Baggett Banner
January 2025
Principal's Message
Dear Baggett Family,
Happy New Year! I hope that the holiday break was a great one for you and your family and that you had the opportunity to rest, relax, and reconnect with those you love. Our teachers and staff were in the building on Friday the 3rd, preparing for our students' arrival on Monday. As we welcome the new year and a new semester, I wanted to take a break from a monthly update about STEAM to speak to some other work that has been going on behind the scenes. Our grade level teachers, our Instructional Leadership Team, and our Administrative and Coach Teams have been hard at work reacting to a newer GCPS Board of Education procedure that speaks to how we as a school assess and grade students. In general, the procedure addresses many items but speaks specifically about student grades being authentic, reflecting a student's level of AKS mastery, and it speaks to teachers giving students additional opportunities to relearn concepts and to retest.
The Work We've Been Doing
After initial discussions with our Admin and Coach Teams and the Instructional Leadership Team, the grade level teams have been determining what this looks like on their grade level. In other words, what action will take place if, for example, a 2nd grade student does not perform well on an assessment or simply wants to improve the grade that he/she earned. Our teams are currently sending their plans to me, and our Instructional Leadership Team will review a tentative finalized plan for each grade level on Monday, January 16th. We expect to communicate these grade level specific plans to our families before the end of the month.
How Might This Impact My Child's Grade
Although this is yet to be seen, we expect that students who may struggle to pass an assessment will have an additional opportunity to relearn the material, to study and practice, and to be retest in an effort to improve his/her grade. In this, it would seem that a child's grade may improve. That said, in the past, teachers have cushioned students' grades by not putting a grade lower than a "50" in the gradebook. Removing this cushion and putting in the gradebook what the child actually earned, so that the final grade truly reflects a child's level of mastery of the AKS, may lower a student's grade. We will be looking closely at the data to better understand the impact.
What Should I Do as a Parent
As a parent, you have already taken the first step, you have read this Baggett Banner and are now informed. Additionally, you can and should stay informed about upcoming assessments by reading newsletters from your child's teacher and the grade level. Take time to study with your child and ensure that they have dedicated space and time to prepare for the assessments. Check the portal regularly for your child's grades on assessments and communicate through Parent Square or email with your child's teacher. If you are not receiving the communication you need to support your child's success, please contact the grade level assistant principal or me directly. Additionally, please stay tuned for more communication about your child's grade level reteach/reassess plan.
Although change is the only constant, we so appreciate your support as we navigate this shift together as one community, the Baggett Family.
In Service,
Mitch Green
Baggett Elementary School
Upcoming Events
Families are welcome to join us for the bolded events.
Parent Literacy Classes continue in the mornings and afternoons on Tuesdays and Thursdays when school is in session.
January 3 - Teacher Workday
January 6 - PTA Executive Board Meeting - 6:00 PM
January 6, 7 - iReady Winter Assessments Continue, ACCESS Testing (Practice)
January 8 - ACCESS Testing Begins
***January 10 - Award Ceremonies - POSTPONED UNTIL January 17
January 14 - 2nd Grade STEAM Informance 1:45 PM
January 15 - Imagine Learning Parent Workshop 12:00 PM
January 16 - 4th Grade Field Trip to the GA Aquarium
January 16 - PTA Spirit Night - Sparkles in Grayson - 5:30 - 7:30 PM
****NEW DATE January 17 - AWARD CEREMONIES - 1st-5th Grade - Families May Attend by Invitation Only***
January 20 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - No Classes
January 21 - Discovery Cluster STEM Night - 6:00 PM - Discovery High School
January 22 - Book Fair Browsing Begins
January 24 - 1st Grade STEAM Informance 11:30 AM
January 24 - Movie Night 5:30 PM
January 28 - Kindergarten Field Trip - Aurora Theatre
NEW DATE - January 29 - 3rd Grade STEAM Informance 12:30 PM
January 29 - Book Fair Purchasing Begins
January 31 - 3rd Grade Field Trip - Center for Puppetry Arts
News from the Media Center
The Media Center is happy to announce the upcoming Scholastic Book Fair, scheduled later this month. Students will have a chance to begin browsing the books for purchase on January 22nd. A week later, on January 29th, students will have the opportunity to begin buying books from the book fair. The book fair will close on February 6th. All families are welcome to come by the Media Center between the 29th and the 6th to select books to purchase for your child. Purchasing books supports the gift of reading. Help your child to grow into a successful student by encouraging him/her to read. Surround your child with books from our media center, the local public library where library cards and checking out books are free, or choose to purchase books that they can use to build a personal library at home. Children will return to familiar books often, as they do with movies. Yet, reading will help them to develop a rich vocabulary and will take them to places to experience things that they have never been to before, places both real and imaginary! Do you need help selecting books, please contact us in the media center for a personalized list of books based upon your child's preferences and current reading performance. We're happy to help you to give the gift of reading!
We are so excited to welcome our students back in 2025 for the second half of the school year! Make sure that your students are starting off strong as attendance super H.E.R.O.s- Here Everyday Ready On-time to help make the rest of the year a success! If you have any concerns or needs for your students or family, including food or clothing- especially jackets during these cold winter months, please reach out to the counselors, we are here for you!
Ms. Jones, K & 1
Office: 678-226-2763
Ms. Schlechte; 2 & 3
Office: 678-518-6663
Google Voice (call/text): 470-465-0860
email: alexandra.schlechte@gcpsk12.org
Mrs. Powers-Kouassi; 4 & 5
Office: 678-518-6658
Google Voice (call/text): 470-465-0989