Community Newsletter
Denny International Middle School | November 8, 2024
Dear Dolphin Families,
What a fun week we've had at DIMS! Our staff participated in a secret underground Spirit Week, dressing up in different themed outfits each day. It was an exciting and playful way to engage with our scholars as they tried to guess what was going on and get the staff to reveal their plans. By the end of the week, some of our scholars even joined in on the fun!
As we enter this month of thankfulness, I want to express my deep gratitude for all of our scholars and the joy they bring to our school community. Thank you for sharing them with us—it's an honor to be the principal here at Denny!
Principal Ingraham
- 11-9 JV Soccer against Meany at 12:00 at Madison Middle School
- 11-9 Varsity Soccer against Pathfinder at 10:30 at Madison Middle School
- 11-11 No School Veterans Day
- 11-13 PTSA General Meeting 7:00 to 8:00 on Zoom (link below)
- 11-14 Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day
- 11-18 Arena Style Conferences 4:00 to 8:00 Galleria and Gym
- 11-27 No School for Denny Scholars
- 11-28-11-29 No School Thanksgiving Break
Arena Style Conferences | November 18th 4:00 to 8:00
Dear Dolphins Families,
We are excited to invite you all to conferences being held on Monday, November 18th, from 4PM –8PM. These conferences are being held in an arena style format. Teachers will be organized by Departments. You are welcome to come at anytime between the hours listed above to chat with your child’s teachers. These are held on a first come first serve bases, meaning you cannot reserve a spot. There will be a row of chairs set up by the teachers’ tables and this will be where families can wait for a conference with that teacher. Conferences will be quick, no longer than 5 minutes. To insure we reach all families this night, teachers will be using a 5 minute timer. If you feel you want more time after your five minutes are up, a staff member will help you get the form filled out for that request before you leave.
Thank you so much and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Denny Building Leadership Team
Applying for Child Nutrition Eligibility and Education Benefits
Does our family complete the school meal application?
Yes. Families at these schools should still complete the free student meals application to help our schools maintain federal and state funded programs.
Why is this survey important?
The School Meals Application provides your student’s school with a way to collect household income information. This information is important because it helps your school receive federal and state funding.
In addition to healthy and nutritious meals, the School Meals Application also helps to fund school programs such as:
- Before- and after-school enrichment programs
- School counselors
- Health and wellness services
- Resources for classrooms and teachers
Please complete this Online School Meal Application form.
Families with multiple students will only complete this form once. The form is simple to fill out and confidential. The information will only be used to help your school receive funding from state and federal programs.
New Crosswalk and Stop Signs at Kenyon and 26th Ave SW
Just completed last week is a beautiful crosswalk and additional stop signs put in at Kenyon and 26th Ave SW. This should help to keep traffic slow and our scholars safe. Also, our scholars put up slow down signs in our neighborhood to remind us to be watchful and cautious so that we can keep us all safe.
Girls Soccer
Practices are every Monday and Thursday from 3pm-430pm at Cantu Field.
- 11-9 JV Soccer against Meany at 12:00 at Madison Middle School
- 11-9 Varsity Soccer against Pathfinder at 10:30 at Madison Middle School
Talk to Mr. Gutierrez if you have any questions.
Denny Ultimate Frisbee
Practices are every Tuesday and Thursday from 3pm-4:20pm at EC Hughes.
Match this Saturday, Nov. 9th.
Talk to Ms. Holm if you have any questions.
Boys and Girls Basketball
Denny’s basketball season will soon be upon us. There will be preseason meetings for players during all lunches on November 20th to introduce the coaches and go over their expectations. All students will require a completed Athletic Packet and Physical signed by their doctor to participate. These forms are available in the Main Office and are due December 6th. If a player turns in forms after December 6th they may miss tryouts.
The first tryouts are December 10th for Girls and 12th for Boys, after which Coaches will invite players back. No players will be cut based off of skill level and we will have Varsity, JV, and JVC games available this year.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Athletic Coordinator Michael Anderson at mianderson@seattleschools.org .
PTSA General Meeting November 13th
The PTSA will hold their next general meeting on Wednesday, November 13th from 7:00 to 8:00 by Zoom. Please find the link to join below. The general meetings will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each months.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 955 5948 4589
Passcode: 363034
We have gotten our link so that all can officially join the PTSA. Please use the following link to become a Denny PTSA member: https://wspta-00030863.givebacks.com/store
Spring 2026 Washington, D.C. and New York
Dear Parents and Guardians,
You are receiving this letter as an educator in your community is leading an EF Explore America tour and your student is invited!! Not only does educational travel bring history to life, but it also challenges students to step outside their comfort zone and grow into confident, curious, and capable humans!
We are thrilled to announce this Spring 2026 travel opportunity to Washington, D.C. and New York. We want to invite you to our upcoming meeting to learn more about the trip and meet the educator behind all the magic! At this meeting, we will cover the following:
- Everything we'll see and do on our tour
- Travel logistics
- Safety and flexibility
- Before, during, and after tour resources and support
- How to earn high school credit
- Affordable payment options
- How to enroll your student on our tour
This meeting has limited spots available and will fill up quickly, so be sure to RSVP now using the QR code to secure your seat.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Bryelle McGee, group leader
*Not School Sponsored
New School-based Health Center Service Provider: Neighborcare Health
To learn more about Neighborcare Health and school-based health center services for the 2023-2024 school year, or to pre-register your student for services, view the Denny International Middle School page on the Neighborcare Health website.