Sand Creek Intermediate Sharks
Successful Character at School
I Saw the Sign
What does safety mean at Sand Creek Intermediate?
Students at SCI need to be in a safe environment to do their best learning. Learners take risks and we want our classrooms to be places where students can try new things. All students and help shape a warm environment where strong relationships are built. Community grows best in a safe atmosphere. We want to keep kids physically and emotionally safe during the school year. SCI has a digital pass to keep track of where students are in the building. Our staff monitors kids to make sure kids are acting in a safe manner.
What does humility mean?
At SCI students humble themselves and learn to put others first. Sometimes being humble is being a good listener or allowing other student's ideas to be used in projects. Often students show acts of being humble by allowing others to go first. Finally, SCI students show humbleness by cleaning up even when the mess might have been someone else's. Humility leads to leadership. We want SCI students to be prepared to lead change in our building, community, and world.
What does accountability mean?
Accountability means that SCI students take responsibility for their actions. Students can "choose their attitude." Students can make positive choices that lead to excellence in academic performance. Often students are learning to mature and develop their character during their time at SCI. Sometimes students will make mistakes and accountability is taking ownership for your actions. The best learning can happen when we reflect on our mistakes. We can shape the future by shaping students to own their choices.
What does respect look like at Sand Creek Intermediate?
Students learn to give respect by being respected. Respect starts with putting value in yourself. Respect deepens when we appreciate others talents, abilities, qualities, and achievements. Respect is shown to the classrooms, building, and materials used to making learning happen. Students at SCI are encouraged to show respect to everyone. We "make their day" by giving others respect.
What does it kindness look like at school?
SCI students are encouraged to be friendly, generous, and considerate of others. Kindness happens through having a positive attitude and being open to "being there" for others. Sometimes kindness is as small as giving someone a greeting or a smile. However, students at SCI work at being kind in the building, community, and globally through community service projects. Kindness makes the world a better place.
What is sensibility?
SCI students learn that being sensible is using common sense in their choices. Sensibility means that we can appreciate and respond to various situations in a logical way. Students learn to discern how to respond to different environments and people in a way that brings value to others. Sensibility helps students prepare to for making their own choices and decisions, which leads to being a life-long learner. WE learn how to "play" and enjoy learning in sensible ways.
Shark Parents
Learning in the 21st Century is about inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, making mistakes, and becoming a life-long learner. How can you use the SHARKS acronym at home? You can support Sand Creek Intermediate by having conversations and home. We thank you in advance for your support and partnership in helping your student meet the 21st Century goals.
What does safety look like at home?
What does humility look like for your family?
How do you hold your child accountable in your house?
What kind of respect do you require?
How do you want kindness to be displayed?
What are sensible actions at home?
Changing Perspective: SHARKS
How did Michael Muller have to be physically safe? What caused him to become emotionally safe?
How did Michael humble himself with the sharks? What was the benefit of that choice?
Who does Michael think he is accountable to and why?
How is his project creating a kindness to the sharks and to us?
How did Michael make sensible choices to adapt to the environment of the sharks?
What is the value of this TED Talk for you? What is your take away?