg 9:00am
- December 20: Rockland Teen Center - Closed
- December 23 - January 1: Winter Break - No School
- January 2: School Resumes - Day 4
- January 3: Crisis Team Mtg 8:30am
Monthly Calendar
Ben Franklin at RMS
8th Grade Decking The Halls With Student Work
Chorus Holiday Concert!!!
Band Holiday Concert
Name the Stage Drawing
Congratulations to our "Name The Stage Winners!"
1st Place is Jordan Barnes
2nd Place is Lex Jean-Pierre
3rd Place is Danny Moriarty
Special thanks to Kinley and Officer Schnabel for their help!!!
Spirit Week Dec 16-20
NJHS Tutoring Program
A Tradition Unlike Any Other
5th Grade "Mad Science" Labs - Thank you to REF for the support!!!
Veterans Day
5th and 6th Grade Tutoring
The RMS National Junior Honor Society is excited to bring back peer tutoring! NJHS members in 7th and 8th grade will be available every other Monday after school for peer tutoring for students in 5th and 6th grade. There is no need to sign up; all tutoring will take place in the RMS cafeteria from 2:45 until 3:30.
NJHS students will be on-hand to lend support by helping students develop study skills, review class materials for upcoming tests and quizzes, and assist students with projects, homework, and make-up work. The late bus is available for students registered for bus transportation. Tutoring will be supervised by Mrs. Carpine, NJHS Advisor. Please contact with any questions.
Rockland Police Department Stuff a Cruiser Fundraiser
Rockland Holiday Magic Fundraiser
National Junior Honor Society: Holiday Magic Fundraiser
Student Government Council Fundraiser
Rockland Bulldogs Chromebook Case Fundraiser
Just in time for the holiday season - "Rockland Bulldogs" Chromebook sleeves are now available to order online!
These sleeves fit the RPS-issued Chromebook. They are padded, and are imprinted with the bulldog logo and "Rockland Bulldogs" on the front. We are currently offering six color options for $20 each.
Orders can be picked up on Tuesday, December 17th & Wednesday, December 18th from 3:00 to 4:30 in the RMS cafeteria. Although this is open to anyone, we will not be able to personally deliver any items to school buildings or classrooms, so please ensure you're able to pick them up at the times listed above to guarantee they're in your hands before the holiday break.
Thank you so much for your support - we have a few activities planned for our student leaders, and the proceeds from this fundraiser will directly benefit the members of RMS SGC!
From The Support Staff
Daylight savings is happening on November 3rd. Healthcare professionals, such as those at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, recommend a good bedtime routine to help children adjust to daylight savings time. Moreover, they shared that it is important to keep a consistent bedtime routine, keep the routine short and sweet (e.g., 30 minutes of doing things your child feels calming) and to limit screen time before bed. More information about this article can be found by clicking here.
We are here to support you and your students throughout the year. If you have any questions or concerns, our contact information is below. We look forward to working with all of you throughout the year.
Elizabeth McDonald
Grade 5 & 7 Counselor
Kristen Collins
Grade 6 & 8 Counselor
Lawrie Donovan
School Adjustment Counselor
Colleen Regal
School Psychologist
From The Office
CHROMEBOOKS: Please make sure your child brings their Chromebook and charger to school every day.
RMS EMAIL: To report an absence, tardy, or to send a medical note, please email:
DISMISSALS and MEETINGS: Please remember to bring your up-to-date photo ID (driver's license, state ID, passport, green card) into the office when picking up your student for early dismissal, coming in for a meeting, or dropping off something to the Nurse. If one of your contacts is picking up your child for early dismissal, please let them know they need to bring one of these forms of ID.
VOLUNTEERING: If you plan to chaperone an RMS field trip or volunteer for an RMS event, you must have a valid CORI on file. Please come in to the Main Office with your driver's license or US passport and fill out the form. It can take a week or so for the CORI to come back. If you are unsure if you have a CORI on file, or if your CORI is still current, please call the office at 781-878-4341 and we will look it up.
WITHDRAWING FROM SCHOOL: If you are withdrawing your child from Rockland Public Schools, please be sure to complete and return a withdrawal form. You can come in to get the form, or email for one to be emailed to you.
ADDRESS CHANGE: If you need to change your address that we have on file, please email or call 781-878-4341 for the info that is required (lease/mortgage/Form 5, bill, etc.).
Reminders from Nurse Kemp
The fall brings colder outdoor air, seasonal allergies, and cold viruses, which means runny noses and coughs. It can be difficult to distinguish between what is an allergy, and what could be COVID-19, flu, or cold symptoms. Here are suggestions to navigate through this time of year
If your student has known environmental allergies (grasses, pollen,dust, etc.), prevention of symptoms is possible by starting allergy medication in a timely manner.
If your student has a fever (100.4 or higher), ensure they do not attend school and spread the illness to others. Students may return when fever-free for 24 hours without medication.
The flu typically is characterized by sudden onset of chills, body aches, fever, and respiratory symptoms.
Coughs after a respiratory virus can linger for weeks.
COVID Tests are available through the USPS again! Please click here to order up to 4 tests per household.
Prevention through frequent hand washing, covering a cough or sneeze and flu vaccinations can reduce the risk of illness.
Dress appropriately for the change in season.
When in doubt, reach out to the nurse!
Amy Kemp BSN, RN, NCSN
Rogers Middle School Nurse
Book Club with Ms. Moscone and Ms. Trumbull
For More Details Please Reach Out To...
Ms. Moscone: or Ms. Trumbull:
Inside RMS
Quick Links
Richard A. MacAllister, Principal
Rogers Middle School
100 Taunton Ave
Rockland, MA 02370