SLC Elementary
Back to School Update 2024-2025
Welcome Back Little Larries!
I hope your summer has been filled with exactly what you needed, whether it be rest and relaxation or fun and excitement, or maybe a little of both! After hosting summer school for Grades K through 8, Summer Camps and Summer Rec programs in our building, the unfamiliar quiet has me anxious for your return! I look forward to the building being abuzz, once again, with our school family.
When we return, there will be some new faces among us. We are pleased to welcome the following professionals to our SLC family:
Elizabeth Belt, Second Grade Teacher
Haylea Charlebois, Special Education teacher
Nina Haverstock, AM PreK Teaching Assistant
Elizabeth Hudson, Fourth Grade Teacher
Katlynn Nason, Kindergarten Teacher
Amanda Morris, AM PreK Teacher
I would like to share some additional information that I hope you find helpful in preparing for our first day back on Thursday, September 5th:
Home and School Communication
We recognize that communication between home and school is a key element in our partnership in your child's education. Our district has an app, which can be installed on your phone. Search the app store for "Brasher Falls Central School District" to download our app and stay informed. SLC Elementary previously used Class Dojo as a means of communication, allowing for direct messaging between our staff and student guardians. We will no longer be using Class Dojo but the school's app, mentioned above, has a new capability to replace Class Dojo. The new feature is called "Rooms." More information on this will be sent home with your child during the first week of school.
If your child is going to be absent, please be sure to communicate with Mrs. Tuper, our school nurse, as she handles excused/unexcused absences. Good communication regarding your child's attendance/absences is imperative for a successful school year.
Back to School Event
Save the Date! We will be hosting this annual event once again, on Tuesday, September 3rd. We will have free haircuts available, as well as many other local agencies to connect with. Please note that this event takes place at the middle/high school building. The elementary building will not be accessible, but this event is for all SLC students, UPK-Grade 12. Be on the lookout for more information soon.
School Supply Lists
We are pleased to inform you that the district was able to purchase supplies for every students through grant funding for the 2024-2025 school year. Though we cannot guarantee that this will continue in future years, we are happy to relieve the financial burden of school supplies for the 2024-2025 school year for our SLC families. Please note that students in grades 3 and 4 will still be expected to provide their own swimsuits and towels (and swim caps, if necessary). Also, we do recommend each student have their own water bottle.
The First Day of School
This year school will begin on September 5. We will have many staff members on hand to help our students find their classrooms. It is very helpful if your child knows their teacher's name. For our youngest learners, it is a good idea to begin practicing their teacher's name in the weeks leading up to the first day. If your child is having trouble remembering their teacher's name, I suggest writing it on a tag attached to their bookbag, or even on an index card they can carry with them.
Personal Belongings
As a parent, I know how frustrating it can be when my child goes to school with their coat, bookbag, gym sneakers, and lunch bag, only to return home without one of these items. I suggest writing your child's name inside any item that could be easily left behind. This will help our staff to identify the owner of any items found, minimizing our collection of lost and found items.
Student Drop Off/Pick Up Traffic Pattern (Shown in Map Below)
We asked that drivers consider George St. as a one way street that goes from the Brasher Falls Deer River Road (also known as County Route 50) to 11C.
Parent Drop Off
Students can be dropped off between 8:30 and 8:55, though we recommend dropping them off between 8:45 and 8:55. Please refer to the map above, and follow the blue arrows.
- Please use Deer River Road (County Route 50) to enter George Street.
- Turn left into the first driveway (entrance) to the school and pull up in front of the cafeteria, along the sidewalk. There will be a staff member waiting to greet your child on the front sidewalk.
- You will then exit through the second driveway (exit).
- As you exit, please turn left to proceed on George Street, then turning right by the bus garage to head back to State Route 11C.
Parent Pick Up
Please do not arrive for parent pick up any earlier than 3:10. The traffic pattern will be the same as the drop off pattern explained above):
- If you will be picking your child up every day, we ask that you send a signed note stating so on the first day.
- If your child rides the bus, but you need to pick them up on occasion, please send a note in with them. If it is a last minute change, you can call the office to let Mrs. Dishaw know you will be picking them up (315-389-5131 ext. 29300). Once you make this call, the student will be added to our list and you can join the parent pick up car line to pick your child up. There is no need to park your car.
We encourage you to arrive for parent pick up by 3:20. Any child not picked up by 3:30 will be put on a bus.
Playground Safety
Please be sure that your child has sneakers to wear for PE class and outside on the playground. It is fine to wear other footwear to school, but they should always bring their sneakers too, for these purposes.
Cafeteria Information
This year all student meals (breakfast and lunch) will be covered by grant funding. If your child needs to purchase anything extra, the costs are as follows:
Breakfast - main course $1.00. milk .65, Fruit 1.00, or Juice .65
Lunch - main course $1.75, Milk .65, Fruit 1.00, Vegetable 1.00
Though everyone will receive free meals this year, we still need everyone to complete the free and reduced meal application. This application impacts our funding through other grants and some academic programming. We kindly ask that you complete this application when it is sent home. It can also be completed at our Back to School Event on September 3rd.
Lastly, if you have questions which have not been answered here, please refer to our Student Handbook. Another good resource is our "At a Glance" document, which will be sent home as well. It would be a good idea to keep this document handy. As always, please feel free to reach out to your child's teacher with any additional questions you may have. I am more than happy to connect with parents/guardians, but I do ask that you always consider your child's teacher to be your first point of contact.
We very much look forward to the return of our Little Larries, and we appreciate your patience as we settle into our routine for the new school year. Once again, thank you for entrusting us with your child's education.
Mrs. Colterman, SLC Elementary Principal
Email: dcolterman@bfcsd.org
Website: www.bfcsd.org
Phone: 315-389-5131 29300