July 2020
PBL Institute - June Session
From June 15-June 26th, 89 teachers from SDUSD middle and high schools participated virtually in the SDUSD PBL Institute. The teachers worked in interdisciplinary teams to design rigorous real-world projects to implement with students during the 2020-2021 school year. During the two weeks, teachers engaged in community mapping, job shadows, professional learning opportunities, project development, project tuning, and project pitches. The result = 22 interdisciplinary projects!
Learn more about the SD Unified PBL Institute:
Interdisciplinary Project Example
An example of an interdisciplinary project is "Shaping America Through Your Advocacy" designed by the Academy of Information Technology (AoIT) at Hoover High School for their 11th graders. The project integrates Honors American Lit/American Lit, AP/US History, GIS 1-2, 3-4, Cyber Security 3-4, and Video Production 3-4. Students are challenged to consider the question: "How can you and your team change public policy in your Hoover community?" Through the project, students will evaluate a public policy in the community using data: topics include, but are not limited to: voter registration and fraud, transportation justice, policing, mental health access, housing, and economic development. Their goal is to determine the effect of these on their access to political power, technology access, and financial support for the community. Student teams will select an issue and take action to educate the community through an activity or action. Throughout the project, students will receive training, mentoring, and organizational support from Mid City CAN, City Heights CDC, SANDAG, and Report for America. The culmination of work will be a podcast submitted to the NPR Student Podcast Challenge in March 2021.
This is just one example of the 22 real-world and client-based or community partnership projects created by teachers during the June session. View more - PBL Institute Projects
Professional Learning
PBL Institute - August Session
Build Your Own Teen Innovation Challenge (Free)
Do you believe teenagers can build a better world? The Jacobs Institute for Innovation in Education at the University of San Diego is inviting teachers to join us in our effort to make a local and global impact. Through the Teacher Summer Camp July 23-August 13, educators will learn how to build and run their own innovation challenges in their classrooms and communities.
Learn More and/or Sign Up for Teacher Summer Camp
If you would like support or a collaborator with designing or implementing your Innovation Challenge, please reach out to Reuben Hoffman - rhoffman@sandi.net
Interested in getting started with PBL? Let's customize an experience for your site or team. Contact Reuben Hoffman at rhoffman@sandi.net.
Interested in getting started with Design Thinking? Let's customize an experience for your site or team. Contact Reuben Hoffman at rhoffman@sandi.net.
Ideas to Integrate
SDCOE College & Career Readiness Website
SDCOE's College and Career Readiness Team has a new website, which features resources for educators, employers, and students, including a database of regional internships and jobs.
Donors Choose
Great option for all types of funding related to student learning. Create an account at www.donorschoose.org
Want More SDUSD News?
For some indepth stories, you can checkout the weekly updates on the Office of School Innovation Blog. This is news from TK-12 focused on students in action and teachers learning innovative practices to implement in the classroom.
SDUSD Instructional Innovation Team
Please invite me to see your students in action, so I can share more of the great things happening in SD Unified.
If you would like to submit something for a future newsletter, please contact Reuben Hoffman at rhoffman@sandi.net.
Email: rhoffman@sandi.net
Website: https://sites.google.com/sandi.net/pbl/home
Phone: 8584142557