The Paw Print
January 8-12, 2024
What's Happening This Week
Monday 1/8
2:15 - Creative Studios begins
7:00 - PTA Meeting
Tuesday 1/9
9:45 - Running Club @ recess, weather permitting
2:15 - Play Rehearsals
Wednesday 1/10
Wear College/Career Gear
1:15 Dismissal
Dine Out Night: Rubio's
Thursday 1/11
9:45 - Running Club @ recess, weather permitting
Friday 1/12
Wear Brookhaven Spirit Wear
Funky Friday at Lunch
2:15 - Ice Cream Sales
Coming Up...
1/15 - NO SCHOOL
1/22-26 - Great Kindness Challenge Week
Reflex and Frax Information
Attendance Line ~ 714-986-7110 and press 3
If students are out ill, please call the office to clear absences.
Brookhaven PTA
1/8 PTA Meeting
1/10 Restaurant Night: Rubios
1/12 FINAL 6th Grade Camp Payment due
1/12 Funky Friday
Aladdin, Jr. Play Information
Rehearsals on Tuesdays at 2:15pm for grades K-6th.
Show dates: February 1-3rd, 2024 and El Dorado PAC. For more information, contact Michelle at brookhavenmusical@gmail.com
The Building Blocks of Success: 20 Minutes of Math & Reading Each Day
Reading and mathematics skills are the foundational building blocks for all other areas of learning, including science, social studies, and even technical fields. By building a strong foundation in these areas, students will successfully grasp more advanced, complex concepts.
Help your student build a strong foundation for success, spend 20 minutes each evening practicing math fact fluency and reading with your student. Learn more and access district-provided online resources at www.pylusd.org/buildingblocks.