St Luke's Catholic Primary
Message From The Principal
Dear Parents and Carers
Staff are busy completing final assessments and writing end of year reports. The reports will be available online in Week 9 and there will be an opportunity for parents to meet with teachers if they feel the need in Week 10.
Our ‘Move Up’ morning on Tuesday 3rd December is an opportunity for children to meet their teacher for next year. I thank the teachers for their professionalism and dedication to ensuring balanced classes where every child’s unique needs have been considered. It is simply not possible to meet all parent requests and sometimes children may find themselves in a class with not all their friends. Rather than see this as a negative, it is important to see this as an opportunity for growth and to build resilience in a nurturing supportive environment. It is imperative that parents are positive about their child’s class placement to give them the best opportunity to experience success. We are grateful for your support and understanding.
As we come to the end of our school year, I wish to express my sincere thanks to all members of the community for their support throughout the year. For those families who are leaving our school at the end of this year, thank you for all that you have contributed to the positive culture, we wish you well in the future.
Thank you also to our amazing staff and volunteers who have given so much of themselves again this year to provide our students with the best possible education so that they can thrive in a safe and supportive environment.
Next Wednesday we have our ACM, followed by our Christmas Concert on 29th November. We look forward to seeing you at these special occasions.
God Bless,
Kerry Hewitson
Message from the Assistant Principals
End of Year Reports
Academic Reports for students in Kindy to Year 6 will be released via Seqta at 3:00pm on Friday 6th December. Please sit down with your child and talk through their report, celebrating successes and setting goals for areas of improvement.
If you would like to book an interview with your child's teacher to discuss their report, time has been made available during Week 10. Please contact the teacher directly after you have read your child's report to arrange a suitable time.
Year 6 families and families not returning in 2025, please ensure that you have downloaded or printed off any reports you wish to keep a copy of. Your child will be removed from Seqta at the end of the year and you will no longer have access to these documents.
If you have not yet received your login details, forgotten your login details or have any other issues, please contact the office via admin@stlukeswoodvale.wa.edu.au
End of Year Excursion
Who: Pre-Primary to Year 6
Date: Friday, 6th December
Where: Events Cinemas, Whitfords Shopping Centre, Hillarys
Time: Depart school at 9:30am and return by 1.30pm
Movie: Moana 2
What to bring: Small bag of treats/ morning tea (please be nut aware) and a water bottle
Lunch will be eaten upon our return. If you have any queries regarding the excursion, please contact your child's teacher.
The film has been rated PG for mild themes. If you have any concerns about your child viewing this film, please contact the school.
If your child is completing their time at St Luke's at the end of this year, you may like to download items of work from their Seesaw portfolio as a keepsake. Your child's account will be available until the end of the year.
Instructions on how to complete this process can be found here on the Seesaw Help Centre.
Christmas Concert- Friday 29th November
As you would be aware, our annual Christmas Concert is on Friday, 29 November.
This year it will be held on the school oval. From 5 pm you are welcome to set up and enjoy a picnic with your family. There will be designated areas for people with picnic rugs (front) and those who bring chairs (back). The concert will commence at 6:30pm sharp, please ensure your child is seated with their class teacher by 6:15pm. Kindy parents will meet their teachers on the basketball courts at 6:15pm and will be required to collect them straight after their item back at the courts.
Remember to bring a jumper as the nights are still cool and maybe some Stingose or Aerogard for those pesky ants, flies, and mosquitos.
The school will be closed and there will be no access. We have arranged for transportable toilets on the oval and it would be very helpful if you could take your child to the toilet prior to the commencement of the concert.
Staff will supervise all PP-Y6 children from 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm. Before and after this time parents/caregivers your child will be in your care. As this space is not contained, we ask you to be vigilant with the supervision of your children. The Bush Grove and Playground will be out of bounds for all children.
We will have flameless candles for sale again this year. They are $3.50 each, please bring cash. We will also have a Containers for Change bin available for your convenience. Please bring a bag for your rubbish and take it with you at the end of the evening.
As parking will be difficult, please consider carpooling with grandparents and friends where possible. We ask you to be courteous to our neighbours and do not park on their verges or across driveways.
We hope you all have a lovely evening and look forward to seeing you there.
Action for Happiness: Happier Kinder Together
You may be interested in the free Action for Happiness app for iOS and Android, for more info click this link: https://actionforhappiness.org/all-calendars
Have a wonderful end to the week and an even better weekend!
Kristy Graffin & Sarah Williams
Assistant Principals
Congratulations to our Merit Award Winners!
Annual Community Meeting
Join us for a fun and informative evening at our Annual Committee Meeting and Sundowner!
Parents and guardians, you are invited to an evening of great company, good vibes, and exciting updates at our ACM!
Enjoy a drink and nibbles as you mingle with other parents, catch up on the latest school news, and hear about our exciting upcoming school upgrades that will make St Luke’s even better for our kids! Plus, get a sneak peak about staff for 2025!
This is a fantastic opportunity to meet new faces, chat with the school team, and be part of our wonderful school community. Let’s make this event one to remember—we’d love to see you there!
Don’t miss out—RSVP today!
School Advisory Council Nominations
Volunteer for the School Advisory Council – We Need You!
Are you looking for a rewarding way to get involved and help shape the future of St Luke’s? We are inviting parents and guardians to join our School Advisory Council - a fantastic opportunity to contribute to our school community while connecting with other parents.
What does the School Advisory Council do?
The Council’s function is primarily to support and advise the principal in ensuring a child focused environment for St Luke’s students, and in leading the Catholic Identity, education and community functions of the school.
What is the commitment?
No experience required! Just 2 meetings per term (held at 6pm), with nibbles provided, and the chance to make a real difference in upcoming school improvement projects.
We are especially looking for someone with accounting experience to help us manage school finances, but we also need volunteers for other roles, including a secretary.
Whether you have specific skills to offer or just want to get involved, we would love to have you on board. If you are interested but want to hear more first, feel free to reach out to any of our current committee members:
Chairperson: Tamara Boyer 0414 099 770 boyer.tamara@outlook.com
Vice Chairperson: Laura Hodgen - 0416 698 387
Treasurer: Simon Stevenson windiesrule@gmail.com
Secretary: Sarah Ellam - sarah.ellam@newman.wa.edu.au
Board Member: Craig Day
P&F Representative: Elise Cruttenden
Parish Representative: Fr Stan
Ex Officios: Kerry Hewitson
Observers to the Board: Sarah Williams & Kristy Graffin
Nominations are now open! https://forms.office.com/r/1ThptvBfbK
Parents and Carers Corner
Do you have a perfectionistic child?
That is a child who is hard on themselves, hates making mistakes and has unrealistically high expectations. They can be incredibly hard to live with as they are invariably self-critical, low risk-takers and apologise too much. They are likelier to be first-born as perfectionism is rampant among this cohort. If you have a perfectionist, you instinctively know they are anxious and prone to bouts of self-doubt, even in primary school.
Do you know what to do?
According to a University of Singapore parenting study, parents of perfectionist kids need to step back and help their children become good problem-solvers rather than step in and solve their problems for them. So, how can we raise kids to be courageous problem-solvers rather than self-critical perfectionists?
Here are eight practical ideas to get you started:
1. Turn requests into problems…. for kids to solve.
Kids quickly develop the habit of bringing their problems to you to solve. If you keep solving them, they’ll keep getting them.
2. Ask, “Can you do this yourself?”
A problem-solving approach relies on asking good questions, which can be challenging if you are used to solving your child’s problems.
3. Coach them to manage their problems themselves.
Has your child ever felt unfairly treated at school and called on you to intervene? The easiest solution may be to meet with the teacher and find out what’s going on.
4. Prepare kids for problems and contingencies
You may coach your child to be independent – walk to school, spend time alone at home (when old enough), catch a train with friends - but do they know what to do if problems emerge? What happens if they come home after school and the house is locked? Who do they go to?
5. Show a little faith
Sometimes, you must show faith in children, including perfectionists and self-critical kids. Be careful not to sabotage children’s problem-solving with well-meaning but self-defeating comments.
6. Applaud mistakes and stuff-ups
Problem-solvers make lots of errors. Perfectionists need to learn that mistakes are acceptable.
7. Review what they do well
If your perfectionist child takes a social or learning risk and is unhappy with the results, help them focus on what went well rather than poorly.
8. Develop the language of problem solving
If you want your kids to be independent problem-solvers, make problem-solving language part of your family’s proprietary or common language.
Regardless of your problem-solving strategies, your first step is to refrain from instinctively solving your child’s problems. Your initial thoughts should be: “Is this something they can sort out themselves?” If yes, give them a chance to resolve the issue, which may be challenging if your child struggles. However, life’s most essential lessons generally come from overcoming our struggles, which is valid for parents and children.
Source: Michael Grose, Parenting Toolbox. Read the full article here.
Upcoming Events
As calendar dates can be subject to change, please always confirm events by checking our online calendar - https://www.stlukeswoodvale.wa.edu.au/community-calendar
Week 6
Friday 15th November
- Northern Schools Triathlon
Week 7
Monday 18th November
- Year 3 Advent Liturgy 8:45am
- Year 6 UR Legal Incursion 11:30am
Wednesday 20th November
- Lombardi School of Music Recital 3:15pm
- Annual School Community Meeting 6:00pm
Thursday 21st November
- Year 6 Summer Carnival
Friday 22nd November
- P&F Fathering Group Lawn Bowls
Sunday 24th November
- Christ the King Family Mass 9:30am
Week 8
Monday 25th November
- Year 5 Leadership Retreat
- Year 2 Advent Liturgy 8:45am
Wednesday 27th November
- Parish Annual Community Meeting
Friday 29th November
- Christmas Concert (Picnic from 5:00pm, Concert from 6:30pm)
Week 9
Monday 2nd December
- Year 1 Advent Liturgy 8:45am
Tuesday 3rd December
- Move Up Morning
Wednesday 4th December
- Graduation Mass 10:00am
- Graduation Lunch 12:00pm
Thursday 5th December
- Year 6 Excursion to Archie Brothers
Friday 6th December
- End of Year Movie Excursion for all students PP-Year 6
- End of Year Reports released 3:00pm
- Term 4 Concludes for Students
Week 10
Wednesday 11th December
- School Office closes for 2024
From the Finance Officer
Dear Families,
As we are in the final term of 2024, I want to thank all families for your support during this year's changes. Your understanding has made these transitions smoother for our school and community. Here are a few reminders to help with our financial arrangements.
2024 Settlement Reminder for Non-Direct Debit Families
A friendly reminder to families not on direct debit or Credit Cards: please ensure all outstanding fees are settled by 31st October 2024. If you have any difficulty paying, please email me directly at finance@stlukeswoodvale.wa.edu.au so we can work out a solution.
2025 Mater Dei College Sibling Discount Application
We are delighted to confirm that Mater Dei College will continue offering the sibling discount for 2025. More details can be found here. The discount will be credited to your balance in Term 2 2025. The application close date for families is 14th March 2025. Still, the early submission will help us manage the workload in Term 1 2025. Please return the Sibling Discount Application Form at your earliest convenience by 30th November 2024.
2025 Concession Card School Fee Discount Application
For families applying for the 2025 Concession Card discount, please submit a copy of your card front and back, along with the application form, by 15th December 2024. We will apply the discount according to the card’s expiry date. Any remaining 2025 discount will be updated once your card is renewed.
Fee Payment Plan to be Returned
To align with the high school payment method and streamline financial arrangements for families and the school, we require all families to submit a 2024 payment plan by February 2024. I am pleased to share that most families returned their plans with regular payments, and your proactivity is valued. We also appreciate those families with exceptional circumstances who kept us informed. For those who have yet to do so, please use this method to arrange your 2025 fees or keep us posted.
Thank you again for your ongoing support, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns regarding your payment arrangements.
Warm regards,
Zelda Zhang
Finance Officer
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
The St Vincent de Paul Society is a Catholic organisation that aspires to live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy. They are recognised as a caring Catholic charity offering “a hand up” to people in need. For our Term 4 Social Justice initiative, our school will again be working alongside our St. Luke’s Parish to collect food to make up Christmas hampers. The hampers will be given to St. Vinnies so they can be given to people in our community less fortunate than us who cannot afford to spend money at Christmas. We truly appreciate your support and generous donations.
We ask that you bring in the following:
Tinned Baked Beans, Tinned Spaghetti, Christmas Napkins, Bon Bons
Pre Primary
Christmas Cake, Christmas Pudding, Fruit Mince Pies
Year 1
Chocolates, Lollies, Potato Chips, Corn Chips
Year 2
Long Life Milk, Long Life Custard, Tinned Fruit, Savoury Biscuits, Sweet Biscuits
Year 3
Tomato Sauce, Pasta – Penne, Shells, Spirals, Dry Spaghetti, Pasta Sauce
Year 4
Weetbix, Long Grain Rice, Simmer Sauce for Rice, Tinned Fish,
Year 5
Jam or Peanut Butter or Vegemite, Tinned Vegetables, Four Bean Mix
Year 6
Fruit Juice, Tea Bags, Coffee, 2 Minute Noodles (5 pack)
All donations are due by Wednesday 27th November (Week 8)
School to Stage Dance
A huge congratulations to Miss Robertson and the Year 6 students who participated in the School to Stage dance competition in October. The girls were awarded 1st place in the Lyrical category and 3rd place for their Jazz performance. What an amazing result!
A Note from our P&F
There is consideration for putting a group together to perform some songs at next year's Evening on the Green event. If you play an instrument and/or love to sing, and would be interested in being a part of this entertainment idea, please contact Drew on 0403 765 550 or drewfrance@yahoo.com.au.
We have had some good response so far, we are now on the hunt for a drummer and a singer. If this is you, we would love to hear from you 🕺
Student Spotlight
If you have any good news stories about our students that you would like to share with the community, please send any photos and a short blurb to natalie.vennitti@cewa.edu.au
Congratulations to Caitlyn (Year 6) who was presented with a scholarship for Mater Dei College in 2025. Only three students are selected to receive these scholarships from a cohort of 200, making this a wonderful acknowledgement for Caitlyn. Well done!
Congratulations Charlotte (Year 2) who went back to back State Champions with her duo partner for her age group at the Calisthenics Association of WA competition recently. Keep up the amazing work, Charlotte!
During the last school holidays, Sinclair (Year 3) travelled to Sydney to participate in a national football competition, the Sydney International Cup.
Sinclair captained his team to be top of the group and the knock out stages. He was awarded the Coaches Award and his team came 16th out of 44 teams who competed. Congratulations, Sincliar!
Student Leave During School Term
Families not Returning to St Luke's in 2025
If your child is not returning to St Luke's in 2025, we kindly ask that you provide written notice of this a minimum of 10 weeks in advance to admin@stlukeswoodvale.wa.edu.au
School Social Media
- St Luke's Facebook
- St Luke's P&F
- P&F Fathering Group
- St Luke's Twitter
- St Luke's Instagram- @stlukeswoodvale
- Lulu the St Luke's Dog Instagram- @luluthestlukesdog
Each year level also has a Facebook group for families to join which are managed by our class representatives. These groups are a great way to keep in contact with other families in your child's year level and can be found here.
St Luke's Parish
Welcome to Mass everyone and a big welcome to all new parishioners and visitors to our
Parish of St Luke, Woodvale.
If you are new to our parish, we invite you to complete the Visitors' Book in the foyer.
Fr Stan would also love to meet you, so please introduce yourself at school or after Mass. You are welcome to visit the pastoral office on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9.30am—2.30pm.
For more information about our wonderful St Luke's Parish and to read the current
Bulletin please click here.
Children's Liturgy will be held most Sundays during the school term. All children are welcome to attend as part of the 9:30am mass at St Luke's Parish.
The liturgy is conducted in the church hall for the first 20-30 minutes of mass. After the sermon, children will rejoin their families.
After School Care
Music Tuition
Community News
Sacred Heart College Year 7 2027
Dear Year 4 Parents and Guardians,
Sacred Heart College warmly invites you to express interest in Year 7 2027 enrolment.
The Year 7 2027 enrolment process commences in mid-January 2025. To ensure you are invited to complete an application for your child and for a tour of the College, we strongly recommend completing an Expression of Interest (EOI) for each child by the end of Year 4. The EOI has an $85 non-refundable fee. To commence an EOI please click here.
For more information regarding our enrolments policy, please click here to view our website.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact College Registrar Niki Jenkins on 08 9246 8283 or registrar@sacredheart.wa.edu.au.
Kind regards,
Niki Jenkins
College Registrar & Alumni Coordinator