Welcome! Back to School Information
Gators Rock! 2024 - 2025
Welcome To All New & Returning Gator Families!
!Bienvenidos a las familias de Gompers!
Con gran entusiasmo doy la bienvenida a todas las familias nuevas y las que regresan. El comienzo de un nuevo año trae crecimiento, renovación y muchas oportunidades. Nuestro personal ha trabajado arduamente preparándose para que los estudiantes regresen a un ambiente seguro, atractivo y enriquecedor. Le pido que permanezca conectado con nosotros. Recibirá una "Actualización del director" (boletín) todos los domingos por correo electrónico. También puede recibir mensajes a través de SchoolMessenger. Asegúrese de leer y escuchar toda la correspondencia para estar al tanto de fechas y eventos especiales.
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Upcoming Dates:
Teacher Assignments on ParentVue: Aug. 19
Office Opens: Aug. 20, 8:30 - 3:30
TK/K Meet & Greet: Aug. 27, 8:50 - 9:00
First Day of School: Aug. 27 9-2 (Minimum Day)
TK/K DISMISSAL: 8/27 - 9/13, 2PM
Back to School: Sept. 10, 5 - 6:30
Gompers' Night at Angel Stadium, Sept. 27 (see flyer below)
More dates coming!
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Every June we embark in the process of creating class rosters for the upcoming school year. We actively involve the student's teacher and carefully evaluate various pieces of information about your child, including their learning style, social-emotional needs. academic profile, and specialized program requirements.
Our primary objective is to establish classrooms that are fair and well balanced. Once the initial class rosters are developed, our administrative team conducts a thorough review and considers information we might be privy to about a student or students is also considered.
We take class placement serious and our committment is to provide your child with an inclusive and nurturing educational experience.
While teachers have varying styles and techiques our teachers are qualified to teach in LBUSD and follow the Scope & Sequence for each grade level to ensure that all students learn grade level material. Therefore, requests made for specific teachers or classrooms are not part of our placement process. We do however appreciate your partnership and understand you may have valuable insight to share about your child. If you would like to share information with us, other than a request for a class change, your input will be taken into account to support your child's educational experience. We thank you for your understanding.
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Gompers' Uniform Policy- Uniforme Escolar
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Student Verification-Verificación anual de estudiante
Please make sure to fill out the student verification in ParentVue. Classes can earn rewards as a whole class together. Teachers will be given a list of families that have not filled out the form so that they can send out reminders.
Por favor asegure llenar la verificación de su estudiante. Las classes pueden ganar premio/s como clase entera.
Student Annual Verification Form/Verificación anual de su estudiante
Did you know...? Why Daily Attendance Matters:
Missed Lessons = Falling Behind: Even one day can mean missing critical instructions and activities, making it harder for your child to catch up.
Impact on Future Success: Consistent attendance is a strong predictor of academic achievement and future opportunities.
Building Resilience: Regular attendance teaches your child the value of perseverance and responsibility—essential skills for success in life.
Stronger Friendships: Daily presence helps your child develop and sustain friendships, which are crucial for emotional and social development.
Healthy Routine: Attending school every day establishes a stable routine, promoting better mental and physical health.
Who to contact to report an absence:
To Report An Absence: Visit our website...
Visit our school website and click on the image you see to the right.
Para reportar una ausencia, haga clic en el imagen que se encuentra en el sitio web de nuestra escuela.
Site Map- Temporary Entrances (entradas temporales)
Drop off areas are noted by the stars. There will be signs posted on the fence/s. Please drive carefully and if you'd like to walk your child to the gate please park in the surrounding area. Please do not block driveways. Our Special Education busses arrive on Hardwick and that is the drop off/pick up location for all students in Special Day Classes.
Meet Our New Staff
Welcome to Ms. McMahon. She is coming to us from Signal Hill Elementary.
2nd Grade
Welcome Ms. Murillo. She is coming to us from King Elementary.
Third Grade GATE
Lets welcome Mr. Steve Garland. He will be teaching music on Mondays.
A big welcome to Greg Pickens, who will be teaching Art on Wednesdays at Gompers.
Welcome to our new RSP teacher. She comes to us with many years of experience!
24/25 Gompers' Bell Schedule
Important Events
Back to School Night
More info coming soon
Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024, 05:00 PM
Our School- Gompers K-5
Join The Gompers' Family At Angel Stadium ⚾️
Join The Gompers' PTA
Your membership helps support programs and equipment that impact our Gompers' Scholars and Teachers!
Anyone can be a member!
Scan the QR Code to join!