Graduation & Beyond
September 4th, 2024

September 2024 - First Edition
Personalized Pathways to Graduation
Ask yourself, “If I was an incoming freshman student, what pathway to graduation would best fit my needs and hopes for the future”?
Would you meet the competency requirement by passing the end of course exams in Algebra I and English II? Would it be in your best interest to utilize one of the competency alternatives, such as earning an appropriate Industry Recognized Credential? Which Readiness Seals would you pursue as part of your high school experience? Asking yourself these questions and looking at the world through the eyes of your students may help prepare you to have these types of discussions with students and families who are facing the same questions and decisions.
A resource that helps with just this type of decision-making is “Unlock Your Future”, created by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. This resource serves as a one-stop shop for students and families to learn about Ohio’s updated graduation requirements. It offers user-friendly resources to help every student "Unlock Your Future" and emphasizes that graduating high school is both a major milestone and the starting point for future success.
What's New with Industry Recognized Credentials: A Career Readiness Update
Ohio’s list of Industry Recognized Credentials has been updated with several new IRC's available for students to earn, either as part of their pathway to graduation or support successful career attainment after graduation. New IRC's are available in fields including Information Technology, Manufacturing, Construction, Agriculture, and Arts & Communication, just to name a few.
How does your school introduce students to the concept of IRC attainment? What discussions are occurring in the classroom? Are IRC's part of the discussion during the development of Graduation, or Student Success Plans? Are IRC’s introduced at freshman orientation? Alternate Pathways to graduation are not typically considered by most students and families and therefore must be explicitly talked about as viable options for all students. Given Ohio’s emphasis on workforce readiness, what systemic practices are in place to ensure students have continued support in exploring and earning IRC's while in school?
A recent article by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute encourages educators to critically look at their school's practices of offering IRC's. The article states, “More Ohio high school students are earning industry credentials, but are they valuable in the labor market?” The this short but powerful article outlines the percentage of IRC's being earned by students in Ohio… and how many of these IRC's are determined to help students advance in skilled professions and yield the technical knowledge and skills that employers demand.
Upcoming Related PD Opportunities
Graduation Power Hours
Dates - September 24, 2024, October 29, 2024, November 12, 2024, December 17, 2024, January 14, 2025, February 11, 2025, March 18, 2025, and April 22, 2025
Time/Location - 8:30 - 10:00 | Virtual
Audience - Intervention Specialists, General Educators, Guidance Counselors, Special Ed Directors, Community Partners
Description - Each session is a 60 minute "Power Hour" presentation followed by an optional 30 minute Q&A/peer-to-peer networking time that will allow participants to share ideas and dive deeper into the content and implementation strategies discussed during presentation.
Topics scheduled to be covered in these sessions currently include Ohio's Updated Graduation Requirements, exploration of Industry Recognized Credentials, Student Success Plans, Students with IEPs Graduation Decision-Making Tool, best practices for partnering with OOD and Board of DD in graduation planning, and more. Alignment of specific topics to specific dates and guest speakers are listed below. This list will be expanded as more guest speakers are confirmed.
9-24-24: Aaron Weisbrod: Graduation Pathways, Plans, and Decision-Making Tool
10-29-24: Aaron Weisbrod: Career Connections Framework
11-12-24: Lauren Duris (Learning Blade): Learning Blade
12-17-24: Chelsea Canterbury (DEW): ABCs of CTE as Career Advising
1-14-25: Andrew Buck (OSU Nisonger Center): EnvisionIt
2-11-25: Graham Wood (DEW): Credit Flex
3-18-25: Details Coming Soon
4-22-25: Details Coming Soon
Attendance of every session is highly encouraged in order to best connect the information, resources, and implementation strategies discussed from session to session. Once you register you will be automatically registered for all dates.
Regional Transition Network
Audience - Intervention Specialists, General Education Teachers, Administrators, Community Partners, and/or Parent/Parent Representatives who support Transition Age Youth and/or help inform Post-Secondary Transition, graduation, and/or workforce readiness policies and practices in their school or organization
Dates - October 23, 2024, February 5, 2025, April 30, 2025
Time/Location - 9:00 - 12:00 | ESC of Lake Erie West, Toledo
Register Here for these dates at the ESC of Lake Erie West
Dates - October 24, 2024, February 6, 2025, May 1, 2024
Time/Location - 9:30 - 12:00 | Vantage Career Center, Van Wert
Register Here for these dates at Vantage Career Center
Description - The sessions in this network include dissemination of regional/state updates, networking and share-outs, and guest speakers all with a focus on supporting systemic implementation of services, supports, and/or resources that support successful graduation and post-secondary outcomes in the areas of education/training, competitive integrated employment, and independent living for all students, with a focus on supporting students with disabilities.
CTE Coffee Hours
Audience - Career Tech Administrators, any school with CT courses or interested in adding CT content are encouraged to attend
Dates and Registration links -
September 25, 2024 https://forms.gle/U5mWuz7yBoCs9aM36
November 6, 2024 https://forms.gle/FrV4rLyUQYP5Np1k9
January 15, 2025 https://forms.gle/B3NMuKh7s62EcRww8
March 19, 2025 https://forms.gle/bdXkR9bU9DfDAeF79
May 14, 2025 https://forms.gle/C5sQBLYkjhsUkmaR7
June 18, 2025 https://forms.gle/gfK2uBvNmWaEc8E3A
(June session will be in-person, location to be determined)
Time/Location - 9:00 - 10:00 | Virtual
Description - This bi-monthly series is an opportunity to get information on current CTE topics (typically ones that were determined as a need in previous coffee hours), share Career Tech successes and challenges, and learn about upcoming PD opportunities from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce, SST, Tech Prep, ACTE, and Advance CTE. Each session will link recruitment, selection and placement, support success for SWD, and PD to support all learners in their path to graduation and beyond.
2024-2025 Virtual Career-Readiness Leaders Meetups
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, in partnership with multiple partners engaged in career-connected learning from across the state, will host virtual Career-Readiness Leaders Meetups again this school year. The next virtual meetup will be October 8, 2024 at 2:30 with future meetups taking place on the second Tuesday of each month, except November and March, which will be held in person.
These meetups connect leaders across the state to discuss and share best practices for engaging students in career-connected education and advising. Leaders who want to develop business-education partnerships, work to expand work-based learning, facilitate cross-curricular career connections, or work to develop career fair and job shadowing experiences should attend.
Educators who work with students on plans for their future and school leaders looking to offer students more career awareness, exploration, and planning opportunities should consider attending Ohio's Career Readiness Leaders Network Virtual Meetups.
Sign up to receive calendar invitations for these meetups. Email Sara.Watson@education.ohio.gov for more information.
If you found this quarterly newsletter helpful and informative and would like to receive future editions please sign up HERE.
Lynn McKahan, Director
Meet our Graduation, Post Secondary Transition and Career Tech Team
Post Secondary Transition, Graduation Pathways, Students with Disabilities, Alternate Assessment
Career Technical Education, CTE Students with Disabilities, Post Secondary Transition, Graduation Pathways
This document/product/software was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, (Award #H027A160111, CFDA 84.027A, awarded to the Ohio Department of Education). The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, and no official endorsement by the Department should be inferred.