January 2025
Martin Luther King Essay Contest
1. Students must submit in PDF form 1 copy of the original work typed in 12 point Times New Roman font. Work should be sent to: trina.silmon@midlothianisd.org BEFORE Friday, January 17, 2025 @ 5:30pm. The cover page should include the student’s name, school attending, grade level, parents name, email address, and telephone number.
2. Essay must have a minimum of words based on the grade level (see details below).
3. Essay must be the student's original work. Plagiarized work will be disqualified.
4. Student essays will be judged on Saturday, January 18th. Winners will be contacted by 5:00pm on January 18th. Winners are asked to read their essay at the MLK Program on Monday, January 20, 2025
Division Categories
Elementary grades 3rd-5th, (250 word minimum)
Middle School grades 6th -8th (500 word minimum)
High School 9th-12 (750 word minimum)
Essay Prompt(s)
Elementary: How can we show kindness to others in our school and community?
Middle and High School: What can we learn from Dr. King’s message of nonviolence and equality?
Essay Winner Prizes
Elementary grades 3rd-5th $100 Visa Gift Card
Middle grades 6th-8th $150 Visa Gift Card
High School grades 9th-12th $200 Visa Gift Card