LMS Family Update Spring Edition
May 19, 2024
Greetings Lockerman Families,
We are in the home stretch and the countdown is on: 17 more school days left! This has truly been a great year at LMS and we are looking forward to finishing strong. This time of year also brings many events and activities so please be sure to continue reading to stay informed.
As always, please reach out to any LMS staff member if we can be of assistance.
Jeannine Necessary
LMS Principal
5/20 & 5/21 8th Grade MCAP Math/Algebra I testing
5/22 7th Grade Career/CCTC Expo
5/22 6pm Band/Chorus Spring Concert (LMS Gym)
5/24 Half day of school for students
5/27 No School - Memorial Day
5/29 7th Grade Walk to Water (Service Learning Fundraiser)
6/4 5pm National Junior Honor Society Inductions
6/6 Field Day
6/11 8th Grade Awards Celebration
6/11 7-9pm 8th Grade Dance
6/12 Last Day of School (1/2 Day)
8th Grade
8th Grade Awards Celebration
8th Grade parents are invited to join us for an awards celebration Tuesday, June 11th at 12:30 pm. We will have a brief awards ceremony followed by an ice cream social and yearbook signing.
A message from the yearbook advisor, Mrs. Ellis:
- Pre-ordered yearbooks will be handed out the afternoon of June 7th.
- All yearbooks will have the students name written on the inside front cover.
- Leftover yearbooks will be sold in the media center on June 10th on a first come first serve basis. Yearbooks are $25 dollars. Cash only.
Field Day
Field Day is not open to parents unless you are volunteering. If you'd like to volunteer, please complete the online training (slides below) and make sure you have submitted a volunteer application (also below) this school year. If you are interested in volunteering and have not already signed up with the PTA, please email Mrs. Stannahan, strannahan.shelly@ccpsstaff.org.
Officer Vacancies: We need you to stay active!
PTA is looking for a new President and Treasurer for the coming school year. Please contact Michelle Berggren (shellbellocallaghan@gmail.com) if you are interested in filling one of these spots.
From the Guidance Office
Emails have been sent for proof of residency. In order for students to get their 9th grade schedule a new proof of residency has to be turned in to the guidance department. Emails have been going out since the beginning of March. Please check your spam folder to see if the email has gone there. If you have not received an email please call the guidance secretary so that your email address can be updated.
From the Health Room
Attention all 6th Graders and Parents:
The state of Maryland requires that all children be current on their immunizations. Before your child enters the 7th grade they are required to have updated Tdap and MCV vaccines (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis and Meningitis). Please check with your child’s doctor to make sure that they are up to date on all of their vaccines and provide proof of their vaccines to the school nurse. Per Maryland state law, your child will be excluded from school once they start their 7th grade year if we do not have proof of their vaccinations.
Attention parents/guardians of children with medication at school:
If your child has medication in the health room, please arrange to pick-up the medication by June 12, 2024 no later than 2:30 pm. All medicines remaining in the health room after that date will be discarded. Remember, we cannot send the medication home with your child; it must be picked up by a parent or guardian. If your child needs medication administered at school for the 2024-2025 school year, please bring the form completed by your doctor and signed by you. The medication and medication orders can be dropped off 2 days prior to the start of the next school year. As in the past, a completed form is required for all medications including such medications as Tylenol and cough drops. Required health forms can be printed from the LMS website as well as the CCPS website.
Thank you,
LMS Health Room Staff.
Choptank School Based Health Center Update
Parent & Family Resources and Opportunities
After a long winter, spring blooms with hope. Parent coaching can be that breath of fresh air that guides you to sunnier days. Parent Coaching is a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL resource provided by your school district that connects you with a coach and content created by therapists. All coaching correspondence is HIPAA protected. Click here to register for on-going support from a coach: https://cookcenter.info/coaching
Después de un largo invierno, llega la primavera con esperanza. Asesoría para Padres puede ser la brisa fresca que te guía a días más soleados. Asesoría para Padres es un recurso GRATIS y CONFIDENCIAL disponible en su distrito escolar que lo conecta con un asesor y contenido creado por terapeutas. Toda la correspondencia de asesoría está protegida por las leyes HIPAA. Presione aquí para registrarse y recibir apoyo continuo de un asesor https://cookcenter.info/coaching
Download the CCPS App
Emailing School & District Staff
Spam filters are designed to identify emails that attackers or marketers use to send unwanted or dangerous content. They also throw out malware, malicious, and virus-infested emails and protect user security. Unfortunately, spam filtering is an inexact science that at times blocks legitimate messages.
Should you send an email to a staff member and not receive a reply within a reasonable amount of time (no more than 48 hours), please call the office.
Contact Information
Andrea Hill, Assistant Principal
Rondell Sorrell, Assistant Principal
David Gibbons, 6th Grade Counselor
Shannon Thompson, 7th Grade Counselor
James Freeman, 8th Grade Counselor
Website: https://www.lockermanms.org/
Location: 410 Lockerman Street, Denton, MD, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LockermanPRIDE