RBHS Summer BRIDGE Communication
Rock Bridge High School Newsletter: July 2024
Mission: Rock Bridge High School is a community in which ALL students and staff inspire each other to become lifelong learners.
Dear Rock Bridge Families,
We are busy preparing for the 2024-25 school year and look forward to seeing you all soon! Please read the information in this BRIDGE Communication carefully as it includes lots of back to school information. Rock Bridge Families will not be receiving a physical mailer this summer. All of the necessary information for the start of our 2024-25 school year can be found right here.
Our RBHS Offices are open again at RBHS. We are grateful to Gentry Middle School for housing us in June and July this summer. Should you need to visit us in person, our summer office hours at RBHS are 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Below you will find information about the following:
- Registration, Enrollment, and Bus Opt-in Information
- RBHS Counseling Welcome Newsletter
- RBHS General Information
- Student Supplies for Day 1
- RBHS Bell Schedule
- Bruin Connections Night
- Back to School Night - Save the Date
- Jump Start Day for Class of 2028
- School Pictures
- Homecoming and Court Warming - Save the Dates
- How To Drop Off and Pick Up Students at RBHS
- Student and Visitor Parking and Entrance Procedures
- Purchase a 2025 Parking Pass
- CPS Breakfast and Lunch Program Information and Forms
- Information from the RBHS Nurse's Office
- RBHS Student Activity Pass
- 2024-2025 RBHS Yearbook
- Information from the Nurse's Office
- 2025 RBHS PTSA Membership and Volunteer Form
- RBHS Booster Club
- CPS 2024 - 2025 School Year Calendar
- CPS 2024 - 2025 AB Calendar
- Some RBHS Social Media Accounts
- August RBHS Events Schedule
Jacob Sirna
Registration, Enrollment and Bus Opt-in
On Tuesday, July 16th you received email communications from Columbia Public Schools Communication Office regarding Back-To-School Registration & User ID and Password Information. These emails provided directions for completing the required annual registration along with your Guardian ID. Here are those instructions.
Students who need transportation to and from school will need to Opt-in for that transportation by Thursday, August 1st. A bus route for those eligible for bus transportation WILL NOT be secured for the first day of school unless the Enrollment & Registration process (including transportation Opt-in) is completed by Thursday, August 1st. If you need additional support with transportation Opt-in, please do not hesitate to call Rock Bridge High School at 573-214-3100 where staff will available to assist you.
We will offer Enrollment & Registration assistance during Bruin Connections on Tuesday, August 13th from 4:30-6:30 pm at RBHS. See below for more information about our Bruin Connections event. Please note, this August 13th date will be after transportation OPT IN, and families completing Enrollment & Registration at this event WILL NOT have secured transportation for their scholar on the first day of school. Students will not be given their schedule until their Annual Registration is complete. If you are needing additional assistance with registration and enrollment, please call Jennifer DiStefano (registrar) at 573-214-3112, or email her at JDistefano@cpsk12.org.
Counseling Welcome!
Dear Rock Bridge Family,
We are gearing up for the start of a new school year, and the Counseling Team is excited to have you all back soon :) We have a new counselor starting with this year and are very excited to welcome Mrs. Kellie Austene to our team! Mrs. Austene has over 20 years of experience in school counseling and will be a wonderful asset to our team! She will be working with students with last names beginning with Q-S.
We have some important reminders to share with you before we start the 24-25 school year, so please check out the Counseling Newsletter linked below to learn more about:
- Meet Your Counselor
- When you can see your schedule
- Schedule correction information
- The PSAT / PSAT Prep
COUNSELING NEWSLETTER: https://secure.smore.com/n/ykwhe6
Rachel Reed, M.Ed
Director of School Counseling
AVID Counselor
Rock Bridge High School
RBHS General Information
The link directly below is a document that includes the most frequently requested general information each school year. This includes phone numbers, email addresses, counselor and administrator alphabetic breakdowns, our bell schedule, and grade reporting dates.
District High School Cell Phone Policy
We want to ensure a smooth transition into the new school year with clear communication regarding Columbia Public Schools 24-25 Cell Phone & Smart Device procedures. Cell Phones, including Smart Devices, are prohibited in the classroom learning environment. This means they will be required to be turned off, put away, and out of sight while students are in the classroom. Our goal is to provide a learning environment that is free from distractions and provides students the opportunity to engage in real-time collaboration with their teachers and peers. This communication allows all stakeholders to stay informed, and engaged, so we can partner together and provide a positive and productive school experience for all students within Columbia Public Schools. Additional information regarding our cell phone expectations and procedures will be shared with families soon.
Student Supplies for Day 1
Rock Bridge High School does not have a student supply list. All students should bring a pencil/pen along with a notebook so they can record important information for the first days of school. Students will learn what supplies each class requires directly from their teachers. All students will be issued a school laptop during the first day of school.
Weapons Detection Systems Information
The safety of our students, staff, and visitors is our top priority. We have a new detection system in Columbia Public Schools to increase safety and security at our high schools. This non-invasive system is designed to detect weapons either on a person or inside their bag or backpack without slowing the normal flow of foot traffic into our buildings. Detection systems will be in place inside the main entrances used by students each morning. All students entering our high schools will pass through the weapon detection system at the start of each school day and any time they leave and return to our campus. These systems will be monitored by administrators and our safety and security team who will help ensure the process moves smoothly and creates minimal disruptions. Weapons are not permitted on any Columbia Public School campus. Any student who violates that will be subject to discipline according to District Policy up to and including suspension from school.
This system was utilized during summer school in each of the CPS High Schools this summer. Here is a document CPS shared with summer school families that includes general information and some frequently asked questions.
We will be sending more Rock Bridge specific information and communication regarding the implementation of this new system in the coming weeks.
RBHS Bell Schedules
Below are links to our most common 2024-25 bell schedules.
Bruin Connections Night
TUESDAY AUGUST 13th 4:00 to 6:00 pm
All Bruins and their families are invited to attend this annual event to kick off the 2024-25 school year.
Families will be able to:
- Receive general information and a chance to walk our building
- Meet and greet the Rock Bridge administration team and other key representatives of the RBHS community
Receive technical support if they are unable to complete the online registration process at home (CPS staff members and computers will be available to assist families in this process)
Receive assistance with “Opting In” for bus transportation
Purchase RBHS Spirit wear from our Booster Club
Purchase parking passes
Purchase yearbooks
Visit the RBHS Media Center to learn more about laptop distribution, printing, and digital resources available for students
Speak directly to representatives from Food Services
Attendees to this event should plan to enter RBHS through our south and main entrance. Most Bruin Connections resources will be in our Main Commons/Cafeteria area.
Back to School Night
Jump Start Day for the RBHS Class of 2028
Monday AUGUST 19TH, 2024 8:55 to 1:30
RBHS 9th Graders, be sure you have this date on your calendar! You will have a chance to meet your teachers, counselors, administrators, walk your full schedule, check out your computer and be apart of the RBHS famous roller-coaster! This day is designed to allow you to learn about our building without upperclassmen present. THIS IS YOUR DAY, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity!
For more information be watching the RBHS website.
School Pictures
School Picture Day August 28th, 2024
We will hold school photos on August 28th during the school day in the RBHS Auxiliary Gym from 9:00am-2:00pm. Wagner Photography will be our school picture vendor for the 2024-2025 school year. When we get closer to our photography date, we will send out a link to the web portal to order school photos. This year, we will not be sending home paper order forms for school photos. Please watch your email communications or the school website for this link once it becomes available.
Optional Senior Pictures August 14th, 2024
Incoming seniors can take optional senior pictures at RBHS on August 14th. Additional Information will come from Wagner Photography in early August.
For more information be watching the RBHS website.
All School Dances 2024-2025
How to "drop-off" and "pick-up" students at RBHS
Getting onto and out of the Rock Bridge High School campus at the beginning or end of a school day can be a challenge and requires patience from all. Please read below and view the provided videos so you can assist in making this process as smooth as possible for all RBHS stakeholders.
Parent Drop-off
Morning drop off should occur at the East Circle Drive. This is the same location that bus drop off will be occurring. Parents dropping off their students should remain in the left lane of the circle drive. Busses will be asked to remain on the right at this time.
Parent Pick-up
Following the conclusion of the school day, parent pick up will occur at the South Parking Lot. It is common for there to be considerable congestion in all entries and exits at the end of our school day. Please consider picking up your child after our busses have exited the circle drive at 4:15. After 4:15 you can pick your child up at any location on the RBHS property.
Student & Visitor Parking/Entrance and Procedures
Almost all students who park at RBHS will park in our North Lot.
Because Columbia Area Career Center (CACC) construction is taking place this school year, the lot between our RBHS Baseball Field and CACC will be reserved exclusively for CACC Parking. We are also limiting parking passes to RBHS Seniors and Juniors, but will make passes available to Sophomore's as the school year progresses.
There will be approximately 50 student parking spaces in the South Parking Lot. Each is marked with a painted yellow Bruin head. These student spaces in the South Parking Lot will be available on a first come first serve basis each day. Students who park in the South Parking Lot will need to enter the school through the East Main Circle Drive Entrance.
Visitor Parking and Entrance
Visitors to Rock Bridge High School can park in the circle drive or along the east side of our South Parking Lot. We recommend that visitors planning a short visit to our school refrain from parking in the circle drive between 3:30 and 4:15 as our circle drive will be prioritized for school busses at that time. Cars parked in the visitor spaces during this time will not be free to leave until the busses exit our campus. Visitors to RBHS during the day should plan to enter the building at the East Main Circle Drive Entrance.
Purchase a 2024-2025 Student Parking Pass
RBHS Student Parking Pass for 2024-2025 cost $50.00. This pass allows a RBHS student to parking in the North lot and select spaces in the South lot that are designated with a Bruin Bear.
Due to scheduled Columbia Area Career Center construction, parking passes will be limited to ONLY SENIORS and JUNIORS to start the school year. Please print out the RBHS parking form that is available at the following link:
Also, a copy of the student’s current driver’s license and non-expired insurance card is required when picking up the pass from the Student Activities Office. Copies can be made through the Activities Secretary. The price of parking passes will be lowered to $25 at the start of January 2025.
Directions for ONLINE Payments
The parking pass payment link will be available beginning July 22, 2024. From the RBHS website, scroll to the bottom of the page under “Helpful Information.” There is a tab labeled “Pay for parking Pass at RBHS.” This is a link that will direct you to SchoolPay to complete payment for the parking pass. Remember, this link will not be active until August 7th. You will enter your parent portal login information to gain access to SchoolPay.
Checkmark the item(s) you want to pay for. Once you have selected the fee(s) you want to pay for, enter the student’s first name, last name, grade level, and ID number. Then select checkout.
On the following screen select Credit Card and enter your card and billing information. Click review order. On the final screen, hit submit and a receipt will be emailed to you.
PLEASE NOTE, the following transaction fees apply if using SchoolPay: $1.95 flat fee for transactions from $15 to $49.99. For transactions above $50 a 3.99% fee will apply.
Purchase a 2024-2025 Student Activity Pass
RBHS Student Activity pass cost $50.00. A student activity pass allows RBHS student admittance into ALL HOME athletic games except for MSHSAA ticketed games and some fine art events. Activity passes will be printed on the student’s school IDs.
Directions for ONLINE Payments
Please note the Activity Pass link will be available beginning July 22, 2024. From the RBHS website, scroll to the bottom of the page under “Helpful Information.” There is a tab labeled “RBHS Activity Pass.” This is a link that will direct you to SchoolPay to complete payment for the activity pass. Remember, this link will not be active until August 7th. You will enter your parent portal login information to gain access to SchoolPay.
Checkmark the item(s) you want to pay for. Once you have selected the fee(s) you want to pay for, enter the student’s first name, last name, grade level, and ID number. Then select checkout.
On the following screen select Credit Card and enter your card and billing information. Click review order. On the final screen, hit submit and a receipt will be emailed to you.
PLEASE NOTE the following transaction fees apply if using SchoolPay: $1.95 flat fee for transactions from $15 to $49.99. For transactions above $50 a 3.99% fee will apply.
Nutrition Services Information
The two links below include all the necessary information for families regarding the purchase of breakfast and lunch for their CPS Students.
Breakfast and Lunch Procedures and Information 24-25
Purchase a 2025 RBHS Yearbook
Yearbook Information
Yearbooks can be purchased starting August 8/13/2024 at yearbookforever.com . Make sure you order your 2025 book by 1/5 in case we sell out!
Senior Yearbook Information
Email your senior portraits (to replace your traditional school photo) to rockbridgeseniors@gmail.com by Dec. 20. They should be taken from the waist up and be in a jpeg format. NO SCREENSHOTS!
Senior ad orders are due by 1/5. Also order through yearbookforever.com. starting 8/13.
- Full page: $360, up to 6 photos
- 1/2 page: $180, up to 3 photos
- 1/4 page: $90, up to 2 photos
- 1/8 page: $45, 1 photo
Information From the RBHS Nurse's Office
Click the link below to find the following information from our Nurse's Office.
- Required Immunizations
- Going Home Sick
- Medication Policy
- Flu Shots
Information from the RBHS Nurse's Office
2024 - 2025 School FLU Clinic Information
2024-2025 Flu Vaccine Consent Form (Spanish)
2024 - 2025 Influenza Vaccine School-Based Clinic Consent Form