Parenting & Support Group Resources
Walker County, Georgia and Surrounding Areas
School Social Worker Newsletter
A Directory Provided by Walker County Schools
*** All the PINK tabs are links with more information. ***
Children's Literature Guides for Families
Libraries in Walker County
Log on with your library card to access these resources.
Swim Lessons
"Are you tired of being in debt? Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you have too much month left at the end of your money? Are your finances causing fights in your home and relationships? Is your debt overwhelming you and weighing you down? Are you ready to take control of your finances? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Financial Coaching could be your solution.
The mission of Financial Coaching is to coach participants in personalized, one-on-one settings to eliminate debt, save money, build wealth, and see money as God’s tool to use for His glory through teaching, equipping, empowering, and encouraging.
Financial coaching is a one-on-one experience designed to give practical assistance in the following areas:
Creating a budget that works
Calculating a debt-free date
Learning how to save money
Learning how to reduce spending
Eliminating fear/anxiety when it comes to money"
Parenting Resource for Dads
Support Group for caregivers of children who have experienced a traumatic event
When a Child Discloses Sexual Abuse:
Online Safety for Children
Practical parenting classes at 4:30-6:00 PM on Sundays.
Call 423-503-5840 for more info.
For the most efficient processing, please submit a CAPS application at www.gateway.ga.gov. If you need assistance in submitting an online application, call 1-833-4GACAPS (1-833-442-2277).
Head Start and Early Head Start
"Board Certified Developmental-Behavioral Pediatricians
Anna Shaw Children’s Institute provides evaluation, diagnosis, and ongoing care for children from birth to 11 with developmental delays and the behavior associated with those delays."
"We will proudly offer psychological testing and therapy services for children from birth to 11 who are receiving services at the institute."
"Comprehensive outpatient pediatric therapy programs for children from birth to 11, led by Occupational, Physical, Speech/Language Therapists are available at Anna Shaw Children’s Institute."
BLOOM: Support for parents raising exceptional children
"Family Support Services is a non-entitlement program that brokers disability-specific services based on the unique needs of individuals and their families. We provide our services with the belief that families belong together and individuals are best served in a community setting. Our ultimate goal is to maintain a cohesive family unit while helping individuals live at home in the community. These supports meet everyday needs that are often critical in avoiding family crises."
This is available in English and Spanish.
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered program and is for anyone struggling with ANY hurt, habit or hang-up. We have found hope and help to overcome through the power of Jesus Christ! The purpose of our Celebrate Recovery ministry is to fellowship and celebrate God´s healing power in our lives. This experience allows us to "be changed." We open the door by sharing our experiences, strengths and hopes with one another. In addition, we become willing to accept God´s grace in solving our lives´ problems. By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others.
North Georgia Campus
1473 Cloud Springs Road
Rossville, GA 30741
"GriefShare is a network of 15,000+ churches worldwide equipped to offer grief support groups. The program is nondenominational and features biblical concepts for healing from your grief. Learn more about GriefShare at www.griefshare.org."
What to Expect
"GriefShare is a support group that meets weekly. You’ll find it to be a warm, caring environment and will come to see your group as an “oasis’ on your long journey through grief. There are three key parts to your GriefShare experience:
Video Seminar: encouraging, information-packed videos featuring leading grief recovery experts
Support Group: small group discussion about the weekly video content"
Workbook: journaling and personal study exercises that reinforce the weekly session topics
"Adults sometimes struggle with how to talk with children following tragic events, such as natural disasters, plane crashes, and school shootings. Below are some guidelines to help in these difficult situations:
1. Children gauge their reactions based on how the adults around them respond to a situation.
We naturally feel vulnerable and emotional when exposed to a tragic event. However, children may not understand the intensity of our emotion and they can become scared. We can demonstrate to children that expressing our emotions is normal while not overwhelming them with our reactions. They should see we feel terrible about the event, but that we will do everything we can to keep them safe. Showing extreme fear and/or agitation will not help children. Talk to a trusted friend or other adult about your feelings."
Click the Kate's Club graphic above to read the rest of the article.