CGS Weekly Message
Good evening,
Happy Sunday!
Report Cards went home with our K-8 students on Friday. We apologize for the issues with our high school report cards! Those will go home ASAP once the syncing error is corrected. Please remember to send back your child's intent form ASAP.
Reminder that we are CLOSED tomorrow, Monday, January 20th for the MLK Jr. Holiday.
- 1/20/2025: CGS CLOSED- MLK Jr. Holiday
- 1/25/2025: Winter Formal Dance- High School Students
- 1/27/2025: National School Choice Week Spirit Day: Wear a Hat
- 1/28/2025: National School Choice Week Spirit Day: K-5- wear Gold, Middle School wear Red, and High School students wear White.
- 1/28/2025: CGS Family Game and Karaoke Night at the K-8 Campus from 6:00 P.M. until 7:30 P.M. More details coming soon!
- 1/29/2025: National School Choice Week Spirit Day: Superhero Day- wear superhero gear
- 1/30/2025: National School Choice Week Spirit Day: Wear CGS Gear or school colors
- 1/30/2025: National School Choice Week PEP Rally to announce winners for hall decorating contests and essay writing contests
- 1/30/2025: CGS Marching Band performs in Raleigh for National School Choice Week activities
- 1/31/2025: CGS CLOSED- Mental Health and Wellness Day
Looking Ahead:
- 2/17/2025: CGS CLOSED- Presidents' Day Holiday
- 2/18/2025-2/21/2025: CGS CLOSED- Academic Break
Reminder- Check out our CGS Directory for questions regarding anything CGS! You can also reach out to us at info@cgsnc.org for questions.
Don't forget to check out our website at www.cgsnc.org and our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/cgsgrizzlies for updates!
PowerSchool Parent Portal Access
CGS Parents, if you are in need of assistance with creating or accessing your child's Power School account, please use this form. The Parent Portal through Power School is a great way to get live updates as to how your student is progressing in their classroom studies.
Here is an FAQ that may be helpful as well.
If you have any questions, please contact our registrar Ms. Walther at marissawalther@cgsnc.org.
School Day:
K-8: School starts at 7:45 A.M. and ends at 2:45 P.M.
(students may arrive as early as 7:15 A.M.)
9-12: School starts at 8:00 A.M. and ends at 3:00 P.M.
(students may arrive as early as 7:30 A.M.)
School Gear- Available for Purchase!
Need some new CGS apparel? Check out our School Spirit Store by clicking on the link below!
K-8 Campus Updates
Greetings Grizzly Families,
This week many of our students are still participating in assessments, and therefore we encourage prompt attendance. Students arriving after 7:45 will be marked late. Also, please be sure to send your Grizzly to school with and or in warm clothing this week, especially. The temperatures will be dropping to the twenties. Lastly, please be sure to review report cards with your student(s) and return your intent forms as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support. Have a Wonderful Week! #GrizzlyPride
Mrs. Spencer
High School Campus Updates
Greetings Grizzly Families,
Thank you for your patience and flexibility during arrival and dismissal this past week. Any time there is precipitation in the winter and temperatures are at or below freezing, our parking lots may be icy, so please use caution. We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday.
** Mrs. Gladden and Dr. Morris met with the grade levels on Friday, January 17th to provide reminders of the behavioral and academic expectations. We encouraged students to do their best in each course because all courses count and final grades become a part of their transcript that is requested by future employers and postsecondary educational institutions.
Rising 11th and 12th Graders Interested in Career & College Promise (CCP) Program at ACC
Are you interested in the dual enrollment program at ACC? CGS is hosting an information session with an ACC representative for rising 11th and 12th graders on January 27th at 6pm in the commons area on the HS campus. Dr. Morris and Mrs. Walther will meet with eligible students to complete the application process soon.
If you're unable to make it to the CGS session, here is another opportunity to gather information. ACC is having an information session for students and families to learn about the Career & College Promise (CCP) program at Alamance Community College. This dual enrollment program offers high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn college credits for free while still in high school. During the session, ACC will provide information about eligibility, the benefits of participation, and how to apply.
This session will be an excellent opportunity for you to learn more about how CCP can help your student get a head start on their college education. We encourage you to attend and bring any questions you might have!
Participants can register using the QR code on the flyer or visiting this link: https://alamancecc.edu/career-and-college-promise/info-sessions.php
Important Upcoming Dates:
- February 17: CCP office will start accepting applications for Fall 2025 semester Visit our website for application information.
- February 10: Applications due for NEW students who want to take a Spring 2025 second 8-week course. Second 8-week courses begin on March 10.
- April 11: Applications due for NEW students who want to take a Summer 2025 course. Summer courses begin May 21.
(Student must be officially classified as 11th grade on their transcript to be eligible for 2nd 8-week Spring or Summer 2025)
- Current CCP students can still register for Spring second 8-week and Summer courses. They should reach out to their advisor to get registered.
Senior Parents:
If you are interested in purchasing an ad for your senior, the deadline is January 24, 2025. A full page ad is $110.00 and includes up to 12 photos. A 1/2 page ad is $55.00 and includes up to 6 photos. Just go to yearbookforever.com and upload your photos and message. The yearbook staff will be creating the layouts for the pages this year to ensure a cohesive look with the overall yearbook. Questions please contact Sarah Barlekamp (sarahbarlekamp@cgsnc.org).
We are excited to announce the start of a robotics club facilitated by Mrs. Nall. The club will meet on Tuesdays and Thursday from 3-4:30pm beginning the week of February 10th. Students must have transportation and a signed permission form. Participation is limited so please see Mrs. Nall for questions or to sign-up.
ASVAB Update
Unfortunately, we do not have enough participants to offer the ASVAB this year. It is our hope to offer it next year to our 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students.
If your student needs driver education, please sign up for ONE class...
Option 1
Alamance Community College Session 2 (in person)
Monday, Feb 17th to Friday, Feb 28th
Sign Up Link- https://forms.gle/eUShxWMu8PTX6kBb7
Option 2
Feb/March Weekend Virtual Class (virtual)
Class Dates:
Saturday, February 15th 8:30am-11:30am
Sunday, February 16th 8:30am-11:30am
Saturday, February 22nd 8:30am-11:30am
Sunday, February 23rd 8:30am-11:30am
Saturday, March 1st 8:30am-11:30am
Sunday, March 2nd 8:30am-11:30am
Saturday March 8th 8:30am-11:30am
Sunday, March 9th 8:30am-11:30am
Saturday March 15th 8:30am-11:30am
Sunday, March 16th 8:30am-11:30am
If you are in need of a driver education certificate, please email Mrs. Simpson, Dr. Morris, and Mrs. Gladden to have one drafted and set a time to meet for completion. This document requires a parent/guardian to come to the school for completion and is good for 30 days.
Thanks for your support and partnership in making CGS the BEST!
Dr. Morris
High School Student Advising Information and Opportunities:
Dr. Morris will be meeting with students at the beginning of the second semester to share information on Career and College Promise (CCP) at ACC.
Community Updates
Shout out to our Middle School Team- Presentation at the BOD meeting
A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Nikola and Mrs. R. Wilson who both presented at the board meeting this past week. We are excited about the things our middle school team of teachers are doing together to promote consistency and unity among our students! Keep it up!
Shout out to Mr. Curtis- Grizzly Parent
Shout out to Mr. Curtis for donating some de-icer to our K-8 Campus and for applying it to the giant chunk of snow and ice that was still lingering around in front of building 2 last week. We greatly appreciate our Grizzly families and their dedication and willingness to take initiative and jump in where help is needed!! We appreciate YOU!! #GrizzlyFamily
Winter Formal Dance- High School Students
High School Grizzlies!!!
Student Council will be hosting a high school Winter semi-formal dance on January 25 from 7-10. The dance will be held at the Clover Garden gymnasium on the K-8 campus. Only Clover Garden students will be allowed to attend. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased in the commons before school or during lunch. Tickets must be prepurchased and paid for by January 24th. Please see Mrs. Dollyhigh if you have any questions.
Please see the attached flyer below!
National School Choice Week- Spirit Week and Fun Activities
We are so excited to celebrate National School Choice Week coming up soon! In honor of the week, we are having a Spirit Week and a few activities during the week to celebrate being a school of choice! Please visit https://schoolchoiceweek.com/ for more details on the importance of this week and how schools all across the country are celebrating!
See Flyer Below for spirit days sponsored by our student council organizations at both campuses.
Please reach out to Mrs. Bradford (laruabradford@cgsnc.org or Mrs. Dollyhigh (taradollyhigh@cgsnc.org) for questions!
CGS Family Game and Karaoke Night- K-12 students and families invited!
Who: All students and families enrolled at CGS
What: Family Game and Karaoke Night for all families grades K-12. Families will be invited to the school and three locations will be designated for Board Games (little gym), Bingo (after school area), and Karaoke (cafeteria). There will be refreshments provided. Prizes will be given for the Bingo games.
When: Tuesday, January 28th, 2025 from 6 PM- 7:30 PM.
Where: At our K-8 Campus
Why: It's important for us to build community within our school! We want to use National School Choice Week as an opportunity to come together and build relationships within our school community and remind our CGS community how valuable it is to have School Choice options for our students and their education! We celebrate being a charter school of CHOICE this week! We hope that you will come out to the school and enjoy a night of fun hosted by our Middle School and High School Student Council organizations!
See Flyer Below for more details!
If you have any questions, please reach out to our student council advisors- Middle School- Mrs. Bradford at laurabradford@cgsnc.org or High School Advisor- Mrs. Dollyhigh at taradollyhigh@cgsnc.org.
Jr. Civitans: Adopt-A-School Hurricane Helene Relief Project
FernLeaf Community Charter School, which teaches over 430 K-4 students, was severely affected by catastrophic flooding from Hurricane Helene. To help them recover and ensure students can keep learning, donations are being collected through fundraisers and an Amazon Wish List.
Jr. Civitans, partnering with Mr. Graham's mentorship program, have adopted the school. They are collecting essential supplies to aid the school's recovery, and you can help through donation links and a general Amazon Wish List. Every contribution makes a difference in helping FernLeaf rebuild and support its students and community.
Athletics Updates:
Spring Sport Coach Openings:
We are in the need coaches for the following spring sports:
MS Softball
MS Tennis
If interested, please email Coach Paschal, taylorpaschal@cgsnc.org
If you have a student 9-12 grade who is interested in any of the following sports: Varsity Baseball, Varsity Softball, Varsity Women's Soccer, Varsity Men's Golf, and Varsity Men's Tennis
Please fill out this intent form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfQFo1xhvda7N5dP62s0euwuZBI-KYOXSMfXXZs3D9WDtoHQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
If you have a student 6-8 grade who is interested in any of the following sports: Baseball, Softball, Girls Soccer, CoEd Golf, or CoEd Tennis, Please fill out this intent form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScxOj3oJ143m2aulIIhZ_NuaLftG3nx7LcRK8s5phUuoXXGOg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Upcoming Important Dates:
Thursday, January 30th- MS & HS Spring Sports Meet the Coaches
February 3, 5, 7th- MS Basketball Conference Tournament
Thursday, February 13th- HS Senior Night
February 17, 19, 21- HS Basketball Conference Tournament
Home Game Information:
Tickets must be purchased on gofan (https://gofan.co/app/school/NC50181) or with a card at the gate. Concessions will be available.
Monthly Newsletter:
Stay In The Know: Athletics has a Remind account to send out important updates. Use the link below to join: https://www.remind.com/join/cgsa2024
Athletics Website: For all things athletics, please visit our website at https://sites.google.com/cgsnc.org/grizzly-athletics
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our athletic director, Coach Paschal at taylorpaschal@cgsnc.org.
Winter Volleyball Training Opportunity (5th-11th grade students)
Volleyball Training:
January 25, February 22, March 29, April 26
At Clover Garden School Gymnasium
Current 5th- 7th graders Skills Training 8:00 A.M.-10:00 A.M.
Price- $25 per session if you pay for all four in advance $75. Open to anyone.
Register HERE: https://forms.gle/PsHgJQ69gGLLEqwM8
High School Positional Training- Current 8th-11th graders
Hitters/Setters- 10:30-12:00
Defense/serving 12:30-2:00
Price- $25 a session or $40 for both.
Pay for all four in advance $75/Pay for all 8 in advance $120. Open to anyone.
Register HERE: https://forms.gle/PsHgJQ69gGLLEqwM8
Email Mrs. Dollyhigh with any questions at taradollyhigh@cgsnc.org
Band Updates
Our CGS Marching Grizzlies will be performing at the North Carolina Association For Public Charter Schools' Celebration for National School Choice Week on January 30th, 2025! We are looking forward to this showcase and an opportunity for our Band to show off their amazing skills in celebration of school choice week!!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Harper, Band Director at justinharper@cgsnc.org.
Volunteer Needs:
We are in need of parents for various committees around our school! Your input, dedication, and passion for our school is very valuable and we'd like to have you join our committees if you're interested. If you are interested in sitting in on a committee at CGS (many of which meet virtually), please reach out to Mrs. Vereyken and we can share available committees currently searching for members.
Thank you!
If you are interested in volunteering at CGS, please reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteercgs@cgsnc.org.
Testing Calendar- 2024-2025
Please contact our District Testing Coordinator, Ms. Ginter at tonyaginter@cgsnc.org for any questions or concerns.
Lunch Information
Attached please find a copy of this month’s menu. Please review it carefully as you place your order at myschoolaccount.com. Remember we adhere to a seven day ordering window. This means that all pre-orders must be placed seven days prior to the serving date.
Please see the links below if you are in need of any assistance.
How to create a myschoolaccount- https://youtu.be/0QZDU5Xm7zU
How to login and manage students- https://youtu.be/9vS7n4tnZ8s
How to deposit funds- https://youtu.be/13k29YnYuZw
How to preorder lunches-
Please see above for adding funds to your student account. Please make sure your account is no more than $50 in the negative. If your student’s account is more than $50 in the negative he/she will not be allowed to purchase a la carte items and charge them to their account.
Reach out if you have any questions or if you need your students lunch number.
Dana Walker
Cafeteria Coordinator
Mental Health Survey 2024-2025
Staffing Updates:
If you know of someone that would be a fantastic fit for our CGS family, please send them to our website to apply at http://cgsnc.org/home/careers/.
Open/Vacant Positions:
*EC Coordinator
*MS Elective Teacher (looking for Technology/Computer Science specialty area)
*MS Social Studies Teacher
*HS EC Teacher
(Mr. Satterfield is no longer an employee at CGS. We will be securing a substitute long-term to fill in while we interview eligible candidates)
Have a great week Grizzlies!!
As always, thanks for all that you do,
Mrs. Vereyken
Executive Director
Clover Garden School
*If you need this weekly newsletter translated into a different language, please let our Title 1 Coordinator, Mrs. Simmons know at brandisimmons@cgsnc.org.
*If you have any thoughts, feedback or suggestions for our Title 1 team on ways to improve our practices, please contact Mrs. Simmons at brandisimmons@cgsnc.org.
Clover Garden School
Email: info@cgsnc.org
Website: cgsnc.org
2454 Altamahaw Union Ridge Road, Burlington, NC, USA
5806 Pagetown Road, Burlington, NC 27217
Phone: 3365869440
Facebook: facebook.com/cgsgrizzlies