Willow Wind News
January 31, 2025
Notes From the Office
We have almost completed the first two weeks of our Spring 2025 Term and the children are getting settled into their new classes. There was much excitement as students begin exploring the new topics - ceramics, mapping, stage design,, Ornithology, Creative CAD and much more.
I hope you have all heard about the changes in the school calendar announced by our Superintendent before winter break. You will find an updated Willow Wind calendar and a link to the new school day calendar in this newsletter. Please look carefully and update your family calendars with the new information.
Thanks to all of the families who took the time to participate and help others!
Willow Wind families completed Acts of Service over the long weekend for Martin Luther King, Jr Day and many community members benefited from their good work. Here is the link to the completed Padlet highlighting some of these activities
Thanks for letting us spend time with your children - they are amazing!
Dates to Remember
- February 3-5 .......SART Lessons in all classes
- February 5 ..........Report Cards sent home
- February 7 ..........Community Friday - Fun Run
- February 14 .......Homegrown Lunch: Kindergarten - Grade 3
- February 14 .......Community Friday - Sing A Long
- February 17.........No Classes: President's Day
- February 21..... ...Community Friday - Black History Month
- February 21 ........Pizza Friday
- February 24 ........ Parent Council @ 1:30 - All Welcome
- February 28..... ...Community Friday - Buddies
- February 28 .........Homegrown Lunch: 4th - 8th Grade
Updated Calendars for District Furlough Days
Please see the updated calendars for both school days and Willow Wind events. A few highlights:
- March Conference Days have been cancelled and are now "no school" days
- There are several new long weekends - check the calendar for dates
- A few Homegrown Lunch dates have been switched around because of the new calendar
- Bike-A-Thon date needed to be changed
- June Workshops will be restructured because of the shortened week
Here are the menus and dates for Homegrown Lunches for the rest of the school year.
The Order Form below can be used to order all upcoming lunches. Please return your orders as soon as possible so we can plan. Thanks!
February 14 & 28: Garden chili featuring our garden tomatillos and tomatoes
March 14: Oregon caught farm-to-school tuna sandwiches on organic bread with garden microgreens
April 4 & 25: “Mystery Potato Dish” (8th grade researched and designed a stuffed potato menu item)
May 23 & 30: Garden salad with 6th grade designed salad dressing with a side of organic rice & beans
*All dishes will have a gluten free or dairy free option
* The first date is for K – 3 and the second date is for 4th – 8th
The Willow Wind Parent Council will meet on Monday, February 24th from 1:30-2:30. Please plan to meet in the office. Depending on the weather and number of attendees, we may move to the Barn. All families are welcome to join us!
As we enter the second half of the year, Debbie will present an update and share budget information from the school district. It is time to begin talking about next year at Willow Wind. Please bring your questions and ideas.
The Parent Council meets quarterly to talk about the Ashland School District and Willow Wind issues. Help shape the direction of our program by attending.
Erin's Law Lessons - February 3 - 5
In July of 2015, the Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 856 (Sexual Abuse Prevention Instruction) which requires schools to provide child sexual abuse prevention instruction kindergarten through grade 12. We are working with the Jackson County Sexual Assault Response Team (JC SART) to consult on curriculum and provide lessons to students. JC SART is a local organization that provides services to sexual assault survivors and brings prevention education classes into our local schools.
The lesson plans are age appropriate and in line with state and national sexual health standards and Erin’s Law recommendations.The presentations are delivered with sensitivity, in a conversation style. If you would like to preview the lessons for your child's grade level, please feel free to contact Debbie Pew.
First Friday Bike Bus
Join us! It's a lot of fun, and your student arrives ready to really seize the day. The more the merrier. For info, see https://ashlandclimate.org/bike-bus/, or ask another parent about it in the bike parking area. 2025 dates:
Feb. 7
March 14
April 4
May 2
June 6
Parent Drop In Time with Britt
Britt will be available to talk all things child development every Monday from 1:45-3:00 pm. All are welcome. If you know your topic, send her an email and she can gather materials/resources. Britt.humphrey@ashland.k12.or.us
Mark your calendars for the annual Willow Wind Talent Show. The date for this year's Talent Show is Friday, April 25, 2025. More details soon!
Exploring Philosophy in the Classroom: The Power of Listening and Open-Mindedness
In our winter workshop Philosophy class, we dove into thought-provoking or “juicy” questions that spark meaningful discussions. The key focus of this class was creating an environment where students actively listened to one another’s ideas and were open to having their minds changed. We read many books such as the Gruffalo, A Bad Case of Stripes, and Goldilocks and the 3 Bears which served as a springboard for thoughtful conversations, where everyone’s voice mattered, and new perspectives were valued.
So often in school, answers can be black or white – there is a correct answer in a math equation and a right way to spell a word. What made these philosophical discussions so special was the way they were about the process and not the answer – a process that fosters critical thinking and empathy. We discussed things such as “What was the naughtiest thing Goldilocks did in the story?” and “How do we know if something is real or not- especially if we have never seen/experienced it (such as the Gruffalo)” As students share their opinions, they are encouraged to listen carefully to others, considering points of view that may differ from their own. This process not only helps develop strong communication skills but also teaches the importance of being flexible in our thinking, a vital life skill.
By practicing open-mindedness and respectful listening, students gain a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives, both in the classroom and beyond. These skills are not only important for thoughtful discussions but also for navigating our ever-changing world. I was proud of the way the students embrace these principles in class and will no doubt continue growing as thoughtful, engaged citizens.
Message from School Nurse Erin
Please review the information below to help guide your decisions on when to keep your child home from school. There is a lot of sickness going around and we all want to try and stay healthy.
Please Check the Lost and Found
Please check the lost and found - it is very full!
There are MANY jackets, sweatshirts, water bottles and other items waiting to go back home with your children.
2025-2026 Inquiry Forms are Available
If you know of families who are interested in attending Willow Wind for the 2024-2025 school year, please encourage them to fill out an Inquiry Form. Current families with incoming Kindergarteners or siblings should also submit an Inquiry Form.
Inquiry Forms are available on our website.
Families are also welcome to contact Debbie at debra.schaefferpew@ashland.k12.or.us.
Family Service Reminder
All families should have completed 16 hours of Family Service by June 6.
Watch for Family Service Opportunities in the Friday Notes and via email. If you have an idea for a way you can help, please reach out.
Please make sure you have recorded your hours in the Log Book. If you cannot complete your time for any reason, please complete the waiver form. Your contributions are appreciated! We need everyone to pitch in!
Fee Reminder
If you have not paid your fees, please try and do it soon.
We are requesting materials fees for each term and $5.00 for January Focus Workshops. These fees ensure that we are able to purchase materials to sustain the class projects. You can pay your fees by:
- Logging into your PowerSchool Account
- Choosing "school fees" on the left hand bar
- OR......come in to the office and pay Dannette!
All students are welcome to register for classes regardless of their ability to pay fees.