Swift - Slaybaugh Complex
Week of May 19, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Swift-Slaybaugh Families,
It was another busy, fun week at the Swift-Slaybaugh Complex! On Wednesday, our kindergarten classes took their field trip to Storybook Land. The weather was perfect, and the students had so much fun. Again, a huge thank you to our Parents' Club for providing this trip for our students. On Thursday our second and third grade students had their Field Day. The forecast was not looking so good in the morning, but we certainly lucked out and the sun stayed out long enough for our students to enjoy all of their stations/games. Thank you so much to all of our parent volunteers for giving their time to help run the stations and assist the classes. This would not have been possible without all of the help that we received!
Next week, our K-1 student have their Field Day on Wednesday. Fingers crossed for a good forecast from the start! Also, huge news, our biggest fundraiser of the year, the Boosterthon, kicks off on Thursday! Please see your email and the message in this newsletter for more information. I hope that everyone has a wonderful three day weekend. Take care.
Rachel Casumpang
"Bee" Sweet
Mrs. Willson & Mrs. Hamilton's class had a bee theme for their classroom this year where their students each had a turn being the "Beekeeper of the Week". To end their bee unit, they invited Addison Miller, an 11-year-old beekeeper from Cape May to come in to do an assembly for all of 1st grade. She taught them about bees, what it takes to be a beekeeper and how she makes honey. We were able to make a donation to Addison on behalf of our entire 1st Grade here at Swift to adopt a Flow Hive, where Addison will take care of bees and make honey. The Flow Hive will be painted with our name on it and Addison will send updates on how our beehive is doing. Our donation and assembly were Sponsored by the teachers and other members of the Egg Harbor Township Education Association. If you'd like to follow Addison's journey, her business name is Addison's Honeybee Farm.
Authors in the Making!
Mrs. Del Prete & Miss Kim’s second graders are presenting the books they have been working so hard on!
You can make art out of anything!
What happens when you have a ton of Styrofoam and pipe cleaners?!?!?
You make sculptures! The 3rd grade A.R.T. (Artist Response Team) let their creative juices flow
and made crazy, 3-D art work. They love to explore new materials. You should try it too!
Fun in the Sun!
A few pictures of Mrs. Flaherty and her kindergarten students on the Storybook Land trip on Wednesday 🙂
Cape May Nature Center Trips Continue
Ms. Striefler's third grade class had a BLAST on our field trip to the Cape May Nature Center!! We kissed the horseshoe crab for 7 years of good luck. We also caught three horseshoe crabs in the net and released them!
Boosterthon Fundraiser
Swift Slaybaugh Complex families!
We’re only ONE week away from kicking off our SSC Fun Run program and our school community is so excited! We’re looking forward to having fun and building community together at the event.
⭐️ Log into MYBOOSTER.COM today to get started! ⭐️
Fun Fact: On average, 70% of donations from this fundraiser come from outside the home. Sharing your donation page is important because it gives our school the opportunity to make fundraising efforts lighter on our school families by getting support from sponsors across the country!
SHARING MADE SIMPLE: The BEST ways to help us reach our goals:
Upload a photo to generate a video where your student is a STAR alongside DUDE PERFECT!
Upload email addresses to send multiple emails with one simple click
Share to Facebook to expand your reach
PLUS, when you complete these tasks, you get entered into a drawing for a Disney Sweepstakes Trip! Learn more here 🏰
Once our campaign kicks off, keep an eye out for daily communication to make our fundraiser the most successful yet! Thank you for supporting our school - we are grateful for our amazing school community and can’t wait to help our school raise $35,000 for field trips and assemblies.
We are celebrating National Mental Health Awareness Month along with Field Day! Slaybaugh students had a chance to learn about mindfulness and create messages of hope and encouragement.
Contact Us!
Email: ehtsd@eht.k12.nj.us
Website: sl.eht.k12.nj.us/
Location: 11 Swift Drive, Egg Harbor Township, NJ, USA
Phone: 609-927-8222
Facebook: facebook.com/EHTNJSlaybaugh
Twitter: @EHTNJSlaybaugh