Cambridge Health Center Newsletter
Jill Kerwin, RN
December Newsletter
As we head into the busy holiday season it's easy to get stressed and overwhelmed. My goal this month is to stay present and to focus on that and all that I'm grateful for instead of my TO DO list. I do my best in the last few years to get most of my holiday stuff taken care of before Thanksgiving so that in December I can concentrate on making memories with my girls. We love to bake, watch holiday movies, see light shows, do crafts and take pictures with Santa. My oldest, Mackenzie even makes a Christmas bucket list every year. Taking family photos and getting school photos is a bit bittersweet for me as I'm sure it is for many parents. I love seeing who they are becoming but a piece of me misses the baby stage too. After multiple losses and a difficulty fertility journey I'm so grateful to me a mom to my girls and to make memories with them that I dreamed of for so long.
Dress Warmly
With the weather getting colder, please dress your children warmly. We try to getthe students outside for recess weather permitting. They should have warm coats with hoods or a hat, and gloves or mittens. Be sure to label everything in case amything gets lost.
Vaccination Time
Luckily there is still time to make sure you and your family are up to date on all of your vaccines including Flu/Covid. The CDC recommends getting Flu/COVID shots this season and it is safe to get them at the same time. My daughters and I got both vaccines early with little to no side effects.
National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW) Dec. 2nd-6th
Respiratory Virus Season
Get Free COVID Test Kits
Feeling Sick...
Please keep your child home if they have a temperature greater than 100.5, have vomited or had diarrhea in the last 24 hours. They can return to school once they are feeling better, have been fever free for >24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications and have been vomiting/diarrhea free for >24 hours.
Make sure to report absences in Genesis or contact the attendance office.
Please Keep Me Posted with any significant medical issues with your child.
Jill Kerwin, RN, BSN, HNB-BC
School Nurse
Cambridge School35 Cambridge Rd.
Kendall Park, NJ 08824
Phone: 732-297-2941 x 3553
Fax: 732-940-2030
“Being present is a gift to yourself and others.”
"Be here. Be present. Be Kind."